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92 items found for "Psalms"
- Struggle with Finishing Projects Strong? Here's What the Bible Says.
I'm a visionary CEO. I'm great at setting the vision and getting it going. However, I struggle with finishing out projects and initiatives in my business. For example, if there's a big product launch, I'll have tons of energy at the beginning, however, I won't do all the little tiny details at the end to finish strong. And many times, it's because I lose faith somewhere along that initiative 😔 However, we Christian entrepreneurs are taught a different mindset that we need to constantly be working on along our spiritual journey, but we get to practice it along our business journey! In the book of 2 Timothy, we find Paul writing a letter to Timothy, a fellow missionary. Many Bible scholars believe that this was the last letter Paul wrote before his death and that he wrote it from a Roman prison cell. Reflecting on his own life and believing that his death was coming soon, Paul writes that powerful passage: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7 NIV) Faithful. Paul was faithful to God and, without end, God was faithful to Paul. Shipwrecked. Stoned. Abandoned by friends. Imprisoned. The list of what Paul suffered goes on and on. But he persevered. He remained steadfast in his devotion to Christ. When you think about your overall business, what do you want to be able to say at the end when you sell it off or pass it along to your kids? What will you see when you look back? When you launch that next product or press play on that new sales team you want to build, what do you want to be able to say when the results come in at the end of the quarter? In Paul, we see an example of what it is to cling to faith in Christ. He knew what it was to be dependent on God for everything. He drew strength from God because Paul could not do it without Him. In our own day to day business dealings, we will face moments of doubt or discouragement. Let us use our entrepreneurial journey as a practice ground for holding fast to the truth of God's Word, knowing that He is faithful and will never leave us. May it be said of us, at the end of our lives, that we, too, fought the good fight, finished the race, and kept the faith.
- Jesus Knew Best: Why Silence Is Your Secret Weapon in Business!
Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still, and know that I am God”, which suggests that we can hear God's voice in
- Success and Prosperity: What Does the Bible say About This?
And although there are many passages between Proverbs and Psalms that give clues to unlocking the secrets And, from David's wisdom, Psalms 1:1-6 NIV reads: [1] Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with Then, David's Psalm 1 captures what we’ve explored in Solomon’s Proverbs . The Psalm portrays the blessed and prosperous life as one deeply rooted in God's Word. Over the next series of blog posts, I'll unpack the wisdom of Proverbs 2 and Psalm 1 as a framework where
- What to Do While Waiting on God in your Business [hint: keep growing!]
Psalm 37:3 says, "Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper.
- Waiting for God to Open Doors
(Psalms 25:4-5, TPT) As you let God direct your steps, you will navigate your waiting seasons with more
- Be Still and Know
(Psalm 46:10, AMP) The busyness of our lives can make us forget that He is the Creator of all things,
- A Christian Entrepreneurs Guide to Meditation
(Psalms 1:1-3 NLT) For us Christian entrepreneurs, meditation is a mental exercise to break into the
- His Love for Entrepreneurs Endures Forever: The History of Creative Complex and God’s Work In
Today I read Psalms 107 and it was the story of my entrepreneurial career. Psalms 107 The Message (MSG) 1-3 ”Oh, thank God—he’s so good! His love never runs out.
- 5 Ways Entrepreneurs Limit God in our Businesses
They did not remember his power— the day he redeemed them from the oppressor, (Psalms 78:41-42 NIV) (Psalms 18:29 NIV) Did you see that? David is saying that because of God, he can do it.
- Are You Expecting Miracles from God?
(Psalms 139:23-24 NIV) The thing you struggle with the most in business, and likely in other areas
- We’re on a Pilgrimage and God is with us!
(Psalms 121:1-4 NIV) You’re on a Pilgrimage to launch and grow your business, and you’ve invited Jesus
- Godpreneurs vs. A-hole Entrepreneurs
I was reading Psalm 37, and it dawned on me that God was juxtaposing two different people throughout We need to study Psalm 37 closely for two reasons. Let's dive in and study the New Living Translation (NLT) of Psalm 37. (From Psalms 37:1-6) Don’t worry about (bad Entrepreneurs) or envy those who do wrong. Don't Be Angry at A-hole Entrepreneurs (From Psalms 37:7-15) Be still in the presence of the Lord,
- How Entrepreneurs Connect with God Every Morning
(Psalms 31 14:15) Have you ever prayed like that about your business?
- The Role of Faith in Activating God’s Favor in Your Business
In Psalms, we read “God is our mighty fortress, always ready to help in times of trouble. (Psalms 46.1, 2a). Confidence in God’s promises for your entrepreneurial life overrides fear.
- Overcoming Busyness in Business: Strategy 1 – Find Purpose
Psalms 39:6 says “Surely everyone goes around like a mere phantom; in vain they rush about, heaping up