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567 items found for "calling"

  • Successful Businesses Have United Workforces

    We do this by, first, making it very clear that to have a calling on your life, there must be a ā€˜caller I tell you this to say that we are all united under one message and one cause: spread our message. Those who believed the gospel were all together and had everything in common. Usually this is called your mission, vision or purpose statements.Ā  All together, these form the key message youā€™re putting out.

  • In God, We Entrepreneurs Trust: Part 2 ā€“ Godā€™s View of Trust

    Butā€¦you have to be willing to trust in your calling and drop everything else to focus on that ONE THING you were called to do. We must hold firm to what He has called us to in our businesses. Lets all choose today to be Godpreneurs committed to the calling, purpose, and God-ordained direction Questions Are you facing a business battle that calls out your trust?

  • How Do We Know What to Do NEXT in Our Businesses?

    Weā€™ll work through all the products and services they see, all the markets they could serve, and where I donā€™t call then stupid! Ā I just simplify it down to what we can do TODAY. Ā  Weā€™re so focused looking ahead that, if we donā€™t take the next careful step, we could trip or fall into Hereā€™s a man with a BIG MISSION and VISION: let all the Jews and gentiles know about Jesus. Ā  All such boasting is evil.

  • Dangers of Instant Gratification for Entrepreneurs

    I have a problem. I have a client that needs a significant amount graphic design work done in his company. I recently changed my business model so that I can focus on launching the service Iā€™m really passionate about (one-on-one strategy sessions with entrepreneurs). I know how to get this clientsā€™ work done with my eyes closed. Iā€™ve done it for years. Itā€™s going to take time, though. It's not easy, but I can make it happen. Hereā€™s my problem: Do I sacrifice spending time on the business Iā€™m passionate about, in exchange for instant gratification of money? I asked my right-hand person and she said that weā€™re on a mission to focus on ONE THING, and everything else can wait. Thereā€™s a danger, as business owners, of grabbing instant business today at the expense of what weā€™re trying to build for tomorrow. Yes, I can do graphic design. But that will come at the expense of helping another entrepreneur start their business, realize their God potential, and change the world with their gifts and talents. Letā€™s not sacrifice our GODā€™S VISION for instant gratification. #MakingMoreSales #EnhanceFocus

  • The Haze Blocking Your Entrepreneurial Vision

    The most frustrating times for me is when I canā€™t see the visionā€¦when I canā€™t see the big picture. Thereā€™s a hazeā€¦something blocking. For years, I was running a business with a veil over my head. I didnā€™t know it at the time, I just figured thatā€™s how business looks because I hadnā€™t seen it any other way. When Jesus came, the veil was lifted. (2 Corinthians 13:16). When the entrepreneur begins his relationship with God, and follows Christ, the veil thatā€™s been over his business eyes is lifted, and he begins to see the world clearly. The entrepreneur is now ready to see the vision God has set for his life. #ShareYourTestimony #SharpenLeadership

  • Youā€™ll Never Conquer Problems in Your Business Until You Conquer This

    When there are problems in my business, Iā€™ve learned that playing the blame game is the worst thing you can do. We blame the economy, the employees, the clients, the landlord, etc. Here is what Iā€™ve learned: Trials in business expose our entrepreneurial weaknesses and challenge us to growā€¦ spiritually. Could it be that the purpose of problems in our business is to expose OUR OWN shortcomings? When a problem arises, is the first question out of your mind ā€œwhat could I have done differently?ā€ If not, then youā€™re missing out on the lessons that will propel you and your company to heights you couldnā€™t have imaginedā€¦.visions that God has for your entrepreneurial life. #GainConfidence #IncreaseEnergy

  • Focus on Your Entrepreneurial Purpose

    When I focus on these things and not laser-focused on my entrepreneurial focus, all of this does seem

  • Visions to Life ā€“ Step 2: Timing is Everything

    All I have to say is donā€™t be impatient. We shouldnā€™t move before God leads. It was the vision that gave him the strength to endure the preparation: all the practicing and hard work

  • Wisdom Wednesdays: Remember What Dad Taught You

    Thatā€™s how wisdom works.Ā Its time-tested and proven ways of living.Ā Its as good today as it was half a century ago. We have at our fingertips the ability to continue learning amazing wisdom every day. Maybe you didnā€™t have a dad to pour into you.Ā It could be that your single mom had to raise you and didnā€™t have a lot of time to instruct you in wise ways.Ā  Maybe you didnā€™t grow up in a Christian home and the things you learned are getting you nowhere. God provided the book of Proverbs so that you wouldnā€™t have this problem anymore.Ā  Everything your mom and dad taught you or should have taught you is in there. Godpreneurs, it would be very wise to read a chapter of proverbs everyday. But donā€™t take my word for it: Proverbs 1:8-9 "My son, listen to your fatherā€™s instruction, and donā€™t forsake your motherā€™s teaching:Ā Ā  for they will be a garland to grace your head, and chains around your neck." Iā€™m constantly doing devotionals on proverbs because of the wisdom. I have to keep reading proverbs daily because as an entrepreneur Iā€™m constantly sliding back into old habits that donā€™t suit me anymore. Proverbs 1:32-33 "For the backsliding of the simple will kill them. The careless ease of fools will destroy them.Ā Ā  But whoever listens to me will dwell securely, and will be at ease, without fear of harm.ā€ #GainConfidence #IncreaseEnergy

  • Stories of Faith In Your Business

    I love telling stories of how God came through for me miraculously at the last minute in my business. He brought the perfect circumstances for my company to be in the warehouse weā€™re occupying today, at a rent that only God could have negotiated. In the area of finances, He always provided just enough for my company to stay in business for years because He has great plans for it, and He has patiently waited for me to do some ā€˜growing upā€™ in order to bring that to pass. You know why I love these stories of faith?Ā Because I get to tell them to employees, vendors, contractors and my friends.Ā  Believers or nonbelievers, stories of faith are encouraging and give hope. Most importantly, stories of faith in your business keep God front and center at the helm of the ship guiding the path and always in a position of thanksgiving.Ā  Because of God, Iā€™m in this warehouse and still in business, so moving forward any employee or persons working with me are a faithful result of Godā€™s working. What are your stories of faith in business that youā€™ll pass along?Ā  Comment below to share with others. #FindingMyPurpose #ShareYourTestimony

  • Count Your Blessings Daily

    I have a list to review at least once a week of all the crazy things God has come through within my business

  • The Reason Entrepreneurs Become Unhappy

    Meā€¦unhappy.Ā  Othersā€¦happy. My friend taught me this Chinese proverb. When Iā€™m focused on me, my wants, my desires, and what am I getting out of this, Iā€™m unhappy. When Iā€™m focused on giving value to others, being detail oriented on my clientā€™s projects, finishing the job to the end, over delivering on my promise, and providing great customer communication and service, Iā€™M HAPPY. Itā€™s true!Ā  This isnā€™t some magic trick or Hocus Pocus.Ā  If I really sit down and analyze any relationship Iā€™m in, if Iā€™m focused on me and my selfish desires, Iā€™m not really happy.Ā  I may think I am, but Iā€™m not. In 2016 I went through a long season of really focusing in on delivering amazing products and experiences to my clients.Ā  When Iā€™m working on my clients, Iā€™m happy.Ā  When Iā€™m focused on figuring out how I can win and benefit from something, Iā€™m unhappy.Ā  Itā€™s weird, but true. As entrepreneurs, we have the ultimate stage to be happy by providing an unbelievable wow experience to our prospects and clients. On the same hand, we have the biggest propensity to lose sight of that and become the most unhappy people in life because weā€™re focused on how weā€™re going to pay our bills, reach our goals, accomplish our dreams, and rise to the top. The way to the top is through serving others first: employees, vendors, contractors, prospects, and clients.Ā  Their needs, wants and desires need to be met before ours. In the book of Acts, chapter 7, we encounter Stephen, first martyr of Christianity and a deacon in the early church at Jerusalem.Ā  He aroused the enmity of members of various synagogues by his teachings. Hereā€™s the thing.Ā  He could have kept his knowledge to himself.Ā  He could have focused on his safety and well-being, because preaching about Jesus could get you killed.Ā  Butā€¦it wasnā€™t about him.Ā  He knew this.Ā  It was about others knowing about Jesus.Ā  Thatā€™s what brought him joy and happiness, even to death. You and I probably wonā€™t die for talking about Jesus.Ā  But the point Iā€™m trying to convey here is that Stephen, like us, had something he believed in so much, and he wanted nothing more than OTHERS to know it and be transformed by it. Isnā€™t that how you feel about your product or service? As Godpreneurs, we need to keep our focus on what results our product has on others, and keep on teaching and sharing and testifying what we know about the life changing experience others will have when they do business with us. Godpreneur Rule #62: Godpreneurs focus on others, not themselves. #BusinessBibleStudy

  • Becoming a Godpreneur ā€“ Part 8: Blessings from Obedience

    It doesnā€™t have to be bible verses all over the office, but whatever your mission statement is, it can

  • Help, Iā€™m Stuck Trading Time for Money

    Afraid they wouldnā€™t have great content to contribute Afraid theyā€™d bring on too much work, so it would all wrote to The Ephesians, this great pep talk exit: "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all But for those of us that have been called to this, itā€™s time to stand up and answer the calling of taking our gifts and talents to all new levels. Are you trading time for money when you know you have a calling to go BIG LEAGUES with something?

  • Before Quitting to Go Work for the Church, Consider This

    workers ā€” especially evangelists, missionaries, pastors, priests, ministers and the like ā€” have a higher calling In the Bible, God calls individuals both to church-related and non-church-related business. All Godpreneurs are called (that is, commanded) to conduct everything they do, round the clock, as full-time the people God has called to full time Christian work, you should also be thankful God has put you in We need to continue to hear his call in our business life and learn from other Christian business owners

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