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567 items found for "calling"
- Entrepreneurs Looking for Clarity
I do not know what my future holds, but I trust fully in the promise of Scripture that as I commit all What phone calls do I need to make today? What projects need to move forward today?
- Stop Rushing Everything in Business – Part 1: Slowing Down Like Jesus
I’m not even sure how many balls are on my side of the court that are holding initiatives in my business Oh, and not to mention, I have a personal life – you know… a wife, kids, working out, friends, and all News of this spread through all that region. to the Spirit’s calling for the moment. Imagine if we were too busy to not pick up a phone call from a friend asking us to pray for him.
- Major Areas to Consider When Looking for a Business to Start
As I’ve written many times in the past, I feel a deep call to rid the world of an identity crisis. The business God calls you to is where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet. What do you think God has called you to? Instead, God expects me to notice it and get to work, rather than waiting for a special call from him I noticed my call while participating in a Bible study at my church.
- Where’s My Next Client Coming From?
We all experience uncertainty and we all process it differently. Some of us are less affected by it than others, but we’re all under its reality. That’s what faith is all about, and entrepreneurs have to learn how to manage, live with, and use uncertainty The book of Proverbs says: Trust in the lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.
- I Know My Calling, But I’m Stuck: Part 4 – Commitment to the Plan
Hold tightly to the eternal life to which God has called you, which you have declared so well before Nehemiah had a calling to rebuild the wall around the city. You knew it was his calling because he had the passion and desire, the favor of God, and the will to Those may be distractions, disguised as part of the calling, but not the real thing. Imagine if we were all on guard against anything that would distract us from the calling in our businesses
- I Know My Calling, But I’m Stuck: Part 3 – Gaining Confidence
All of us entrepreneurs face this giant several times in our careers. God calls us beyond our comfort zones, and as exciting as it might be to think about it when it comes Imagine if we all ran our businesses confidently knowing that God already gave us victory! We’ll all overcome and be mighty marketplace ministers ready to accomplish great things for the kingdom
- Having Faith in God's Vision for Your Business
After all, I couldn’t just dump everything I was doing to follow. Paul writes: “With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling
- God Wrote You a Memo This Morning. Did You Read It?
And if this happens for 2 or 3 days in a row, call the psych ward on me because I’ll be loony.
- The Reason for the 22 in AlexMiranda22
We all have that special gifting we can be paid handsomely for. When God called Abram to go to the Promised Land (Genesis 12:1-3), He promised to BLESS him, make his name great, and through him, to BLESS all the families of the earth. Imagine doing what you love to do all day every day, getting rich off of it, and not feeling like it’ d hard work at all.
- Laying your Foundation on God’s Promises
will make us feel doubt and anxiety, holding us back from experiencing more out of our entrepreneurial callings you and always believe in you and will show you grace and Light the path in front of you towards your calling promises to lay our foundation so that we can keep loving, keep creating, and keep loving forward in our callings message hope in your promises and rest, peace, and victory over whatever is holding them back from all to Do A FREE 3-Day Business Bible Study to help you succeed in the marketplace by listening to God’s calling
- Stepping Outside your Comfort Zone
The weird part is that I know it’s what God has called me to. We all have something God has called us to, but we’re either too comfortable or too afraid to step outside We know God has called us for more. us so much, but we cower away, unwilling to show the smallest faith of taking one step towards His calling There’s a specific business calling for every one of us, and for generations to come too!
- Entrepreneurs Are Stewards of God's Money
Is it possible that we could worry less about money, and focus more on our calling? “Again, it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted his wealth to It wasn’t theirs, they were being called to steward it. Steward means “manager” in old English. It’s all His. It’s all a gift from God, you don’t own it, it’s all on loan. We Godpreneurs are called to be money managers for the 60 or so years of our entrepreneurial careers.
- Spiritual Disconnection Can Kill your Business – Here’s How
As Godpreneurs, we’re called to bear the loving fruit of God. We Godpreneurs are first called to Christ. Before our entrepreneurial calling, our first calling is to walk with Christ. It’s time we all live worthy of the calling in business we have received. Destroy the Entrepreneurial Calling Over Your Life.
- Proof is in the Planning
We either are too lazy to make a plan, we don’t know how to make a plan because we all didn’t go to Cornell After all, God would fight this battle, right? Planning makes you like inside and out to discover the calling of our lives, our gifts and talents, our ), our family life (relationships, spiritual needs, etc. as a family), our church life and personal calling and so on, we would all receive God’s blessings and favors more because we put in the time to not go
- Client’s Confirm Your Plans
All entrepreneurs have these grand visions of seeing our products and services succeed. That very same day, after declaring that morning that I wanted to be used by God, 3 POTENTIAL clients called -14 “I know that the LORD has given you the land, that the terror of you has fallen on us, and that all But how do we know that the next 3 phone calls are going to be the ones? That day I spoke with the 3 clients that confirmed my direction, all 3 of them dropped clues of their