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154 items found for "sales"

  • How Godpreneurs Make Money Grow

    I used to have a hard time - saving money. business lived paycheck-to-paycheck, so whatever little was leftover was definitely NOT going to a savings We can’t just think that making more sales in our business will make us productive. Will we spend it; save it; invest it; squander it; lend it; or give it? Wealthy people have more savings and investment gains than they do debt (liabilities).

  • A Major Reason You’re Not Launching That Next Big Idea

    Our weakness can show up in the area of finance, sales, relationships etc.

  • Stop Rushing Everything in Business – Part 2: Slowing Down Increases Love

    A sale that feels rushed will cause buyers remorse, and they’ll ask for their money back. Do we love our customers and employees if we’re always in a rush and demanding that they be on our same Then, we can be the salt and light God needs us to be in the marketplace.

  • Why God Lets Storms into Our Businesses (And How to Get Out!)

    Psalm 18:2 says the Lord is your shield, the power that saves you. This will provide you with stability in your sales.

  • Help Millions to Make Millions

    Same offer…double the amount. This is the kind of thought that will get me to one million dollars in sales in one year. If you don’t know how your business can be scaled to make a million dollars, you need to surround yourself

  • Need a Miracle in Your Business? Read this.

    one time where the pastor explained that most miracles are the byproduct of a long obedience in the same waste your partnership pains, he will never waste your human resources hurts, he will never waste your sales

  • 5 Ways Entrepreneurs Limit God in our Businesses

    Whatever problems you face in sales, marketing, human resources, operations, or finance, he knows the He said: With your help I can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall. We need to take on the same kind of phrasing in our business lives. This same kind of belief system; because of God I can. Not: I can’t. I’ll never be enough. Sometimes, the same leadership quality you don’t like about yourself is the same thing God wants to use

  • The Unique Way Entrepreneurs Find Christ On Christmas

    I've caught myself trying to "get the most sales" out of the holiday season out of selfish ambition,

  • Launching Your “Calling” During Quarantine – 10 Tips

    Even if you don’t see how it could turn into a sale, now is the time to SHOW SOME LOVE.

  • Instagram: Growing Your Christian Personal Brand

    For many years, all of our posts have looked the same: A piece of Bible-based wisdom for entrepreneurs , a nice image to complement the quote, and the same font usage. trying to sell a new product, it is ok to have a link in the description that redirects followers to a sales

  • Successful CEOs: God Multiplies Your Growth Through Personal Branding

    us, we have an amazing opportunity to create one-way human interactions that can be multiplied and scaled convinced that your personal brand is not some superficial vanity public relations tool to exploit more sales company, we find talent and bring their products to the marketplace to buy and make royalties on the sales

  • A Christian Entrepreneurs Guide to Meditation

    Think of the brain as a muscle that can be worked out and responds to training the same way our biceps Don't judge this as a sales pitch. Stay present with your holy spirit.

  • I Lied to a Salesman, and It Cost Me Big Time

    This salesman I tried to fool called me out on it the next call we had.  

  • Run Your Entrepreneurial Race

    Guided by grace and fueled by faith, we press on for the Kingdom's sake.

  • The Suicidal Entrepreneur

    I trust in you and I’m safe!” His huge outstretched arms protect you— under them you’re perfectly safe; his arms fend off all harm.

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