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567 items found for "calling"
- Overcoming Obstacles to Launching Your Idea – Step 3: You’re Invited
several “storms” in my business where I had to make a big decision of whether I was going to risk it all Peter, suddenly bold, said, “Master, if it’s really you, call me to come to you on the water.” You’re responding to a calling to “Come” and bring God’s vision for you to life. And if you don’t think it’s impossible, then the vision isn’t big enough, or it might be the wrong calling Each time I was called to step out into the unknown, I was rewarded with a new profitable business that
- You’ve Planned Your Business – Now This is the Secret to Making it Succeed
My challenge to all of my clients is to ask them WHY they are in business. Not all of them are Christian. I can’t have that conversation with everyone.
- Feeling Unfit to be an Entrepreneur? Think Again.
But if all work done by Christians is done for the Lord, then we can infer that the Spirit’s gifts are Questions I Ask All My New Clients What are the tasks and activities that energize you?
- How To Bring More “Dream” Clients from God Into Your Business
We all have a “dream client” that we wish every client was like. entrepreneurs on the journey of launching a business, but the best ones are when the entrepreneur feels a “calling All of us entrepreneurs are built by the same creator of the universe. how we were built so we could receive His loving care and divine direction for our entrepreneurial calling we’ll try to take from everyone, rather than overflow onto a specific group of people – the ones God called
- A Godpreneur’s Guide to Becoming an Authority in Your Niche
I can write a whole new book just on how, first, we must follow Christ in order to receive the true calling Not at all. and on earth—even those long ago dead and buried—will bow in worship before this Jesus Christ, and call out in praise that he is the Master of all, to the glorious honor of God the Father." I believe that we’re all created in God’s image and asked to follow Christ because God wants to lift
- Lead And Follow From Jesus Perspective.
The bible says God has raised this Jesus to life, and we are all witnesses of it. He left us his holy spirit and sits to the right hand of God to lead us all. Work doesn’t have to be the stressful, draining workout that it oftentimes is when we feel all alone. When I stop trying to figure out things on my own and realize that God already ordained my calling, it Every Godpreneur’s primary calling is to be a witness of the transformation that is available to everyone
- A Corrupt World Doesn't Mean a Corrupt Business
This is called sin. Jesus’ death on the cross is both the most tragic evil done, but the greatest good of all time. All the sins you commit in your business have a penalty. although I still sin, I’m not trapped because I’m forgiven and I can get up and continue to pursue my calling that we might draw near to him in righteousness and continue to uncover and pursue our purpose and calling
- How to Make Both Your Marriage and Business Blessable - At the Same Time!
’s almost like it didn’t matter who else praised me – if my father didn’t, then anywhere else would fall Praises are a powerful source of energy that we all need. how proud they are of our accomplishments and for our children to come up and thank us for laboring all This is part of the enemy’s plan to take you off your game, distract you from your calling and have you We have to uncover the purpose of it all.
- KDE Podcast 254: Applying the Power of the Scripture in Business (Conversation with Alex Miranda)
Today’s guest is serial entrepreneur and founder of Daily Godpreneur Alex Miranda. Listen here: Alex has a rich testimony that speaks to the transforming power of immersing yourself in the Bible and allowing the Holy Spirit to bring the scripture to life and make it tangible in your life and business. We also talk about how God shifted how he engages with clients in a really practical way that points them back to the One who created them (whether they believe in Jesus or not). Also included in today’s episode is a bonus conversation with business advisor Drew Hiss regarding his book that helps entrepreneurs understand and apply the timeless principles found in the book of Proverbs to business. Episode Length: 44 minutes Right click and save as here to download the episode to your computer Mentioned in Today’s Episode: DailyGodpreneur #FindMyCalling
- Opportunity Is All Around You – Are You Around?
in line with what my purpose is in business, and I’m able to pick up on the opportunities that are all We all have a “dream scenario” we wish was the case in our businesses. And I believe we all have the opportunity to make this dream come to life, but there are a couple of Yes, that means calling back that person that’s been wanting to work with you, that you’re passing off Are you ready to answer the call? Godpreneur Rule #46: Godpreneurs pursue spirit-led opportunities.
- How to Entrepreneurs Can Stop Chasing Money, Power and Fame
As entrepreneurs, we’re constantly being tempted to go after money, power, beauty and fame. That’s what is portrayed to us by the media, society and culture. Chasing after these things will never bring out your true entrepreneurial purpose in life. Why? Because you’ve made these things your god, and so these things lead your decision making, and therefore they produce your identity. Deuteronomy 32:12 talks about the Israelites being led by God and gives us direct instructions for success when being led through the dessert "The lord alone guided them; they followed no foreign gods." Godpreneurs chase after God and His will for your business life, and the fruit of that is purpose and abundance in the promised land. I chased false gods for 9 years in my business until 2014 when I started letting God be the CEO and personal business coach development trainer and I would allow Him to shape who I would become today. Today, God alone leads me through the good times and the bad (because the bad times don’t stop, they just become more manageable). Be diligent to watch over things (foreign gods) that could be taking the lead in influencing your business. One way I protect myself is by starting every morning off reading the bible, a devotional, and prayer to listen to God as to what He wants me to do that day. This way I’m being led from the start. #StrengthenIntegrity #WorkLifeBalance #AgencyOwners
- Comfort Behind My Business
It's all God’s, and the veils we hide behind need to be lifted for the world to see.
- The Power of Business Partners Fighting Together
The God of all creation. The God who is everything cares about your business partnership. You cannot even imagine all that our amazingly good God will do for it.
- In God, We Entrepreneurs Trust: Part 1 – Why Trust is Important
might not be a hit, a big client could leave me, an employee could steal from me, or a lawsuit could fall Although all of these things have happened to me in my businesses already, as a Godpreneur, I’m still We’ve all been burnt by the stove of lies, disappointments, and let-downs by people or circumstances. We put all our hopes into a certain product, service, or marketing campaign, and it flopped. The Bible says: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all
- I’ll Succeed Once I Get Married (or Divorced) [8 Lies of Entrepreneurship]
If God is present throughout all seasons of my life, then each season has its glory (and challenges). matters you wrote about: “It is good for a man not to have sexual relations with a woman.” … I wish that all Married or single, all of us entrepreneurs should turn our hearts towards God as our source of true fulfillment