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567 items found for "calling"
- Books on Being Rich Won’t Make You Wealthy
We can all be rich at moments in our lives, but wealth is a state of mind, a state of being.
- How Godpreneurs Wait: Part 6 – Uncovering Your Entrepreneurial Calling
A very common response is, “How do I figure out what God’s calling is for my business?” that question, I’ve been able to guide my clients on the trajectory of launching a business they feel CALLED And one phone call or meeting with me might not be enough time to uncover it. I wrote a book called Discovering Your Calling as an Entrepreneur. Even though we may not know God’s calling today, as we wait on God to make that picture more clear, we
- Why do Clients Refuse to be Unique?
Since most people don’t want to ruffle feathers and stay status quo, these companies all end up looking When everyone around me is being a generalist and trying to be a jack of all trades, I niche and double
- Learning the Gifts and Talents God Placed in Us
Knowing what our talents are equipped us to launch businesses more in line with our calling and helps
- Letting Go of the Past Bad Experiences
Recover – now it’s your turn to reclaim what’s been yours all along. memorization of promise-related Bible verses, God will take your burdens and release you into your calling (Proverbs 13:12 NIV) The enemy doesn’t want you to move into your calling because it would glorify God
- How to Turn Away from Haters?
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. Be alert and of sober mind. And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little The more focused you are on your calling, the crazier the tactics will become to detour you. God wants us to all stand tall, trust in Jesus, and keep on shouting our calling wherever we go. We need to stop listening to the haters around us and trust in the caller who spoke our calling into
- Choosing God Over Our Comfort!
And in the past, I’ve taken all of the above actions and started over. And God will cause certain indicates to happen that I call the “turning point.” positive, on our pilgrimage of creating a God-First business, God will use a turning point situation to call Or, maybe you’re doing something you weren’t born to do, and your actual calling is in a different business we’re in is comfortable, but we need to be ready to throw off that comfy plan to follow God’s higher calling
- Preparing Your Team for God’s Business Growth Plan
My team was also beginning to see and understand the bigger calling our business served, and they were That’s why I call this blog “Preparing Your Team”. So, you’ve honored God’s word. You’re encouraged by your people when they respond to the calling as well. Then everyone on the team misses out on their calling. It requires real commitment and must always be done with a view to the calling God has over you.
- Overcoming Obstacles to Launching Your Idea – Step 11: Launching with Faith
I like to go “all in.” If I like a business opportunity, I go after it. We entrepreneurs all have a level of riskiness in us. He wants us all to know the joy of launching a business opportunity with him, which once seemed impossible Imagine if we all didn’t let fear prevent us from cooperating. We will need the help of others. But ultimately, it will all be worth it to be in business with Jesus.
- Failed in a Business Venture? Here’s Why You Need to Try Again
But there are times I want to hang up the hat, call it quits, and head back over to a comfy 9-5 where Several years later I found my purpose and passion in business and now I’m married to my calling – my Next to my family, nothing has given me more reasons to live for than the passion of pursuing my calling Look for your calling in business, live for what you were born to do, and you will find it. We Godpreneurs give ourselves to their entrepreneurial calling; trust in God to be faithful and accept
- Distraction-Free Godpreneurs – Part 1: It’s All Around Us
But I’ve learned that distraction is the enemy in disguise trying to pull me from my calling. I’ve come to realize that the devil doesn’t want me to live in my calling. We all struggle with cheating on our calling to some degree. Is it possible to stay in your calling all the time? If it’s possible, how do you live Distraction-Free and stay within your purpose and calling?
- Branding the Bigger Picture
After all, I was competing with an overseas market of websites like Fiverr and UpWork where Entrepreneurs I did a Business bible study called 7 Steps to Launching Your Christian Personal Brand.
- How to Connect with other Christian Personal Brands to Exponentially Grow Yours
We’re all made to serve our marketplaces, and we can certainly make a great impact without intentionally God has so many great opportunities lined up for our calling, but He’s going to bring that about through News about him spread all over Syria, and people brought to him all who were ill with various diseases He was called to this, but he wasn’t the authority on the scene…yet. And those connections became the 12 disciples that started the Christian church you call home today.
- When in Doubt of Your Blogging, Remember This
We see so many seemingly successful writers in all types of styles, and we begin the comparison game and start to doubt our abilities and calling. Of course, He wants to listen to our doubts and being us clarity so we can step out in faith and be all
- Overcoming Obstacles to Launching Your Idea – Step 2: Words of Assurance
But if we’re honest with each other, it’s all a bit “weird.” We would all be! But your ideas are an extension of your calling; therefore, God can work in it too. called to live in this higher place of understanding. After all, we are launching a business for God.