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801 items found for "business-partnerships"

  • The Reason Entrepreneurs Become Unhappy

    sharing and testifying what we know about the life changing experience others will have when they do business

  • In God, We Entrepreneurs Trust: Part 3 – What Not Trusting Will Do

    And we know we should say HECK NO to the business, but in our weakness, we say yes. Sometimes the client twists our hands and begs us to do business with them, and we simply give in. As business owners, we will have moments of weakness that test our commitment and faith to our brand With God by the side of you and Your business, how can you fail? Godpreneur Rule: I trust God, He keeps my business safe.

  • God’s Right On Time: Part 1 – Listening to the Spirit

    I bullet point everything that comes to mind where I felt victorious in my business that day, week or There are moments in my business where I get hit with some unforeseen circumstance, an unexpected bill Feeling Overwhelmed Business’s challenging obstacles and seasons can cause us entrepreneurs to feel overwhelmed James 4:8 NIV That business-altering experience you’re going through might come as a surprise to you, God has a great purpose for you and your business despite the tough circumstances or season you’re in

  • Born To Do – Part 1: Finding Your Way

    recognize our gifts and talents, and how we could use the findings to help guide the decision of what business

  • Thinking Highly of Yourself Can Lead to Riches

    their value and they understand how to manage it, they have no problem promoting themselves, their business

  • Have a Positive, Godly Attitude About Money

    people that think like rich people – like servant number 1), you must sense good opportunities and business

  • The Biblical Truth About Sales Conversations

    No respectable Jewish business person with lands and houses to pass on to his heirs would want to go case, but I believe there’s a reason Boaz didn’t merely walk up with a bag of silver and offer to “buy

  • Client Accidentally Overpays – What Do You Do?

    Ultimately, our first purpose in business is to give glory to God.  Do the right thing always.

  • What do you want to change in the world? Do that!

    I used to do business with nightclubs and I totally lost that desire. The best business ventures I’ve been in is when I have a great desire to be there and serve the people For this reason, we cannot just say, “Do the business that makes you happy.” Knowing what you truly desire in business requires spiritual maturity. Psalms 37:4 Like owning a business, it takes work to find out.

  • Let’s Define Confidence God’s Way

    As women in business, it becomes easy to binge on “self,” we live in an environment that leads us to

  • How to Get Out of a Client Contract You Don’t Want to Be In

    I did a favor for a friend and engaged in contract to do the branding for a company I had no business Your services and products will always lead you to many different types of contracts and clients in business part, from web developers to restaurant owners, we would get to heaven and know that in our little business

  • Setting Up an Office Video Studio

    I know many of my readers want to do this, so I’ve put together a blog of the equipment you need to buy entire background of my office and it gives the viewer proof that I actually have a space where I do business Extra BatteriesThe camera kit above has extra batteries, but if you’re buying things separately, you’ Lights – Neewer 1600W Photo Studio Video Softbox Lighting Kit Buy this entire kit. Just buy it.

  • Why is Entrepreneurship So Mysterious?

    But the mystery of owning a business is not so much fun, right?  But even though we do our best to honor God in our business, we will almost certainly face the pains of owning a business.

  • Overcoming Work Addiction: Step 2 – Know the Signs

    to get the same effect Withdrawal symptoms Starting more businesses or spending more time on a business than intended Failed effort at stopping to work so much or start more businesses Significant amount of time, energy, and thought regarding your business Time spent working in or on your business is more above in you or a business friend? No one starts a business hoping it will take control over them.  

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