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801 items found for "business-partnerships"
- How to Be Satisfied, Even If You're Not There Yet
Like no matter how big the client or number of employees, you're never satisfied with your business?
- Allowing God to Re-Brand You
For half of my life, I’ve shown up this way - I’ve run my home hair business for close to 15 years - It’s funny how God works - little did I know almost three years ago when I started my other beauty business
- How Would Jesus Approach LinkedIn?
As Christian entrepreneurs, we're called to show love and respect for all and not judging people our businesses
- 10 Ways to Show Your Employee Appreciation TODAY
Why is it that today if a new client comes knocking at the door with business, we jump to thank them Research shows that employees that felt more gratitude feel more attached to the business and are more Count your blessings and accomplishments in business, and inform your team about the impact they have Praying for someone who is down, buying their tires and having them pay you back slowly, or just listening
- Join My Gym for Free (coupon attached)
Want to know something even cooler: My spiritual training is also 75% of my BUSINESS training.
- Pleasing All of Our Clients?
Many entrepreneurs are intimidated by anger from the people they do business with and, in an effort to
- Time to (re)Evaluate Your Identity?
This means that business identity is something that needs to be constantly reevaluated and changed due
- Want to Be Successful? God Wants You to Focus on One Thing.
It’s that commitment to ONE THING that makes God so great in our lives and in our businesses.
- The Most Powerful Tool Christians Have to Building Relationships on LinkedIn
There are plenty of difficulties faced in business that will need to be overcome, so there has to be
- Distraction-Free Godpreneurs – Part 4: Five Ways to Escape Distraction
Instead, we Godpreneurs partner with God in our businesses. God’s Power Will Sustain Us As entrepreneurs, we experience so many twists and turns in our business
- Born to Do – Part 7: The Key to Happiness
I used to think that all I did was help businesses get logos and websites so they could be up and running So I USED to think that I was in the web and graphic design world, but really, I'm in the business of
- Expanding Your LinkedIn Network, God’s Way
of the person you're trying to connect with, therefore helping you reach your goal of growing your business
- Not All Entrepreneurs are Bosses
All of the sudden, the whole reason you started a business (to bake delicious delicacies) is now 4th
- Affirmations from a Christian Entrepreneur
I focus on what God’s already done for me I am a great leader, husband, father, entrepreneur, business Voice of Faith and Victory I have heavy favor – prayer, persistence, patience My great purpose in my business
- My Tool for Dodging the Troubles that Come with Entrepreneurship
If you’ve owned a business for 1 day, you know exactly what I’m talking about.