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253 items found for "leadership"

  • Lessons from Partnerships Gone Wrong...

    When I first started my business, the partnership between the founders was great!Ā Two of my best friends and I, coming together to take matters into our own hands and leave the corporate life. But as we grew, we experienced conflicts with various parts of the business. From money to marketing, and hiring and firing, we bumped heads on a lot of things.Ā Attitudes flared, pride jumps in, one email would set a wildfire of email attacks, and we were back in conflict. As entrepreneurs, we all experience conflict in business partnerships much as we do in our personal relationships. Joint ventures gone wrong, teams that fall apart, we have times where we feel left out, singled out, treated unfairly, or undeserving of a harsh comment. As I grew closer to God in the years that my business grew, I would begin to handle these conflicts differently.Ā The Bible verse I had to memorize was Romans 5:3-4: ā€œNot only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.ā€ You have to learn to stop and ask yourself ā€œwhat can I do to grow (or help someone else grow) in the midst of these experiences?Ā You should trust God to work through the situation. Just pray. God will teach you and your partners valuable business lessons through dealing with conflict in entrepreneurship. Godpreneur Rule #28: In times of conflict, Godpreneurs realize itā€™s a moment of potential growth and pray for God to work through the situation in hand. #BuildMyPersonalBrand #AgencyOwners #BusinessPartnerships

  • What Goes Around Does NOT Come Around ā€“ Surprise!

    When my business is doing great, Iā€™m like ā€˜Yes God, you are amazing! Thank you! Youā€™re rewarding me and pouring your blessings!ā€™ When my business is down, Iā€™m like ā€˜What did I do God? Iā€™ll never do that thing again, I promise! Please stop punishing me!ā€¦ā€™ I tend to see God the same way my parents raised me; Good gets rewarded and bad gets the belt. What goes around, comes around. I know Iā€™m not alone. I think we all think this in business. A downturn in the financials has us thinking about where we went wrong. A customer service complaint has us dwelling on the past mistakes we might have made. The problem with what-goes-around-comes-back-around thinking is that it constantly has us walking on eggshells. Analyzing past actions to course-correct in the future is amazing, but analyzing the past to beat yourself up is exactly what the enemy came to do. To live in guilt will destroy the visions God gave us and put up walls of fear that will keep us from living the ā€˜risk it allā€™ lifestyle that an entrepreneur must endure. God gave us Paul in the book of Acts as an example of a man that knows his past but only focuses on his future. Heā€™s not walking around shamed by the things of his past but instead focuses on the hope of the visions come to life of his future. In Acts 27 and 28, we see Paul get caught in a huge rainstorm on his way to Rome. There were 276 men on board this ship and Paul somehow finds a way to make this an opportunity to show everyone who God is. All men on board were prisoners and the guards in charge of them. All of them should have died, but Paul had a vision he shared, so their lives were spared. Everyone at home hearing about a shipwreck would have been like ā€˜they deserved to die for the actions that got them to jailā€™ but what goes around didnā€™t come around. God was good. While shipwrecked on an island, they were building a fire, and a venomous snake bit Paul. The natives on the island immediately said ā€˜this guy must be a murderer, heā€™ll be dead in minutes for the crimes he committed. But Paul shook the snake off and was never ill. In fact, with that same hand, he healed the father of the chief of the island. You see, the world has us thinking that what goes around comes around. But this simply isnā€™t trueā€¦not under Godā€™s economyā€¦not under Godā€™s business plans. Instead, if you stay focused on your gifts and talents, and keep believing you are on a mission for Christ, then you will be able to shake off the seemingly life-threatening setbacks that befuddle us and chain us to guilt that we were already forgiven of. Godpreneur Rule #60: Godpreneurs learn from their mistakes, but donā€™t live in their mistakes. #GodpreneurAcademy #BecomeDisciplined #EnhanceFocus

  • Donā€™t Know the Next Step for your Company? HOLD TIGHT!

    Today my company,Ā The Creative Complex, turns 9 years old. I have a confession: Ā Iā€™ve grown more int he last 9 months than I have in the last 8 years. I wish I could have known what I know today, 9 years ago. But the truth is this: Ā The Lord wants to teach us endurance. Like it or not, the ability to persist under difficult circumstances is an absolutely essential ingredient of the successful entrepreneur. Scripture tells us that ā€œTribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hopeā€ (Rom. 5:3-4). Our business hardships are designed, not to crush us but to refine us into the image of the entrepreneur that God wants us to beā€¦an entrepreneur that reflects Jesus. When we abide under the pressures of vision, sales, marketing, operations, finances, human resources, and all of the other hats we wear with complete reliance on the Lord for His strength and perspective, we come out of the process looking more like our Savior! If youā€™re struggling with vision in your lifeā€¦if God hasnā€™t revealed the entrepreneurial vision clearly, maybe you need to stay exactly where you are, because God has some lessons he still needs you to discover. Stay hungry and thirsty for tribulation in your business lifeā€¦thatā€™s when God can do amazing things in and through you. #AgencyOwners #GainConfidence

  • Keep Seeding Your Dreams. Here's How God Grows Businesses.

    I believe all of us Godpreneurs were given dreams by God for the purpose of accomplishing those dreams and bringing those visions to life. I donā€™t know what that dream is that you have for your business. I donĀ“t care how far-fetched that crazy product or service idea might appear to be. I don't care how disappointing it might have been as youā€™ve worked toward that dream, but hereā€™s what I know: that dream that you're holding in your mind is possible. In the Old Testament, we read Joel 2:28 says ā€œAnd it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions." Christian entrepreneurs, we have been given the gift of the holy spirit. It means we are constantly downloading and receiving dreams and visions. And, sometimes we canā€™t see how we'll accomplish that dream, but what we do know is that it's possible to have a dream and run toward it as we work on it day in and day out in our businesses. However, most entrepreneurs donā€™t work on their dreams. Why? For many years I didnā€™t. One is because of fear - the fear of failure. What if things donā€™t work out. And, the fear of success - what if I do succeed and I canā€™t handle it? The other thing that happened is some entrepreneurs get comfortable. They have a good thing going. The family business is stable, why rock the boat. They stop learning and growing. They stop working on themselves. They stop stretching. They stop pushing themselves. And there's another group of entrepreneurs that I want to talk to. You guys that had a dream, pressed play on it, invested all your time and resources, you followed God's prompting and, yet, the business failed and took you down with it. You've ended up becoming very cynical about entrepreneurship, and you throw in the towel on yourself and on your families and on your dreams. For others listening, you donā€™t feel worthy. This happens to a lot of 9-5 workers with a dream of entrepreneurship, but not willing to take the risk. You keep thinking about pressing play, but because you don't have a college education, because I don't believe in yourself, because you allow other people's opinion of you to control your destiny, you don't act on your ideas. Can I share with you that passion for something will outwork and win out over knowledge, skills, talent, natural talent, natural gifts every single time.

  • What Business Does God Want Me to Start?

    Have you ever heard someone say ā€œI was born to do this!ā€? Why is it that some people have a knack for crunching numbers and others have a talent of throwing footballs? Here is the good news: be encouraged that God equips us specifically to do the things He has called us to do! That is the beauty of gifts and talents ā€“ they enable us to be the entrepreneurs God intended. Of course, the reverse is also true ā€“ when we try to start a business other than what God has enabled us to do, we fall outside His entrepreneurial design for us and we are destined to fall short. As Christian entrepreneurs, we should spend our lives discovering and using our spiritual gifts and business talents. This pursuit is essential if we are to accomplish Godā€™s entrepreneurial purpose for us, because we canā€™t do anything for Him without the gifts He gave us. With those gifts, however, we can accomplish a lot in our businesses. I, Alex Miranda, have a spiritual gift of prophesy, exhortation and teaching to help entrepreneurs uncover their God-given gifts, cultivate them and help them put them to work, for the glory of the Lord. Actively finding out your gifts and talents will be the single most important thing youā€™ll do in your entrepreneurial career. Next most important is putting them to use. If you need help finding yours, please take my Entrepreneurial Vision Experience course. #EnhanceFocus #FindingMyPurpose

  • Visionā€¦even in the Darkness

    The most difficult moments for me as an entrepreneur are moments of darkness. When I canā€™t see the big picture and I canā€™t see the whole plan played out, I get anxious. Clarity isnā€™t always certain, and darkness will always come. In those moments of darkness, it's easy for us to lose sight of the vision and get frustrated, possibly even make bad decisions. But the hope for a Christian entrepreneur is that there is a LIGHT that is always on and forever shining a light at our feet. In Isaiah 50:10 we read ā€œLet the one who walks in the dark, who has no light, trust in the name of the Lord and rely on their God.ā€ Maybe weā€™re not supposed to see visions all the time on purpose. Maybe God designed it this way so we can keep our eyes on the next step weā€™re taking, not the road 5 miles ahead. A runner needs to have two perspectives: the big picture glance, but the constant stare at the ground in front of him. Donā€™t get discouraged when the vision goes dark. Rely on God as the lamp on your feet. Thatā€™s God telling you he needs you focused on todayā€¦on the now. ACTION STEP: Whatā€™s the ONE THING you need to accomplish today? Forget the BIG goals, whatā€™s the small objective you can today? Leave me a comment. Share this with someone you know thatā€™s experiencing a season of darkness. #EnhanceFocus

  • Define your Vision for Systems and Processes

    Leadership abilities are in the eye of the beholder.

  • A Prayer for Leading Your Business, Better.

    I thought to myself, "man, Alex, you need to be praying moreover your own leadership and those of your

  • The Visionary Missionary

    The Visionary Missionary Blog for The World Race Gabe Sanchez Meet my great friend Gabe Sanchez! I have the privilege to know Gabe as a brother in Christ, a friend, and a supporter of his mission field work. God has given him the spiritual gift of Vision, and his vision is HUGE! ENTREPRENEURS: Ā God has given you the ability to profit so you can be a blessing to the world. Ā Itā€™s our duty, obligation and responsibility to have the best businesses possible so that we can continue to support the great commission. Ā If you need a pump up message on this concept, watch Peter J. Daniels. Gabe, I look forward to God using my tribe of entrepreneurs to support your vision! #SharpenLeadership

  • A Vision for Good

    Is your vision to do good? When your customer gives a testimonial, will they satisfy your visionā€™s hunger? My vision is for my clients to discover what they were born to do, bring it to life, and tell the whole world! When they testify that Iā€™ve helped clarify their calling in business, the vision is satisfied and my appetite is full. But if my vision is set on making money, possessing more territory or gaining more clients, weā€™ll always just want more and we wonā€™t be satisfied. Money and territory goals are great, but they are goals and should not be mixed with the vision. Ask yourself: How can I make this world a better place? What will my product or service do for the GOOD of my clients. Start there when setting your entrepreneurial vision. An appetite for good brings much satisfaction! #BusinessBibleStudy #EnhanceFocus

  • Not All Entrepreneurs are Bosses

    One thing Iā€™ve learned in the years of being an entrepreneur: Iā€™m a horrible boss. No, really! Iā€™m a great leader, I can instill Vision and confidence and trust like no other. Iā€™m amazing with brainstorming, problem solving, branding and marketing. But when it comes to managing people, I stink. BUT WAITā€¦thatā€™s just fine! For years I always thought that being an entrepreneur meant being the boss, and nothing could be further from the truth. Technically, the role of an entrepreneur can be ANYTHING. Hereā€™s what the role of the entrepreneur is, and the same applies to everyone in your organization: everyone should be doing what that are COMPETENT at. If you love to bake, and you start a bakery, you will quickly realize that baking takes a back seat when you have to pay the bills, hire the employees and market your services and products. All of the sudden, the whole reason you started a business (to bake delicious delicacies) is now 4th on the list of priorities, and you find yourself stressed and about to give up. So hereā€™s the solution: 1) make a list of what you love to do, and what you hate to do 2) as fast as possible, partner with or hire someone to do the things you hate doing As a baker, you should be coming up with new recipes, training other bakers, doing quality control, and always be in the kitchen while occasionally coming out to greet the customers only to take a quick survey of how they like the pastries you made. Youā€™re the superstar!! We all need to stop living in levels of incompetence and start living lives of meaning. #SharpenLeadership

  • Control Freak Entrepreneurs ā€“ Stop

    I like updating my own website.Ā I enjoy composing my weekly emails that go out from Creative Complex and sending them out.Ā I love project managing.Ā Iā€™m also good at following up on my sales calls, collecting credit cards and booking appointments. Can you believe that even though I had an assistant, a project manager, a web developer, and an account executive, I still performed all of their jobs?!?! What a mistake on so many levels.Ā  But the biggest mistake in doing this was that I was robbing others from growingā€¦from flying from their nest and soaring with me. We can do that sometimes as entrepreneurs.Ā We think that weā€™re the only ones that can do it the best.Ā  We get impatient.Ā We step in to help at the first sign of something not going they way we would do it. Deuteronomy 32:11 says, "Like an eagle that rouses her chicks and hovers over her young, so he spread his wings to take them up and carried them safely on his pinions." Godpreneurs realize that there are times you step into problems, but its momentary.Ā  In the end, the goal is to let that person learn how to soar like you so you can let God take you to places youā€™ve never imagined. As for meā€¦I USED to like doing all of those tasks I mentioned at the beginning.Ā  Butā€¦I donā€™t do them anymore.Ā Even though Iā€™m great at these things, I have people on my team that are flying because I let them go. Godpreneur Rule #42:Ā Let go of the tasks so your team can face and solve problems on their own and learn to soar with you. #WorkLifeBalance #SharpenLeadership

  • Wisdom Wednesdays: Give of Your Time

    Iā€™m in the business of consulting.Ā  I make anywhere from $199 ā€“ $499 an hour for my time. Proverbs 11:25 says A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. Although I volunteer at church and go on medical mission trips, which are both refreshing others, I also feel compelled at times to refresh others by offering my consulting for free. As Godpreneurs we serve a boss that will send us paying clients, but will also send us non-paying clientsā€¦or canā€™t pay as much as I charge (discount clients). Be sensitive to the spirit.Ā  Iā€™m not saying to just give away your services to anyone and everyone from the church.Ā  The spirit will lead you.Ā  It will ā€˜feelā€™ right to do this. We must have faith that God will refresh usā€¦because His word says it. #SharpenLeadership

  • Overcoming Busyness in Business: Strategy 1 ā€“ Find Purpose

    Take a look at my calendar and youā€™ll see a busy guy.Ā  You might be impressed at how Iā€™ve left not white space in my Google calendar.Ā  Everything is in there ā€“ eating schedule, workout schedule, meditation time, reading time, private events and business meetings. But whatā€™s it all for? To make money?Ā  To be a better human?Ā  To squeeze everything I can out of life before my time is up?Ā  Maybe all of the above? Anyone can seem busy.Ā  Anyone can give themselves something to do just to feel like they are working.Ā  But if weā€™re honest with each other, the day ends and sometimes we still feel empty, unfulfilled, and think back and say ā€˜what the heck did I do todayā€™?Ā  We literally canā€™t tell our spouses anything because we have no clue. Psalms 39:6 says ā€œSurely everyone goes around like a mere phantom; in vain they rush about, heaping up wealth without knowing whose it will finally be." If a business has no purpose, the organization will be like zombies walking around just trying to collect their next paycheck.Ā  Money is really the only purpose. If we entrepreneurs fill our schedules up with the purpose of making money, then weā€™re the same. Being a busy entrepreneur isnā€™t wrong, but busyness requires intention and purpose. This is a big reason why I had to make God my CEO, hold my calendar accountable to his purpose for me and my business, and fill it up according to moving forward on the visions he has given me. #EnhanceFocus

  • The Audience of One

    I have to admit that I let my business be guided by market trends, what my competitors are doing and, sadly, chasing after profits. I let outside factors determine the direction of my company sometimes. Other times, Iā€™m guided by an internal compass and a desire to please God. Itā€™s a constant battle. Whenever we entrepreneurs talk about our business plans and activities, we use terms like ā€œmy aims, my ambitions, my goals, my desires.ā€ Some of us do things purely for ourselves, but most of us, unconsciously, perform with an eye of approval of some audience or other; Our parents, our staff, our competitors, our clients. The question is not whether or not we have an audience, but which audience we have. Only one audience matters:Ā  God. An entrepreneurial career lived listening to the decisive call of God is a life lived before one audience that trumps all others ā€“ the Audience of One. Imagine running your business to only please one person.Ā  Imagine doing everything with such perfection because you work for God, for His purpose and calling in your life. Imagine a world where every entrepreneur lived to please God.Ā  Iā€™m not saying everyone drops what they are doing to become a pastor.Ā  No.Ā  Right where you are, in your current industry, what if you worked to only please God. Thatā€™s my mission in lifeā€¦ showing entrepreneurs what itā€™s like to run a business for an Audience of One. Iā€™m trying daily. #SharpenLeadership

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