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567 items found for "calling"

  • Time to (re)Evaluate Your Identity?

    I struggle with an identity crisis all the time. Who am I as an entrepreneur? We all do this. It’s in our nature. 

  • Vision without Works is a Dead Vision

    heart, and you’re not taking the steps (work) TODAY to bring that to reality, you’re missing out on the calling

  • What Business Does God Want Me to Start?

    Here is the good news: be encouraged that God equips us specifically to do the things He has called us reverse is also true – when we try to start a business other than what God has enabled us to do, we fall outside His entrepreneurial design for us and we are destined to fall short.

  • Find a New Way to Sell Your Product or Service

    And that inner identity comes from a caller, who has called the entrepreneur for a purpose, and that Now, they see it as an extension of their own identity, and some even accept it as their calling by God We all have services or products that can easily be commoditized.  

  • How Godpreneurs Wait: Part 6 – Uncovering Your Entrepreneurial Calling

    A very common response is, “How do I figure out what God’s calling is for my business?” that question, I’ve been able to guide my clients on the trajectory of launching a business they feel CALLED And one phone call or meeting with me might not be enough time to uncover it. I wrote a book called Discovering Your Calling as an Entrepreneur. Even though we may not know God’s calling today, as we wait on God to make that picture more clear, we

  • A Vision for Good

    When they testify that I’ve helped clarify their calling in business, the vision is satisfied and my

  • Truths to Battle Those Lies [8 Lies of Entrepreneurship]

    Some years back, I realized that I didn’t like entrepreneurship anymore. I knew I couldn’t just stop and close up my shop . I wasn’t just going there and getting a job. But I knew I couldn’t stay where I was. So, I looked at my business model and said to myself, “Do I really want to live like this for another 10 years?” When I get pounced and tossed by these thought of quitting, I picture Paul from the bible. Paul learned the lesson of contentment in extenuating circumstances. As he wrote Philippians, he was in jail, had no money, and was near execution; but he still found joy in Christ. Paul’s joy didn’t come from improved circumstances. It came from living according  the truth rather than buying into the lies of the world, the flesh, and Satan. It’s the same for you and your business. Remember, the secret of Godpreneurship is you walking the marketplace like Christ – in the Spirit, worshiping God by doing what you were born to do. Let’s do something about that, following the pattern Paul laid out in Romans 12:1-2: "Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will." LIES Out of the eight entrepreneurial lies we’ve uncovered, identify the ones that are most pressing on your business right now: Entrepreneurship is irrelevant Owning a business is the only way to be happy Your business will complete you You can handle it on your own Getting a 9-5 is an option Working more is better for your children Your business is hopeless Godpreneurship isn’t worth it TRUTHS Read the truths that replace the lies that you find directly affecting you: Entrepreneurship is divine, timeless, and significant Solo-preneurship is a gift to cherish or a season to enjoy Christ is the only one who can complete you You need outside help to handle your business Getting a 9-5 is only an option in certain extreme cases Time with kids is far more important than time in the business God offers hope and restoration for your business A godly entrepreneur will bring Him glory and bless the business immensely Now, take both the lies and the truths to the Holy Spirit and ask that He would do the work that only He can do. Spirit, show me, right now, the lies that are oppressing my business. In the name of Jesus, I rebuke Satan who is the father of those lies. I reject the lies as destructive and wrong. Renew my mind. Replace the lies with life-giving Truth. Reveal to me now specific changes that You want to make in my attitude and my actions. I surrender to You now. Live through me, moment by moment today, according to Your truth. Amen!!! Reflection: What lies about business and entrepreneurship have I believed? What is God specifically saying to me about these lies? What will I do about it? What does God want me to share with someone who’s struggling in their business? #BusinessBibleStudy 8 Lies of Entrepreneurship In this course, I show you 8 lies that keep Godpreneurs bogged down in feelings of inadequacy, insecurities of owning a business, and 8 truths to combat lies. Heard of the Godpreneur Academy? Grow Your Business, God’s Way! Bible-Based Video Courses for Entrepreneurs Putting God First In their Businesses Click here to create a Free Account

  • The Audience of One

    An entrepreneurial career lived listening to the decisive call of God is a life lived before one audience that trumps all others – the Audience of One. Imagine doing everything with such perfection because you work for God, for His purpose and calling in

  • Your Entrepreneurial Purpose Comes First!

    When I focus on these things, and I’m not laser-focused on my entrepreneurial focus, all of this does

  • Born To Do – Part 1: Finding Your Way

    Little did I know that God was really showing me my calling through this bible study. the calling they have over their life. We only need to do one thing in order to find and stay within our calling: find and stay with God. the one all along seeking us and he’s called us to amazing things. We need to give up our searches and take up our new calling and identity…not because you have all the

  • The Visionary Missionary

    The Visionary Missionary Blog for The World Race Gabe Sanchez Meet my great friend Gabe Sanchez! I have the privilege to know Gabe as a brother in Christ, a friend, and a supporter of his mission field work. God has given him the spiritual gift of Vision, and his vision is HUGE! ENTREPRENEURS:  God has given you the ability to profit so you can be a blessing to the world.  It’s our duty, obligation and responsibility to have the best businesses possible so that we can continue to support the great commission.  If you need a pump up message on this concept, watch Peter J. Daniels. Gabe, I look forward to God using my tribe of entrepreneurs to support your vision! #SharpenLeadership

  • Passionate Entrepreneurs – Take Your Passion Test

    Proverbs 4:23 says “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways.  

  • A Prayer for Leading Your Business, Better.

    On a recent weekly prayer call with my staff, I was asked to pray for all of our Godpreneur Christian thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead Lord God, we pray that you would help us understand Your eternal perspective regarding our vocational calling Father, help our God-first business leaders recognize that the calling to lead a business is just as May they support other leaders, Pastors, and missionaries whom you've called for full-time ministries

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