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154 items found for "sales"
- Blessing your Business through your ability to MANAGE money
As I progressed in my sales ability, they would give me a few more. My sales manager soon realized I was a “selling machine” and he began to pour the leads on me. For us entrepreneurs, it works the same way with financial management. Like my sales manager was testing me by giving me just a few leads, God uses money as a test of your
- Don’t Know the Next Step for your Company? HOLD TIGHT!
When we abide under the pressures of vision, sales, marketing, operations, finances, human resources,
- The Key to Rebuilding Your Business, God's Way
When the sales pipeline dries up, I frantically look for business.
- How to Make Both Your Marriage and Business Blessable - At the Same Time!
The bible says Yet at the same time many even among the leaders believed in him.
- The Secret Weapon of Successful Entrepreneurs: Learning to Say "No!"
It's the same with our commitments within our companies. We have many hats we can wear - sales, marketing, accounting, operations.
- Control Freak Entrepreneurs – Stop
I’m also good at following up on my sales calls, collecting credit cards and booking appointments. rouses her chicks and hovers over her young, so he spread his wings to take them up and carried them safely
- Supernatural Peace Is Hard for Entrepreneurs
You're in the business He created you to do, so simply share your concerns, fears, and even your next sales
- A Cheerful Word
At home, my mom confirmed I would be an amazing sales person.
- Stressful Accounting Meetings
You have times when you made some mistakes, sales were low, lose a contract, payout too much, or get
- Saving Your Business and Marriage Comes Down to Who’s in Control
Then we’ll hopefully never make those same moves in the past, and we’re ready for the next challenges
- More Important than What You Sell, Is How You Manage Money
keeping track of 4 things How much money you owe (debt) What you own (assets) How much money you make (sales
- You’re Too Successful When…
It is so easy to take credit for the big sale, the huge contract, the amazing new partnership, the hot
- I Don’t Believe in Marketing Anymore
I’m sure you have similar stories of how sales came out of nowhere.
- How to become a Godpreneur And let God be your CEO- Ebook
We reached almost half a million dollars in sales in one year. But something wasn’t sitting right.
- 10 Bible Verses on Starting a New Business
Marketing and Sales “Listen! Whoever is thirsty, come to the water! Sales then happen when they are fully convinced.