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139 items found for "prayer"
- Making Business Vision Decisions with God
My commitment in 2015 is to know God better by spending a set time each morning in prayer and meditation
- How To Bring More “Dream” Clients from God Into Your Business
If we neglect the daily task of coming to our CEO (God) for our discovery prayer time, we’re missing If we fail to learn how to meet with God in prayer and meditation, we operate in a condition of depletion
- How To Inspire Employees To Work Just as Hard as You Do
We Godpreneurs need to fight side by side with our team, day and night, with weapons of prayer and praise
- Children's Devotional: Writing a Business Plan
PRAYER Dear God, Thank you for giving us the ability to think and create.
- The 100% Rule Will Save Your Business and Marriage
My prayer and hope... are that my own experiences would help you find your breakthrough much faster than If you want to make that commitment as I did years ago, I want you to repeat this prayer out loud. Godpreneur, if you just prayed that prayer, I believe God heard it, and you’re exponentially closer to
- Entrepreneurs #1 Priority Every Day
require us to be on the go from dawn until late at night, we may be tempted to sacrifice our quiet time, prayer
- Children's Devotional: Employee vs Entrepreneur
PRAYER Dear God, thank you for loving me and having special plans for me.
- How to Free Yourself from the Day-To-Day Operations of the Business
Prayer for Today Lord God, You are Almighty and have the world in Your hands.
- How Solo Business Owners Eliminate Loneliness, Especially During Trials
When you find your back up against the wall, you must do these 3 things: First, you need to go to prayer
- Fear of Going LIVE on Social Media? You're Missing Potential Sales
Think about a time in business where you have seen the power of prayer supernaturally bring peace into How will you incorporate prayer before live events to receive that same power to cast your fear?
- God Wrote You a Memo This Morning. Did You Read It?
in our business without investing the time to build a relationship with Him through Bible study and prayer
- The Cure for Entrepreneurs that Worry or are Jealous
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present
- 4 Steps to Returning Back to Your Morning Bible Reading Routine
Let us in everything by prayer and praise rejoice in the Lord and abide in His love – for the joy of My Prayer Father thank You that You are my joy and my strength in my business - thank You that there
- How Godpreneurs Wait: Part 4 – Increased Patience Points
wants us all to wait on Him so he can show us patience, build our character, increase our faith in prayer When you wait patiently in God: You gain access to His ear and He hears the prayers for our businesses
- Stop Grinding 24/7! Learn Why Jesus Embraced Rest for Success!
Use this time for prayer, a quick walk, or simply to be still.