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567 items found for "calling"

  • Finding My Calling in Business: Part 1 ā€“ A Crisis Solved

    working with entrepreneurā€™s brands for over a decade, Iā€™ve had many conversations about purpose and calling We have a crisis in calling. In 1 Corinthians 10:31, God calls us to glorify him in all we do ā€“ which includes our current business Jeremiah 29:11 NIV This being true, then the good news is that we all have a calling. In this series, we will explore how to discover Godā€™s call in your business life.

  • Unleashing The Power of Your Words in Your Business

    One of my missions is to lead a global movement of Godpreneurs who are all following the Born to Do Method Imagine if we all set out to intentionally SPEAK our visions to life and if we did it consistentlyā€¦ Like Thatā€™s why my blog is called DAILY Godpreneur, and itā€™s why I write dailyā€¦ Because the power of words

  • Unwrap the Gifts God has for You

    Imagine if we all used our gifts to point people the giver, and give all the praise and glory to God! Thatā€™s called Marketplace Ministry, and thatā€™s our true calling as Godpreneurs.

  • Jesus Wants to Heal us on this Pilgrimage of Entrepreneurship!

    The bible says: "And the people all tried to touch him, because power was coming from him and healing them all". you still havenā€™t surrendered, and Jesus can pull you to the side of the road when youā€™re ready to call

  • What to do with Godā€™s Entrepreneurial Vision

    If you read my previous post, youā€™ll read on how to partner with God on your business decisions. So, now what? Once you discover what God wants you to do you have to then FOLLOW THROUGH on what you discover. Knowing without doing could lead you to a fallen business, but when you make a plan to discover what God says and then follow through and do it, youā€™re setting your business up to win. #EnhanceFocus #FindMyCalling

  • Are You Expecting Miracles from God?

    .), but these are all wants, not needs. All of my wants have been idols in my life at one point or another, so Iā€™m searching deeper need. We all need Jesus to perform a miracle on us within our business. All of us, Godpreneurs, need Jesus to do something on this pilgrimage of Godpreneurship weā€™re on. Weā€™ve all had people ask us ā€œwhat can I pray for in your business,ā€ and how many of us pray for money

  • Weā€™re on a Pilgrimage and God is with us!

    The thought of going on a Pilgrimage has fascinated me since I was a kid. Iā€™d see it in old Bible movies and think how cool it would be to travel with thousands of people to a destination. When I started reading more about pilgrimages in the Bible, I made a big realization: although Iā€™m not riding in a caravan through the desert, launching and growing a business sure does feel like a Pilgrimage, especially as a Godpreneur. See, in my studies, I learned that a Pilgrimage is anywhere weā€™re trying to get while staying focused on God. We Godpreneurs may do this several times a year, depending on how much of a serial Godpreneur we are (ME!!). When we set out on this pilgrimage of entrepreneurship, we want to take the most direct route, but we understand the road will be bumpy with unexpected twists and turns. But thatā€™s why we partner with Christ to embark on this journey together. The bible says "I lift up my eyes to the mountainsā€” where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord , the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slipā€” he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep". (Psalms 121:1ā€­-ā€¬4 NIV) Youā€™re on a Pilgrimage to launch and grow your business, and youā€™ve invited Jesus to join you on the journey. Along the way, youā€™ll pray during meetings, you may participate in Bible studies together, and you might even go to some church conferences as a group to continue to learn and grow both spiritually and professionally. We Godpreneur recognize our need for Christ on the journey of running a God-First Business! And itā€™s important that we travel this journey with another Godpreneur, and alongside other Christian businesses and partnerships trying to do the same thing. The pilgrimage of Godpreneurship towards something that will bring glory to God. As weā€™re on our journey, we must recognize and know that weā€™re not trying to meet God somewhere. Weā€™re not trying to accomplish something FOR God. God has everything He needs, He just missing our 100% devotion and dependence. God is already with us. By starting the journey with Him, weā€™re already bringing Him 100% of the glory we can. Thereā€™s nothing more we can do but to TRY to stay in this same attitude along the journey. As we know, thatā€™s easier said than done. Those that love control will have to give it up, and those that fear not having control will need to learn a new mindset along the route. #BusinessBibleStudy #LaunchingMyBusiness #GodpreneurAcademy The Business God Created You To Start Have you ever wondered why you received the talents and gifts you have been given? We, as entrepreneurs, were born to do. Heard of the Godpreneur Academy? Grow Your Business, Godā€™s Way! Bible-Based Video Courses for Entrepreneurs Putting God First In their Businesses Click here to create a Free Account

  • Identify Your God-first Personal Brand With These 6 Steps

    I Struggled to Find My Calling Why me? What qualifies me to help you? others discover their calling. If that's what God called me to do, then come one and come all! We All Are Responsible to Steward Our Calling Like no other time in history, today's digital age gives and possibly never discover our personal brand calling.

  • The Struggles of Launching a Christian Blog and Personal Brand ā€“ My Testimony of @DailyGodpreneur

    It was all so new and exciting for me. What would your business and your life look like if God was using your calling to reach hundreds, thousands

  • Where Is God Taking My Business?

    Logos, websites, and all that jazz. But we are called to be different, called to be the light.

  • Why My Business Matters

    that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called I am called, first, to follow Christ. From that calling, I then begin to see the secondary calling (my business) and all of the decisions I Seeing my secondary calling through my primary calling helps me understand my business, expands my mind Itā€™s through this beautiful exchange that Iā€™ve come to understand my own secondary calling: to help rid

  • While Your Business is Suffering...

    Weā€™ve all been to the point of suffering where weā€™re ready to hang up the towel.Ā  We start questioning whether this is our calling.Ā We think maybe God is moving us to a 9-5 job. It's when I realize Heā€™s all I really need and have. When Iā€™m suffering Iā€™m being sanctified and cleaned of all moral and ethical failures I may be committing

  • How to Let Go of a Business You No Longer Want to Be In

    You STILL fall short of Godā€™s best for you. But it all starts by recognizing that you wonā€™t be able to achieve this on your own. You canā€™t know your ā€˜callingā€™ in life without going to your ā€˜callerā€™ and asking this question: what would We all have things in our business we want to move away from. Godpreneur Rule #17: To know your calling in life, you must go to the one who has called you into existence

  • How Music Saved my Business and Marriage

    Thatā€™s a fancy way of saying I was an in-house travel agent in a call center for Carnival. Pretty much all of us were walking on sunshine! It didnā€™t matter how your day, week, or month was going, when that song came on, all of a sudden, all He did it because it put us all in a state of praise and worship. We all of a sudden are transported away from our problems.

  • The Matthew 7:7 Guide to Starting A Business

    All you have to do is ask? Well, if you believe in the Bibleā€¦then YES! All of the sudden, courses and teachingsĀ started appearing on Facebook that werenā€™t there before.

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