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92 items found for "Psalms"
- In Order to Acquire More Money, God Wants This From Entrepreneurs
(Psalms 17:15 NIV) Here, the Psalmist is saying that vindication and satisfaction come through us becoming
- Your Uniqueness is the Key for Christian Entrepreneurs to Overcome Unhappiness
The Bible says in Psalms 139:13 and 14, "You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit
- I Know My Calling, But I’m Stuck: Part 4 – Commitment to the Plan
In Psalms, we read: "Though I am surrounded by troubles, you will protect me from the anger of my enemies (Psalms 138:7 NLT) I wrote a book and blog series called “Restart Your Business in 40 Days” where I parallel
- The Entrepreneur’s Cure for Being Overwhelmed
In the book of Psalms 61:2, King David provides insight for us.
- When You Don’t Know Where the Next Check Is Coming From, Remember This
Psalms 143:5 says “I remember the days of long ago; I meditate on all your works and consider what your
- In God, We Entrepreneurs Trust: Part 5 – How to Trust When We Can’t Trust
Psalms 56:3 NIV When you’re afraid in your business, your flesh naturally wants to kick into survival
- I Know My Calling, But I’m Stuck: Part 5 – Rest to Run Farther
In Psalms, King David writes: "The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need. (Psalms 23:1-3 NLT) When you’re a sheepherder, you purposefully stop your flock and go by one by one (Psalms 4:8 NLT) Maybe you’ve never experienced true “rest.”
- 4 Steps to Eliminating Anxiety in Business, God’s Way
This is the counsel of the Psalmist that wrote: "I lift up my eyes on to the hills. (Psalm 121:1) Do you see this intentionally in the words, "I will lift up my eyes?" This was the decision that the Psalmist made. (Psalm 50:15) Jesus said: "ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door
- Thinking Highly of Yourself Can Lead to Riches
He made you uniquely (Psalms 139:14), with a gift and talent that only you were born to do (Jeremiah
- Parents Influencing Your Purpose in Business? Read This!
(Psalms 138:8 NIV) God created you.
- Help, My Spouse Is Holding Me Back in Business!
My favorite scripture to remind me to wait on God is Psalms 27:14. (Psalms 27:14 NIV) This scripture is a great reminder that if you wait on God in your business and marriage
- How Married Entrepreneurs Should Deal With Their Problems
(Psalms 56:3-4 NIV) When business and marriage present a challenge, you need to REJOICE!
- Overcoming Obstacles to Launching Your Idea – Step 8: Removing Past Anxieties Holding Me from
(Psalms 37:3-6 NIV) The anxiety caused by not launching the thing God’s calling you to will set your
- Being Steady in Your Writing
(Psalms 23:1-6) When we learn to build a routine of meeting with God regularly, we can couple that time
- See Your Blog Posts as a Record of Your Improvement
(Psalms 102:18 NLT) Someone wrote the Psalms above thousands of years ago.