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567 items found for "calling"

  • 4 Steps to Eliminating Anxiety in Business, God’s Way

    Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. If you want to move on from chaos into calm in your company, consider what Paul is saying. God said: "call on me on the day of trouble." It's crazy, all of the sudden you feel like your problems come in 3's. That's what's happening. , if God promised that big contract, and you think about the fact that my God says "He shall supply all

  • Prayer For a New Month

    prayer, we reject every evil that comes with every month, and we get to partner with the Holy Spirit is calling forth all the success that God has planned for the business. Imagine if we all secured each new month in prayer. I declare that all my business encounters this month shall be safe. Lord, deliver me and my business from all evil in this new month.

  • How To Walk Away From The Idol of Money in Business

    In my book, Influencer Networking Secrets, I call this “Be A Magnet, Not a Pusher.” Why not say, “I tell you, avoid worldly wealth at all costs. Stayest thou broke, that thou mayest feel pathetic and needy all thy days ... and then enter, exhausted But I remembered all the sacrifices my family made to get here, and how unhappy I’d be if I went out Soon, I began to pay back all the money I’d spent from our personal fortune, in spades.

  • Need a Miracle in Your Business? Read this.

    However, the question for all of us is, "really, is he still working miracles?" I want you to know that today, and I say this with all of my heart, He is still a miracle worker. I’ve watched him provide financially in my business when all hope seemed to be lost. It says with God, all things are possible in your business. I love Ephesians 3:20, too. I did a Business bible study called 7 Steps to Launching Your Christian Personal Brand.

  • The Unique Way Entrepreneurs Find Christ On Christmas

    It was all joyful, but there was still a separation between my business and the holiday season. These leaders sought out Jesus with unexpected eagerness, all because of their hunger for God’s Word. Our passion for the business God has called us to run is renewed daily! With all the external pleasures the holidays bring us, there is one joy that should surpass them all Imagine if all of us Christ-first business owners fell down in our hearts, surrendering to Him anew as

  • Seven Prayers For The Entrepreneurial Men Of The Church

    who are called according to His purpose.” “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. in all your ways, acknowledge You are the generous and benevolent One who gives to all who ask. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” You are the epitome of all that is loving and good.

  • Twitter for Christian Entrepreneurs: 8 Tips for Establishing a Following

    The Bible says: Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples! Many of them only require a small commitment of time but can make all the difference in terms of new I did a Business bible study called 7 Steps to Launching Your Christian Personal Brand.

  • How to Write Catchy Blog Titles Christian Readers Can't Resist [6 Tips]

    Think "God's timing" or "finding your calling." Again, it's all about setting clear expectations. Of course, all of this hinges on understanding Christian entrepreneurs. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to how long or short your title should be. The secret to thinking about all three at once?

  • Overcoming Work Addiction: Step 2 – Know the Signs

    If you call the office at 11:30 at night, she’s likely to be there. I guess the apples doesn’t fall far from the tree after all. I’m not sure why my mom works so much. But if we’re not vigilant to the signs, we could easily fall into the same trap I fell in…They really

  • Feeling Unproductive? Start Every Day with This Powerful Secret!

    Isn’t it true for all of us?  He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm. [25] “Where The disciples were overwhelmed, in great danger, and then Jesus calmed the storm with just a few words This isn’t just about reading the Bible; it’s about making it a base for all decisions and interactions

  • Mind Your Mind to Thrive in Business

    And what we think about - pray about - meditate on - contributes to our finding calm and operating our I find that when I’m most anxious, repeating my favorite scripture - Psalm 25:4-5 - immediately calms Imagine the impact that a calm, peaceful, even joyful mind can have on your business.

  • How you fight DOES make the difference

    But if I could do it all over again, I would argue differently. All of these topics we fought over the need to be talked about, but not the way I handled it at the time We all get into disagreements with our business partners. Make all the difference. Stay calm, ask questions, and listen. Remember James.

  • How to Create a Purposed-Focused Business Partnership

    It all starts off great. I’m excited to share my knowledge, they’re eager to grab the ball and run. But somewhere halfway down the field, they fumble the ball. I begin to sabotage the relationship by focusing on all of the problems, and eventually, I get fed up We can all agree that we become what we think about, we get from business what we expect, and we find Ephesians 4:22-24 says we need to put off the old man with all its deceitful ways and be renewed in the

  • Easy Way Out of Stormy Business Experiences

    It is good we understand that we can all emerge through the storms as victors. The devil does not orchestrate all storms, but whatever the source, the Bible says of God, "The Lord Furthermore, the Psalmist testifies, "He calms the storm, so that its waves are still. It's incredible to know that God does all of these for His people. We also saw Jesus calm the raging storm that was contrary to the peace of His disciples (Mark 4:39).

  • 5 Ways Busy Christian Entrepreneurs Can Thrive with Daily Devotions

    The assurance of God's love and grace brings much-needed calm to your bustling life.

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