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801 items found for "business-partnerships"

  • Lessons from Partnerships Gone Wrong...

    When I first started my business, the partnership between the founders was great!  But as we grew, we experienced conflicts with various parts of the business. As entrepreneurs, we all experience conflict in business partnerships much as we do in our personal relationships As I grew closer to God in the years that my business grew, I would begin to handle these conflicts differently God will teach you and your partners valuable business lessons through dealing with conflict in entrepreneurship

  • Feeling Alone In Business? Read This!

    We all get to come to each other in good times and in bad, consult with each other’s businesses, even There are times in your business where you will feel alone. 

  • When Business is in Trouble, Remember This

    I’ve been through my shares of ups and downs in my business. You might not see it because your mind is clouded with the problems of the business and where the next

  • Need a Miracle in Your Business? Read this.

    Is God still in the miracle business? Does He work miracles in secular businesses? Can God intervene in the issues destroying my business partnership, and miraculously turn things around You've got the business you do, right? Do you know what God's business is? Godpreneurs, here’s what you need to know: God will never waste your partnership pains, he will never that is going bankrupt, every partnership that’s in pain while we’re here on this earth.

  • Your Purpose in Business Will be Forever

    Once my heart began to change in business, I started to see that my company wasn’t in the business of Most business owners don’t use an eternal mindset when uncovering and bringing to life our business dreams One clue God uses to show us our purpose in business is that His vision for our business life will always What our business does today will matter forever! Who does he NOT want us to do business with? Why?

  • How to Find Good Christian Employees to Grow Your Business

    The scariest part of Restarting my business was doing it alone with my assistant.  Most won’t fit into your business.  I did a Business bible study called 40 Days to Restarting Your Business, God's Way. Check it out: 40 DAYS TO RESTARTING YOUR BUSINESS, GOD'S WAY A business Bible study to help you rethink , reinvent, and restart your business, but this time, God's Way!

  • What’s My Purpose in Business?

    What on Earth is my business here for? What is my business going to exist for? I also loved helping guide existing business owners towards recreating their business with a new sense Have you found a worthwhile purpose in your business? What are you living your business life for?

  • Children's Devotional: Writing a Business Plan

    Parent Instructions: If you're teaching your child entrepreneurship or doing a business together, read Aiden and I have a snail shell air plant business together. Business Plan for Success Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Aiden. Aiden sat down and wrote a business plan. of growing and managing our business.

  • Let Jesus Work In Your Business, Believe.

    But who we say Jesus is has a profound impact on every level of our business. strategic and personal aspects of our ventures, our understanding of who he is will either make our business For me and you, our entire business lives hinges on this question too. Your pastor can reveal truth, my blogs can teach business ethics, inventors and creatives can bring about We have been called to lead businesses and minister in your marketplaces.

  • Your Loss is Your Business’s Gain

    anyone this, but my blogs are really a way for me to deal with the suffering I’ve gone through with my business I’ve been through lawsuits, bad partnership breakups, collections notices, near eviction for nonpayment What if our business scars point to a greater story for our brand? They helped me realize that I was in the right business, but selling it the wrong way. Grow Your Business, God’s Way!

  • How to Listen to God in your Business

    How do you listen to God in your business? How can you hear what God says about your next big move? I’m reading, something will pop out about a decision I’ve been praying about and dealing with at my business You’ll make wiser business decisions. And that’s how you let God be your business partner.

  • Putting Jesus Christ as My Business Boss.

    I started my business as a non-Christian. That’s when my business was completely transformed and I uncovered my true calling in business and in being able to take control of your business, then let’s pray to save your business and turn it over You saved me and you save my business too. I place my faith in my business in you.

  • Finding My Calling in Business: Part 5 – How to Find Your Calling in Business

    How can we know what God is calling us to do in our business? We can find our calling in Entrepreneurship and lead meaningful businesses. Others love to be in business partnerships. Some are made to be inventors. Pay attention to your business history. Or do the same exercise but with the last jobs or businesses you had.

  • The Unshakable Entrepreneur: Secrets to Standing Firm in Business Storms!

    There's nothing more depressing for me in my business than losing a key client. It's not just a blow to my business's revenue, but to my confidence and entrepreneurial esteem. As Godpreneurs, we're no strangers to the highs and lows of business. However, even if you've already built your business, God wants you to continue to dig deeper so He can build your business higher!

  • Pivoting To a New Business Plan? When's The Right Time to Announce it?

    I wouldn’t start a project without a plan, and you wouldn’t start a business without a plan. I did a Business bible study called 40 Days to Restarting Your Business, God's Way. Check it out: 40 DAYS TO RESTARTING YOUR BUSINESS, GOD'S WAY A business Bible study to help you rethink , reinvent, and restart your business, but this time, God's Way! We parallel Nehemiah's rebuilding of the wall to your journey in rebuilding your business.

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