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273 items found for "successful"

  • 6 Healthy Boundaries in Successful Business Partnerships

    For me, several factors contribute to my success in a business venture, and one of them is partnering I honestly and earnestly sought for the Holy Spirit to show me because I know God wanted me to succeed We all want successful businesses, and we all would love it if we could find the best partner to do that Setting boundaries in business partnerships can be uncomfortable, but to create and operate a successful

  • Unlocking Your Business Launch: 17 Days of Devotionals for Breaking Barriers and Finding Success

    their comprehensive roadmap, "The Path to Godpreneurship," focuses entirely on preparing you for a successful

  • From E-Commerce Success to near Bankrupcy: The Greed That Can Destroy Godpreneurs and How to Overcome It!

    I was a firsthand witness of my business partner’s overwhelming desire for more — more success, more In the world of entrepreneurship, where success is often measured by material gains, it's easy for us We can show that success is not about how much we accumulate but about how much we reflect God's love

  • Want to Be Successful? God Wants You to Focus on One Thing.

    it's strengthening their faith because it's reminding them that God is love and is for them and their success

  • Successful Businesses Have United Workforces

    In my company Creative Complex, we’re united to help entrepreneurs find their God-given identity…what they were born to do!  We do this by, first, making it very clear that to have a calling on your life, there must be a ‘caller’.  We’re not ashamed to talk about Jesus and share our testimonies of how the way our business USED TO BE, to how it is now.  In fact, for us to do the best possible work for our clients, we MUST tap into the spirit of our clients. We’re not crazy….OK, maybe we are!  We’re nuts about our clients understanding that in order to create a great brand, we must get to the core of why the company and entrepreneur exist!  Every person on my team, from my executive assistant to my graphic designer overseas, knows the plans we have as a company to reach over 10,000 entrepreneurs with our message. THIS IS NOT A PLUG FOR MY COMPANY. I tell you this to say that we are all united under one message and one cause: spread our message. When we entrepreneurs can find a message and a cause, we have the opportunity to unite people in our cause and create a movement. Some of us think that people are motivated by money.  We think that people are moved by bonuses, perks, or cool products to sell. And if we are motivated by these things ourselves, our workforce will be too. But God left a blueprint for uniting a workforce and creating a movement. In the second chapter of the book of Acts, God sends down the holy spirit into all the believers, uniting them under ONE CAUSE: Jesus, and spreading that love. The uniting work of the Spirit of God through the preaching of the gospel to the nations, in turn, brought about the knitting together of a new community of believers. Those who believed the gospel were all together and had everything in common. These new converts sat at the feet of those who had been taught by Jesus (Acts 2:40-47). The secret to a united workforce is that everyone must be preaching the same message.  What’s your company’s message?  Usually this is called your mission, vision or purpose statements.  All together, these form the key message you’re putting out. In my business, we’ve been able to tie our message into the same message of the gospel!  Heck, I feel like I’m killing two birds with one stone: I’m giving them a brand AND spreading the gospel!  When people do business with me, I want them to feel like they are doing business with Jesus, with a company that brings light and love.  I want my clients to have purpose! There is only ONE SPIRIT.  The closer we can tie our company mission to this one spirit, the closer we come to the one-ness we Godpreneurs are seeking in our lives. Godpreneur Rule #37: we seek for our businesses to be one spirit with God, and go out and spread that message to the world. #BusinessBibleStudy #SharpenLeadership #FindMyCalling

  • Why Some Are More Successful Than Others In Business

    Have you ever wondered why some entrepreneurs become successful, and others don’t? The problem is, we often assume that successful business owners have something we lack, be it extraordinary And sure, these things might help – but they’re not what success is made of. Instead, success in entrepreneurship is the result of resilience: the ability to face criticism and rejection

  • Successful CEOs: God Multiplies Your Growth Through Personal Branding

    Then you might want to consider building a personal brand around the successful business you've created Let's explore what successful Christian CEOs need to know about building a God-First personal brand. This is the most fundamental and enduring purpose behind being in a successful leadership position. As the owner, founder, and CEO of a successful Kingdom-first venture, God wants to use your personal Strategically, they want to continue growing their successful existing business.

  • Born to Do – Part 5: Guaranteed Success

    I’ve succeeded too. But there’s something special about the failures that I take for granted. dismiss as foolish, we are not doing any of these things in absolute assurance that our attempts will succeed We weren’t meant to succeed at everything. Godpreneur Rule #64: Godpreneurs see failure as faith, risk as obedience, and success as responding to

  • How to Stop Faking Your Success as an Entrepreneur?

    I want to be seem successful to everyone around me.

  • Acknowledging That God is Who Brought You Your Success

    #ChristianBloggers #BusinessBibleStudy #GodpreneurAcademy Keys to Successful Christian Blogging In this course, I'll give you some keys God taught me about how to write a successful Christian blog.

  • Find Your Purpose by What Success Means to You

    But ultimately, only God will let me know when I’m successfully following my purpose. Successfully identifying my entrepreneurial purpose now makes it easier to accomplish goals and succeed That’s because, without His favor, we have no chance for real success! Godpreneurs find our contentment in God as the ultimate measure of success in our business! You get: Workbook 5-Video Teachings Access to dozens of courses in the Godpreneur Academy!

  • 7 Bible-Based Principles of ‘Timing’ to Ensure Your Business’s Success

    observe these 7 Bible-based Principles of Timing in your daily Christian business until they become your successful Success or failure, timing has a hand in it. The Evening and the Morning Principle This is a must-key that opens the door for any form of good success chance happen to them all’ – Ecclesiastes 9:11 this means that a good idea needs good timing for good success Therefore, for a successful person, every second count.

  • Overwhelmed by "Entrepreneur Influencers" on Social Media? Discover What God Says about Them.

    I want to be prosperous and successful, like these other guys online.  Proverbs teaches us Kingdom-driven entrepreneurs that knowledge, peace, understanding, success, prosperity The text makes clear that the Lord bestows wisdom - wisdom needed for running a successful business. What if success and prosperity in business was really all about running a business in peace and inner I don't know about you, but PEACE in my business would check off the box of “ success ” in my book.

  • The Kingdom Businessman Blueprint - Phase 1: Built for the Challenge

    They chase success along the entrepreneurial journey without direction. How to ensure your success doesn’t fade, but lasts for generations. This isn’t just about business. And on top of that, the world constantly tries to redefine masculinity, leadership, and success. Others overcompensate —chasing money, power, and recognition, thinking that success alone will prove Have you been chasing worldly success instead of kingdom purpose?

  • Jealousy When Other Entrepreneurs Succeed

    Do you get envious when you scroll through Instagram and see other friends that are entrepreneurs succeeding There’s a difference between boasting about your successes, and being genuinely proud of your accomplishments business, I try to call it a blessing so people know that it wasn’t all my doing that bright about the success

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