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154 items found for "sales"

  • Dangers of Instant Gratification for Entrepreneurs

    I have a problem. I have a client that needs a significant amount graphic design work done in his company. I recently changed my business model so that I can focus on launching the service I’m really passionate about (one-on-one strategy sessions with entrepreneurs). I know how to get this clients’ work done with my eyes closed. I’ve done it for years. It’s going to take time, though. It's not easy, but I can make it happen. Here’s my problem: Do I sacrifice spending time on the business I’m passionate about, in exchange for instant gratification of money? I asked my right-hand person and she said that we’re on a mission to focus on ONE THING, and everything else can wait. There’s a danger, as business owners, of grabbing instant business today at the expense of what we’re trying to build for tomorrow. Yes, I can do graphic design. But that will come at the expense of helping another entrepreneur start their business, realize their God potential, and change the world with their gifts and talents. Let’s not sacrifice our GOD’S VISION for instant gratification. #MakingMoreSales #EnhanceFocus

  • How to Reply to Nasty Clients

    The other day my coordinator followed up with a lead I had spoken to back in March about a branding and website package.  My first conversation with this prospect was awesome!  Seemed like he was going to buy on the spot.  I sent him the email follow up with a payment and scheduling link. When my coordinator gets on the phone with him, he angrily complains that we never followed up and it’s too late now and he’s already gone with another firm and to not call anymore. When I heard this I was very surprised. I had a great conversation and everything seemed like the start of something awesome. My surprised attitude quickly turned to an anger inside because I was now insulted at the claim we never followed up. As entrepreneurs we are constantly being angered and insulted and pushed around. Sometimes from clients, sometimes from our own employees. So what do you do when that anger boils up and you feel like telling that person off? In Proverbs 15:1 we read A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. God says hold your tongue. God says to show love. When I got back to my desk I went straight to the email I had originally sent following up and I replied to the email and calmly explained that I was sorry he may have missed my follow up email and if there was anything we could do in the future to help we are here to serve. I even wished him good luck on his new venture! He replied that he was sorry that he didn’t see the first email and that he’s busy now and will get back to us. I could have replied angirly. But instead it was a gentle reply that opened the relationship back up. #SharpenLeadership

  • Including Gifts in Your Marketing

    Back when we were a graphic design fulfillment company, I would send artwork on canvas to my clients every year.  It was an awesome way of showing how much I appreciate their business.  They would hang it up in their offices, and I would make sure it was a piece they would be proud to show off. It’s easy to give gifts to our current clients….they’s paid us! But should we be giving gifts to those that aren’t our clients yet?  They haven’t paid us any money, doesn’t make sense! The bible says: Giving a gift can open doors; it gives access to important people!” (Proverbs 18:16 NLT) Gifts are totally unexpected, undeserved, and given from a heart that wants to strengthen a relationship. CURRENT CLIENT GIFT IDEAS For current clients, I recommend getting on SUBSCRIPTION GIFT GIVING.  Subscription gifting is the perfect way to show appreciation and stay on your client’s mind. The best part? As the on-the-go gifter, you have the ability to ‘set it and forget it! It still requires thoughtfulness to find the perfect fit for a client, because if he or she is going to be receiving something from you once a month, it had better be something well-liked!   So you sign your client up to Dollar Shave Club Birchbox Sock 101 BarkBox Graze PROSPECT GIFT IDEAS God has shown us gift-giving, so what can you be doing in your business to give gifts to PROSPECTS? A book or ebook that you wrote (this is major authority builder) Cupcakes, candy (any food really) A sample of your service (this is a little lame, but it could work) Something 3D in the mail, like a stress ball Do you have any ideas that have worked for you?  Share below! #SharpenLeadership #MakingMoreSales

  • Multiple Income Streams: A Biblical Perspective

    investing in the stock market or having a 401K Passive – Cash coming in from rental properties or the sales

  • Saying No to Strip Club Work

    My graphic design company used to do flyer designs for strip clubs. Hey, they need to promote too! And business was good. They spent a bunch of money. But as I began to walk in my faith, I felt a conviction about doing work for gentlemen’s clubs. Not so much my own conviction, but the example I was setting for my team. Your team, customers, vendors or contractors will learn more from our actions than they do from our words. It shouldn’t surprise us that this is a biblical concept. James said, “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says” (Jas. 1:22 NIV). And although nothing in the bible says don’t do graphics for strip clubs, I felt that by taking a hard stance against having them as clients, I was letting my team (and the client) know that my business didn’t need that money to continue to succeed. This applies to how you speak and act towards others. Are you a jerk? Do you lose your patience easily? Do you curse a lot? Yet you go to church on Sundays and want to invite your team with you?! Our actions demonstrate what we really believe and our team looks at our example when weighing the truth of our words. Model godliness for your employees, vendors, contractors and clients. #FindMyCalling #AttractingRightClients

  • Stop Chasing Money…Instead Let it Chase You!

    As entrepreneurs, we all do it. We seek the pleasure of unstable things such as approval of employees, big money accounts, power over competitors, beautiful branding, or fame in your market. But what happens when the money is low, your biggest client leaves you or biggest your competitor just came out with a cooler widget than you, threatening to take a chunk of your market share. When we chase after the broken promises of unstable things, we put ourselves on the worlds fastest rollercoaster that’s stop button doesn’t work.  You’re stuck on that ride forever. The solution is simple.  Godpreneurs work for an audience of one: God.  He’s your boss, He’s the only one that will be at the table at your 90 day evaluation, He cuts your check, He validates and loves the work you’re doing. That’s why I wake up every morning to read the bible, even if its just 5 minutes of Proverbs.  I chase after the wisdom and knowledge of God.  Its like a fresh glass of water.  If I chase God, everything that’s supposed to come to me will follow. Godpreneur Rule #36:  Chase after God, place your trust in Him and His Word, and He will refresh you with living water. #MakingMoreSales #SharpenLeadership

  • Why Selling Can Be a Drag, and How to Overcome

    In any given year, I’ll have thousands of great ideas in my business, but most of them die in my mind.  A good amount of them make it through to pen and paper, I actually keep a Google doc of ideas.  From there, a smaller group actually get acted upon.  Finally, one or two a year actually survive. All of us entrepreneurs have great ideas.  We’re visionary.  But there are a couple of things we need to be aware of. The more aligned you are with your purpose and with what God has for you, the more resistance you’re going to meet. If you don’t believe in your product, you won’t have the strength to fight through this resistance. We want to believe that we can control everything.  So if someone says no to our idea, product or service, we want to think logically and say “well, maybe it’s a bad idea or product.” But what if the resistance is there to teach you to wait, refine your approach, and develop the faith and courage that the early church had to endure to spread the gospel. In Acts 13, we see Saul and Barnabas going around to various cities, talking with Jewish leaders and letting them know about Jesus.  Although some received them warmly, and most have them plenty of time to explain themselves, there is a “FORCE” that exists that does not want this message to spread.  This force will do anything to stop them, but Saul was so bold and so driven with purpose that he would dust his sandals off and move on. Godpreneurs, when your product or service is going to change the world, when you feel like you are doing God’s work, be ready for the resistance that will come. Sure as the sun will rise, you will have no resistance.  And if you don’t have resistance, be vigilant to that too, maybe you’re so off course that this force doesn’t even see you as a threat. If you truly believe that what you are doing is God’s plan for you, then that’s the only thought that needs to drive your every encounter with opposition. Godpreneur Rule #68: opposition in selling our God-given calling means that we’re on the right track. #MakingMoreSales #BusinessBibleStudy

  • Does Your Product or Service Change Lives?

    I was listening to a sales training and the speaker said something that I can’t stop thinking about.  It was my first sales job out of college.  I loved cruising!  She would make a lousy cruise sales person. But, I think I was missing another level of salesmanship that might have made my sales percentage go Without sales, there is no business…period. 

  • Christian Brand Strategists Use This Client Attraction Method

    God wants us to figure out how to help ONE person and then gives us the knowledge and desire to scale To read more articles about sales, click here. #MakingMoreSales #AttractMoreClients #BrandStrategist

  • Inspiration is What Sets Godpreneurs Apart

    But he saw Jesus do it, and Jesus said “the same power that’s in me is in you.” A sale that seems impossible to close is not impossible for the Spirit. 

  • Grabbing Hold of Your Destiny to Become a Millionaire

    The author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind feels the same way about money as I do about customer service

  • Networking Is Dead - Christian Entrepreneur Do This Instead

    I've always felt uncomfortable with the idea of trying to meet people for the sole purpose of personal Then, we come out and got sales or business development jobs, and we were taught to race to one more So, Jesus responded by essentially saying that if you want the "sale," you have to serve. The same formula for greatness is available to us too! To read more articles about sales, click here. #MakingMoreSales

  • How My Business Funds My Disney Habit

    I used to see my business as the tool to get out of debt, save some money, buy a home, a nice car, and The problem was they were viewing their use of money on a scale of the accumulation of things.

  • How Faith-Based Agencies Sell More

    In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your To read more articles about sales, click here. #MakingMoreSales

  • How Brand Strategists Attract New Business, God's Way

    networking events, friends get-togethers, or playing golf with new people, look for opportunities to ask the same To read more articles about sales, click here. #MakingMoreSales #AttractMoreClients #BrandStrategist

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