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567 items found for "calling"

  • How to Align Your Business with Your Niche Calling

    Do you ever feel frustrated that you know you have this gift – this calling to do something – but you The area between where you’re at now and where God has called you to be is called unrealized potential However, I do it more because it helps me guide the entrepreneur towards alignment with their calling And God wants to build a great thing upon the foundation of our calling. —on the road God called you to travel. I don’t want any of you sitting around on your hands.

  • Launching Your “Calling” During Quarantine – 10 Tips

    However, if we live in fear, we could miss out on all the BENEFITS that can come from this season of All of these things affect your BRAND IMAGE, and now is a perfect time to work on those. This means all the ministry’s have also moved online. Let’s all feed off of each other. This is a time to make new friends and connections. Now that you’re in the box, focus on your calling. I want to help guide you.

  • Uncovering the Niche Target Market You’re Called to Serve

    make sure I never launched another business for someone without knowing this was the path they were called That’s a huge clue God’s given us to reveal the target market we were called to lead. Like a Shepard that is herding his flock, we too are called to hear a certain group of people. Thank goodness for that, or we’d all be targeting the same demographic. Godpreneurs, we’re all created for good works, but we don’t have to do every work.

  • The Difference Between Your “Calling” and Your Business

    My calling is my identity. Who am I? My Primary Calling My primary calling as a Christian that I’m made in God’s image and I’m known by Jesus Secondary Calling (My Business) Like a building is built on a strong foundation, the secondary calling is built upon the primary calling and it is through that calling in which the secondary one can exist You have one calling (vocation) built upon the first calling, your primary calling.

  • A Fresh Start: A Month of Devotions for Bringing God Into Your Business

    Entrepreneurship on Purpose Take 3 days to focus on your calling.

  • Find Out What God Called You to Talk About

    business, there are many things to talk about, so you’ll notice I love to focus on discovering your calling My teachings are becoming even more aligned with my calling – to help people uncover what they were born Even this blog post about writing blog posts is aligned with my calling because it’s having my readers zero in on a niche that’s their calling. Because we are in alignment with our calling.

  • Struggling In Your Business? Try This Tactic to Turn Things Around.

    It was called "The Law of Attraction," and I learned it from a book called The Secret. A check would appear, or a lead will call with payment to get started on a project.  Out of NOWHERE, someone will call to buy my product. Coincidence? No.  This is how God works. I did a Business bible study called 40 Days to Restarting Your Business, God's Way. We parallel Nehemiah's rebuilding of the wall to your journey in rebuilding your business.

  • Lusting for Things vs Trusting in Your Calling – It’s One or the Other

    You wake up thinking about everything you’ll buy once you figure it all out, and go to sleep with it Let’s all get in the habit of pointing our feet away from the temptation—and turning our eyes away from

  • Having Faith to Become a Doer

    All of us humans weigh our decisions between risk and reward. about to head into, God is at your side, and with Him, you will not be shaken (Psalm 16:8) Faith is all Entrepreneurship might as well be called “Faith Walking.” We can’t afford to be faithless when it comes to pursuing our calling. to Do A FREE 3-Day Business Bible Study to help you succeed in the marketplace by listening to God’s calling

  • Overcoming Work Addiction: Step 3 – Call It Out

    Working feels good to us, so we fall back on it. The bigger the problems, the more we want to work. Ironically, we fall back on to-do lists, which are the most unproductive tasks. I will do this to recapture the hearts of the people of Israel, who have all deserted me for their idols Ezekiel 14:4‭-‬5 NIV We hear about this thing called idols all throughout the Bible. All of these questions can be helpful in discerning an addiction or idolatry of work.

  • How to Handle Hurt In Business

    and family launching businesses that they have no business being in because it’s nowhere near their calling There wasn’t a tool for making sure the frames on the wall are hung straight (which is painful to look The economy isn’t perfect, so Wall Street, the government, and financial institutions fix it. something in your industry or marketplace, you can receive the ideas you need from the Holy Spirit (your calling You might even come up with a service called Launch in 2 Days because of this.

  • Need Motivation to Read your Bible Daily? Here's a Tip for Business Owners.

    I feel led and called to do so.  In Chapter 8 of Nehemiah, the wall has been built and now the city is growing.  Nehemiah 8:1-3 NIV "All the people came together as one in the square before the Water Gate. And all the people listened attentively to the Book of the Law." I did a Business bible study called 40 Days to Restarting Your Business, God's Way.

  • Mixing Your Talents, Your Gift and Your Passion

    Imagine if we all operated our businesses more closely to what we were ‘Born to Do’? All of us, Godpreneurs, need to be 100% aware of our gifts, talents, and passions so as to do everything

  • Why Christians Should Focus on Branding more than Marketing

    Calls to action that hook you. Massive product launches. What we call amazing is either a manipulation or an exaggeration of what is the normal brand. But marketing is just a sign pointing to the ordinary things of your calling in business. The calling from God! Do not be seduced into waiting for a magic shortcut. I did a Business bible study called 7 Steps to Launching Your Christian Personal Brand.

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