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567 items found for "calling"

  • Finding Joy in My Business, Even When I Want To Leave

    It’s not very clear what my calling has to do with logos and websites, but I chose to participate in Discerning my calling includes making choices about my business, as well as learning how to follow God me, I have the freedom I experience when I get to do God’s work of helping them realize that He has called

  • Distraction-Free Godpreneurs – Part 4: Five Ways to Escape Distraction

    But all of us visionary entrepreneurs experience this and are thus called to be wiser and manage our Fall More in Love with Your Calling Distractions will be all around you. You won’t avoid them. All of my priorities are focused around my calling – to help people discover what they were born to do a wider escape route as time goes on because I’m more committed to my calling. Pray for God to give you wisdom about your purpose and strength to stay in the calling.

  • Daily Godpreneur on Instagram!

    Check it out: Are you looking for daily inspiration on Instagram? There you could have a brief but effective connection with Godly advice to manage your business! Daily Godpreneur is a place where you could find inspiration, and encouragement to manage your business putting God first! Commit your plans to the Lord! If you have any prayer requests: We’d pray for you! Would you like to be connected with other Godpreneurs and be part of a 44,900k followers community? Join us #ChristianBloggers #NewEntrepreneurs

  • Born to Do – Part 5: Guaranteed Success

    It’s probably because I take so many chances, risking it all at times. I’ve succeeded too. the biggest contributor to what cripples us from taking the action needed to fully live within our calling You dared to take the next step, willing to lose it all. When we fail pursuing our calling, it’s not actually failure at all. Godpreneur Rule #64: Godpreneurs see failure as faith, risk as obedience, and success as responding to the calling

  • Thinking Highly of Yourself Can Lead to Riches

    he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called When your creator has called YOU and given you the vision, you are to tell the whole world and let your There’s a difference between boasting, and being confident in your calling and being unashamed to go Refusing to promote your calling is the main reason why you don’t consider yourself worthy, and therefore We must sell our calling to others.

  • Does Your Product or Service Change Lives?

    Imagine if we all thought our products changed lives!  We wouldn’t stop.  Jesus as much as I can so that I can piggy back off of the strength and power of the spirit and the calling We all can, we just need to seek it and look deep into what people are really buying from you.

  • In God, We Entrepreneurs Trust: Part 5 – How to Trust When We Can’t Trust

    I called some lawyer friends. Some suggested I send a letter. We might have lost our direction and need to center ourselves again in our calling. Remember the Past – the only way these works is if you document all the times you trusted in God, and Imagine if all Godpreneurs trusted in God’s process as we grow our businesses. Godpreneurs call out to Him when the trust is fading.

  • How I went from Entrepreneur to Godpreneur – You Can Too

    I didn’t just work for churches, that’s not what I was called to do.  Weather a church or a lawyer, I was called to help businesses find their purpose, their why, their reason crazy part is that I was already branding people and companies, but now I had a bigger purpose and calling for His purpose and tie it all in some crazy way that will make you say “WHAT?!?! He had an encounter with Christ, he is converted and then called to be a promoter of Christ. 

  • Born to Do – Part 7: The Key to Happiness

    our TRUE CALLING. First, he reveals that our calling is really to worship Him by following Jesus. Second, he reveals that THROUGH that calling, our vocational calling is worshiping through the work we He cares that your entrepreneurial calling be represented in the world in the best way possible so that This is the last and critical step to discovering your born to do identity, your calling.

  • The Entrepreneur’s Cure for Being Overwhelmed

    Today is small business Saturday (the day after black Friday in case you didn’t know). And although there is a great positive message behind this day, I can’t help but think that this time of the year will leave many business owners feeling overwhelmed. For me, I’m thinking about marketing plans, product releases, the new year, systems and processes, and so many things at once. Being an entrepreneur is a gift and a curse. The gift is that the ideas come to us so easily and we we’re so excited to make them happen. The curse is that the ideas can sometimes lead us to be overwhelmed. I’ve got pages of Google Docs and countless Evernotes and elaborate Trello boards just full of great ideas. Where do I start? Which one do I do first? Then what’s next? We, entrepreneurs, often feel overwhelmed. But there’s a solution. In the book of Psalms 61:2, King David provides insight for us. He says “From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” How often do we cry out for more security (financially) and more strength to deal with the problems of being an entrepreneur. This is when VISION is important. There will be times we will have to be led to a rock higher than ourselves so we can get VISION beyond our present struggles to the future God has in store for us. Sometimes we have to be lifted up to see life from God’s eternal perspective. In this passage, David recognizes the higher “rock” as a place of safety and power and he knows only God can lead him there. Owning a business can sometimes make you feel faint-hearted, but God wants you to use those times to pray to Him for security and strength. James 1:5 says that those who ask will be given wisdom. Wisdom is one way God lifts us visionaries up to the higher rock. Remember, you are never confined to your present situation. Trust God to lift you and your business to a higher place and give you His eternal perspective….your God breathed vision. #EnhanceFocus

  • Mountain Biking is like Owning a Business

    You’ll fall a couple of times, you’ll have to stop because you’re tired. knowledge, insight, and discernment….and improve your biking skills Enjoy the ride, its a learning process all

  • Miracles Are Cool, But This Is Even Better For Your Business

    We all do this.  In 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Paul writes to his understudy, saying: “All Scripture is breathed out by God and

  • Wisdom Wednesdays – Godpreneur’s Guide to Getting Rich

    My wife and I fight about money all the time. See, my wife grew up under the teachings of “money is the root of all evil”.  Yes, the bible says that the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. 

  • Avoid The Income Strategies of Your Parents

    And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.”

  • Trusting God with our Brand and Letting go of our tendency to want to control it all

    One of my most difficult challenges has been to learn to trust in the Lord with all my heart in all areas getting closer to the word of God and building a relationship with Him, we start discerning our gifts and calling However, the uncertainty of whether this is truly God calling us leads us to fear and to doubt God’s During this period, I attempted three times to follow my calling and build my business; the first two including me, and we get to serve women in mortgage and real estate by identifying their born-to-do calling

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