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567 items found for "calling"

  • Living Vision to the Full

    The other day I sat with an entrepreneur that told me ā€œI donā€™t go to church, but I know Iā€™m doing what Iā€™m supposed to be doing because I feel it in my heart.ā€ What a great feelingā€¦when you know youā€™re in the business that your heart tells you to be in. Maybe you havenā€™t been so luckyā€¦and youā€™re stuck in a job or business that your heart isnā€™t that into. Jesus came so that we might have ā€œLife to the Fullā€ (John 10:10). In my experience, starting my relationship with God, and truly following Jesus Christ has led me to the center of my heartā€¦His heart. Iā€™m discovering the joys of doing what you love to do! The vision has been revealed to me, and Iā€™m living it to the fullest I can today! #FindMyCalling #WorkLifeBalance

  • Remember This When You or Your Business is Suffering

    Donā€™t assume that you know it all. Run to GodĀ ! Run from evil! Itā€™s the child he loves that God corrects; a fatherā€™s delight is behind all this.ā€

  • Entrepreneurs, Hold on to This in Troubled Times

    Trouble comes in many colors in business. Outside factors come along and rock the very foundation of everything weā€™ve built. Divorce, key employee leaving or losing a big contract are only a few of the common bed rockers. I found this bible verse very comforting in times of trouble in my business. Psalms 71:20-21 says, ā€œThough you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up. You will increase my honor and comfort me once more.ā€ If youā€™re in troubled times right now you have two choices in mindset. First, you can be depressed and anxious and stressed out. Iā€™m not sure if this is possible to avoid outright. But how long you stay in this state if mind is critical. The second choice needs to come as fast as possible, which is to worship God, seek Him more than ever before, and trust thatā€™s heā€™s changing things around for your good. He will comfort you once more. P.S. I think its also fun to note that in the verse above, God MAKES us see trouble. When God gives you a vision, we always think its for something amazing, right? We associate vision with something positive. But in this case, God has us see times of trouble. Sometimes we can see it coming, sometimes we donā€™t see it until it snacks us in the face. But thatā€™s a different blog post. #DifferentiatingMyself #StrengthenIntegrity

  • How To Make Sure Youā€™re In the Right Business

    to have a great time without intoxicating myself, and I was setting someone else up to ā€˜stumble and fall Now my businesses all line up with my current compass thatā€™s pointing north.

  • How to Listen to God in your Business

    How do you listen to God in your business? How can you hear what God says about your next big move? Answer: Ā Read the Bible Every Morning When Iā€™m reading, something will pop out about a decision Iā€™ve been praying about and dealing with at my business. The Bible is made up of a whole bunch of books written by a whole bunch of different people. But God inspired every person as they wrote. So when you read it, youā€™re reading things God wants you to know. Donā€™t know where to start? SHARE ON INSTAGRAM I either use devotionals, a bible reading plan on YouVersion, or pray about what book to read in the bible and let the spirit guide you in the right direction. Itā€™s going to take practice for you to learn how to hear what God is saying to you. And the more you practice, the easier it will get. Are you interestedā€¦..or are you COMMITTED to hearing from God? Entrepreneurs: When you make a habit of reading the bible, youā€™ll know GodĀ better. Youā€™ll feel closer to Him. Youā€™ll feel connected. Youā€™ll make wiser business decisions. And thatā€™s how you let God be your business partner. #WheretoStartFirst #LaunchingMyBusiness

  • Stop Rushing Everything in Business ā€“ Part 5: Finding Rest Throughout Your Business Day

    One Sunday, I woke up with all the intentions to NOT do a lick of work. Weā€™re all busy entrepreneurs. The bible says, ā€œCome to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. But Jesus, in his incredible wisdom, people are all carrying a load on their backs already, heā€™s just Imagine if we Godpreneurs all took the opportunity to slow down, and rest under Jesusā€™ easy yoke.

  • How Godpreneurs Wait: Part 4 ā€“ Increased Patience Points

    I had to shut it down to restart all over again. He wants us all to wait on Him so he can show us patience, build our character, increase our faith in prayers for our businesses He will come to your rescue and deliver us to safety You will worship God at all

  • Godā€™s Surprising Role In Your Business's Money

    Focus on Your Born to Do Calling In all of creation, humans are the only ones that worry. Every other creature just trusts the creator has it all taken care of so they can focus on what they Philippians 4:19 says ā€œAnd my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Imagine knowing that itā€™s all going to be good for you in life financially, and all you have to focus And because we call our own shots and generate our money, we are the ones the enemy will use most to

  • Becoming a Godpreneur ā€“ Part 9: Born To Do

    We Godpreneurs have a destiny, a calling, a job assignment, a vision from God to do something great within We all end up somewhere in our lives. Nehemiah ended up there on purpose. Nehemiah 13:31 NIV Nehemiah knew what it was all for, and this gave him the drive and determination. We all need a singular encounter with God, a moment of clarity in knowing the vision He has for our lives Most important, being a Godpreneur is all about God and his greater purpose.

  • Finally, Iā€™m Launching My Idea ā€“ Advice 2: Fight the Resistance

    We plan, talk about it, get people fired up, and then we fall short from execution. All business ideas start in the mind, and thatā€™s where the enemy seeks to gain control. We all have dreams. Having a dream is important, but EXECUTION is where it all matters. Message me, this is what I do as my calling. Iā€™ll send you a resource. , you will receive the training you need to have a successful business launch and know once and for all

  • Finally, Iā€™m Launching My Idea ā€“ Advice 4: Dealing with Haters

    Weā€™re all going to face criticism. Ā I believe itā€™s there to help us grow in the face of adversity. The Bible says "In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus firm foundation." 1 Peter 5:10 NLT When it shows up, realize two things If you feel you were truly called You canā€™t, you wonā€™t please everyone all the time. Ā Just please God. Godpreneur Rule #84: We Godpreneurs operate under the command of one God that has called us. Ā 

  • Finally, Iā€™m Launching My Idea ā€“ Advice 5: Celebrate Wins

    searching up and down, and through an awesome set of circumstances, we came across the place that Iā€™ve called This is why companies put their awards on the walls. Ā  If we all kept remembering where we have come from, it will give us the attitude we need and the gratitude , you will receive the training you need to have a successful business launch and know once and for all

  • Finally Iā€™m Launching My Idea ā€“ Advice 6: Born To Do

    But the bigger reason I love destiny is because it reveals that thereā€™s a purpose for my existing, a calling over my life, and a caller who orchestrates the entire thing. Whatā€™s your calling? Are you letting destiny take its course so you can focus on the here and now? We all can use destiny to fuel our born to do identities today.

  • How to Effectively Hide Your Marriage Problems as an Entrepreneur

    We all go through trials in our businesses and marriages. Other people are not public about their problems; but they still pick up the phone to call friends, family Heā€™s going to reveal who to call, what to do or to chill while He works on your behalf. Psalms 50:15 says Godā€™s going to deliver us if we call on Him in with problems. This is precisely what calling on God is ā€“ itā€™s rejoicing because God is taking care of it.

  • 5 Ways Struggling Married Entrepreneurs Can Still Win

    My friends all know that I love launching businesses. When I set out to launch a business, I EXPECT it to be a success, so I put all the preparation together times when we entrepreneurs set out to launch new ventures with dreams, aspirations and hopes we may all start at the same place called ā€œIdea Land,ā€ but only a selected few launches because of quietly preparing ā€œThen all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps.

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