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567 items found for "calling"

  • More Important than What You Sell, Is How You Manage Money

    We Godpreneurs are passionate about our calling, but we need to be more passionate about selling our calling!! How much further can our calling get if we focus on being financially responsible every day!

  • The Business God Created You to Start

    We have all deviated from the path God has set for us at one time or another, but there’s always time

  • Easter Devotional for Entrepreneurs

    COURSE LINK We entrepreneurs all have our view of who Jesus is. I think all of us entrepreneurs should consider how his identity transforms us, and thus affects our

  • Finding Purpose In Your Business Partnership

    COURSE HERE Finding meaning and purpose in life is one of the most basic human needs that we all desire

  • Your Brand Story Is Your Testimony

    This business Bible study will help you to discover the who, the how, and the why of sharing your entrepreneurial testimony. COURSE HERE Have you ever struggled about telling your testimony in business? It is usual for us to tell our testimonies at Church but how it is when it comes to your business? It may be scary but not as hard as you might think. A testimony is a powerful declaration of what God has done for you personally and regarding the marketplace. As you share the greatness of God with other people you glorify Him and allow other people to hear and see his mercy upon your life. During this course, I’ll be helping you discover the importance of sharing your entrepreneurial testimony as we go towards the lessons. TAKE COURSE HERE #BusinessBibleStudy

  • Material Possessions vs Our Calling in Business – Who Wins?

    Christian entrepreneur’s struggle is the battle between the lust for material possessions and God’s calling We’ve all experienced a God-given strength to do something pretty cool in the marketplace – a holy spirit What causes you to choose our own way, over what you say you believe is God’s calling for your Entrepreneurial times out of 10, it’s because I see something I want, and then, right in that moment, that becomes all

  • Entrepreneurs #1 Priority Every Day

    All diets, dietitians, and nutritionists say that you should NEVER go to the grocery store when you’re The Bible says: “Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers

  • Are You In Business Because of Someone Else’s Dream?

    Sometimes we’re doing things to please other people, conform to culture and society, or worst of all,

  • Grace for Your Business Vision - How to Restart after Giving Up?

    That’s what grace in business is all about! Are there second chances in business?

  • What If Your Terrible Marriage and Sinking Business Just Need This

    didn’t work, or the product launch didn’t produce the results we wanted, we throw in the towel and call We all had given up too easily in the past when our spouses said “no,” when the contact didn’t go through

  • Losing Business Partners Over Religion

    All of us were involved in the nightclub industry, either as promoters or nightclub owners. He accepts it with no hesitation, counting it all as gain (Philippians 3:8). You will risk ridicule for dropping whatever business you had going on because you feel God calling you Godpreneur Rule #1: Godpreneurs go out and tell the world, risking it all for Christ, unashamed and purpose

  • Becoming a Godpreneur – Part 4: Surrounded by Supporters

    Some call them Bible studies. Essentially they are ‘masterminds’ within the church. In 2012 I decided to lead a growth group called Chazown. It was during and through that group where I realized my calling was to help others discover and bring identity was so wrapped in the nightlife and agency world that there was no way I could pursue this new calling But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up."

  • The Prodigal Entrepreneur

    He ran out of money, was deserted by all his so-called friends, and was starving.

  • What’s Your Business’s Role in the Church?

    That’s for a select group that has been CALLED to that.  entrepreneurs…the Godpreneurs….have been anointed as KINGS and QUEENS of your markets, and it’s your calling and the mission of our local church, and less on our success or influence in business, God will do all Peter’s identity in Christ, and his conviction to spread that word, did all the healing. 

  • God’s TV Channel for Entrepreneurs

    There are three types of visions: the one YOU have for your life, the one EVERYONE else has for your life, and the one GOD has for your life. When I first started my business, I didn’t have a relationship with God. The only two visions I was relying on was my own and whatever others suggested. But that doesn’t mean God didn’t have a vision for me, I just wasn’t tuned in to that TV Channel to see it. #NewEntrepreneurs #WheretoStartFirst

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