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- It’s Hopeless [8 Lies of Entrepreneurship]
Something weird happens when I’m starting a new venture or launching a new product. Everything starts out wonderful, there’s excitement in the air, things are flowing…and suddendly something bad happens. I either run out of money, someone leaves the team, the product doesn’t turn out to be the ‘hit’ I thought it would be, or there’s a little bit of success, then I hit a wall and nobody’s buying anymore. In the past, I would simply quit and move on to the next thing. That’s easy to do. I can get get excited all over again and feel the ecstasy of launching a new thing. In the pattern of start and re-start that is entrepreneurship, I’ve come to learn that right before a business blooms into what it’s supposed to be, there comes an of hopelessness. I’ve felt so much depression, bitterness and anger towards myself and others, so much that we wished I just had a steady job and the burden of entrepreneurship would be lifted from me. Had I not burned the 9-5 bridge, it might have been a legitimate option on my list. Let’s just be honest with each other right now: sure as the sun will rise, we will experience a deep, dark valley right before success is going to hit us. I believe this is on purpose. I’ve felt that I’m at the end of my entrepreneurial career, I’ve given up hope on my products and services, and I’ve looked at the business partner I once called a best friend and said, “I don’t even like you anymore.” This is the moment I know I’m on the doorstep of what God has for me. I don’t give up. Instead, I reach for the promises of God. The bible says to Godpreneurs, "You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you." —Isaiah 26:3 “I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten.” —Joel 2:25 It’s a beautiful image! When my business looks like that utter wasteland, God says, “You see that devastation? I will restore everything that is lost. I will bring it back to life, new life in Me.” I never believe my business is hopeless – I believe God’s promise that He will make all things new. The lie is that my business and entrepreneurial career are hopeless. The truth is that Jesus can revive EVERYTHING! God, in the midst of these troubles, I trust in You and You alone. Heal my heart and give me hope for my business. I fix my hope on You, focus my mind on You, and depend on You to live through me so that I can walk in Your Spirit today. Amen. #FindMyCalling #SharpenLeadership
- My Kids Make Business Better [8 Lies of Entrepreneurship]
Owning a business can either be a blessing on a family or a curse. If mom and/or dad aren’t ‘present’ because the business (bringing in money) is more important, we can have problems. I think it’s very simple. It’s not about how hard I work, it’s about WHO I work for. If I’m working for my family and kids, so they can have a great life, I might get stuck in the pattern of giving the business more importance and taking full control. If, instead, I take on the mindset of working for God, I become more aware of my duties and obligations as a spouse and parent by putting the business in its rightful place: after God and family. Here is what I pray my child sees from me and my wife as parents who are entrepreneurs: Focus on Christ – Christ is the only one who can mold the heart fruitfully. My kids need to see me and my wife be faithful to Christ and see how He is conforming us to Himself. Seek outside help – It’s often hard for entrepreneurs to look for help from others. Kids need to know that it’s okay not to know all the answers. They need to see us seeking out and confiding in others who can help bring answers. Crucify our flesh – Our fleshly desires for personal satisfaction come at the expense of people around us. My kids need to see adults look to others with compassion, even if it’s inconvenient and painful. Break old patterns – Things don’t have to be the same. My kids need a role model that removes our bad habits and focuses on Jesus and the things He has planned for our business lives. Forgive forever – Often our hearts and love are compromised by grudges towards employees, vendors, contractors, clients and even each other as a married couple. Kids need to see us forgive and forget, willing to work on past hurts, even to the point of forgiving. Trust in Christ – It’s easy to try meeting our own spiritual needs with “stuff” or “better circumstances.” My kids need to learn that Christ is the only one who always provides and always supports us. Kids need to live in a loving, nurturing home with both parents working through the hardship of entrepreneurship together. Surrendered to Christ, they exemplify for their kids that owning a business is hard (just like marriage), but so, so very worth the commitment now and during the long run. The bible says "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 NIV) The lie is that the kids will be better if we work harder and longer hours today in the business. The truth is my kids will be worse off if they don’t see me and my wife working together to put God first in our entrepreneurial ventures and our faith and trust in Christ and God’s provision. God, for the good of my kids and everyone around me, I place myself and my business in Your hands now. I hold my children dear in my heart. Reveal to me how I can be a better spiritual leader to them by leading my business in Your Spirit today. Amen. #WorkLifeBalance #MarriedEntrepreneurs #TimeManagement
- Going Back to a 9-5 Will Fulfill Me [8 Lies of Entrepreneurship]
Sometimes I think about how easy it would be to have a 9-5 job. Just tell me what to do, and I do that one thing. Set me on my path, lay out my duties and responsibilities for me, and make sure that check is in my bank account on the 1st and the 15th. But this is a big fat LIE, and I know it! This lie is really just a sub-lie of one of the enemy’s other favorite lies that “easy is better than hard.” Whenever I’m struggling in business, I sit down and look at the vision board I created for my future and realize that it could never happen with a 9-5 job. I picture myself standing in front of audiences teaching them about business. I imagine myself signing books, leading big paying consulting gigs, and in a cool office environment I co-created with God. And then I have a fake conversation with myself: “remember back in the day Alex, when you wanted to quit, when you were anxious about the business surviving, when you wanted to go back to working in an easy environment? Thank goodness you didn’t, bro!” Honestly, easy is seldom better than hard. The truth is that entrepreneurship is one of God’s best ideas, and a good business is an inexpressible joy. Work? Yes. Pain? Yes. Blood, sweat, and tears? Yes, all of that too… but it’s worth it. The bible says "From the fruit of their lips people are filled with good things, and the work of their hands brings them reward." —Proverbs 12:14 At some point I made new business with the mindset that I promised to stick through it all. I reaffirmed my commitment to follow through it, and agreed to engage fully to restore and build the business that God had for me. As He works in me today, I consciously look at how I’m changing into God’s image through my business. It’s a process and it will never be perfect (don’t expect that), but I know that I’m in God’s will, and that my business is worth every bit. The lie is that entrepreneurship isn’t worth the bother. The truth is that your business is worth the effort. God, renew my mind according to Your Truth. Take my worn-out heart and strengthen it. I can’t fix this on my own, so I ask You to be at work in my business life. Use it all, good and bad, to conform me to Your Son and give me the conviction that it is worth it. Amen! #BusinessBibleStudy #WorkLifeBalance 8 Lies of Entrepreneurship In this course, I show you 8 lies that keep Godpreneurs bogged down in feelings of inadequacy, insecurities of owning a business, and 8 truths to combat lies. Heard of the Godpreneur Academy? Grow Your Business, God’s Way! Bible-Based Video Courses for Entrepreneurs Putting God First In their Businesses Click here to create a Free Account
- Truths to Battle Those Lies [8 Lies of Entrepreneurship]
Some years back, I realized that I didn’t like entrepreneurship anymore. I knew I couldn’t just stop and close up my shop . I wasn’t just going there and getting a job. But I knew I couldn’t stay where I was. So, I looked at my business model and said to myself, “Do I really want to live like this for another 10 years?” When I get pounced and tossed by these thought of quitting, I picture Paul from the bible. Paul learned the lesson of contentment in extenuating circumstances. As he wrote Philippians, he was in jail, had no money, and was near execution; but he still found joy in Christ. Paul’s joy didn’t come from improved circumstances. It came from living according the truth rather than buying into the lies of the world, the flesh, and Satan. It’s the same for you and your business. Remember, the secret of Godpreneurship is you walking the marketplace like Christ – in the Spirit, worshiping God by doing what you were born to do. Let’s do something about that, following the pattern Paul laid out in Romans 12:1-2: "Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will." LIES Out of the eight entrepreneurial lies we’ve uncovered, identify the ones that are most pressing on your business right now: Entrepreneurship is irrelevant Owning a business is the only way to be happy Your business will complete you You can handle it on your own Getting a 9-5 is an option Working more is better for your children Your business is hopeless Godpreneurship isn’t worth it TRUTHS Read the truths that replace the lies that you find directly affecting you: Entrepreneurship is divine, timeless, and significant Solo-preneurship is a gift to cherish or a season to enjoy Christ is the only one who can complete you You need outside help to handle your business Getting a 9-5 is only an option in certain extreme cases Time with kids is far more important than time in the business God offers hope and restoration for your business A godly entrepreneur will bring Him glory and bless the business immensely Now, take both the lies and the truths to the Holy Spirit and ask that He would do the work that only He can do. Spirit, show me, right now, the lies that are oppressing my business. In the name of Jesus, I rebuke Satan who is the father of those lies. I reject the lies as destructive and wrong. Renew my mind. Replace the lies with life-giving Truth. Reveal to me now specific changes that You want to make in my attitude and my actions. I surrender to You now. Live through me, moment by moment today, according to Your truth. Amen!!! Reflection: What lies about business and entrepreneurship have I believed? What is God specifically saying to me about these lies? What will I do about it? What does God want me to share with someone who’s struggling in their business? #BusinessBibleStudy 8 Lies of Entrepreneurship In this course, I show you 8 lies that keep Godpreneurs bogged down in feelings of inadequacy, insecurities of owning a business, and 8 truths to combat lies. Heard of the Godpreneur Academy? Grow Your Business, God’s Way! Bible-Based Video Courses for Entrepreneurs Putting God First In their Businesses Click here to create a Free Account
- I’ll Succeed Once I Get Married (or Divorced) [8 Lies of Entrepreneurship]
I’m married. But I was a single entrepreneur before, so I can speak as to the “before and after” of having a business while single versus being married. I’m writing this because I have single entrepreneur friends that look at me with envy and think “man, I wish I was married. If I was married, I think my business would do better.” I’m also writing this because I have married friends that tell me they would be so much more focused and driven if they didn’t have a wife nagging everyday about how they feel neglected because they care so much about the business. I’ll just start by saying that neither is better or worse. They are simply a season of your life. If God is present throughout all seasons of my life, then each season has its glory (and challenges). Single entrepreneurs…whoever told you or whatever thoughts crept into your head thay “I can’t be successful and happy unless I’m married” is simply false. Think you have to be married to be whole and happy in business? Get this: Paul spends the whole chapter of 1 Corinthians 7 convincing people not to get married. Now for the matters you wrote about: “It is good for a man not to have sexual relations with a woman.” … I wish that all men were as I am [Paul was single]. But each of you has your own gift from God; one has this gift, another has that. Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried… I would like you to be free from concern. An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord’s affairs – how he can please the Lord. But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world – how he can please his wife – and his interests are divided. An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord’s affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world – how she can please her husband. I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord". —1 Corinthians 7:1-1, 7-8, 32-35 Do you believe you can’t have a successful business unless you’re married? The truth is this: Singleness is either a gift to cherish or a season to enjoy. And for my married entrepreneurs…. Listen. The loneliest entrepreneurs I know are not single. The loneliest business people are people I know trapped in a bad marriage. Marriage is not the happiness pill a lot of people think it is. If I want to be happy in business while I’m married, everyday I must remind myself that true joy and fulfillment are found only in Christ. Marriage isn’t meant to make me happy in business, it’s meant to make me holy for the marketplace. God’s word says, “in Your presence there is fullness of joy.” Lay claim to that truth right here, right now, no matter if you’re single or married, happy or discontent. Married or single, all of us entrepreneurs should turn our hearts towards God as our source of true fulfillment – filling each of us until we’re full – in “need” of nothing else. #MarriedEntrepreneurs #BusinessBibleStudy 8 Lies of Entrepreneurship In this course, I show you 8 lies that keep Godpreneurs bogged down in feelings of inadequacy, insecurities of owning a business, and 8 truths to combat lies. Heard of the Godpreneur Academy? Grow Your Business, God’s Way! Bible-Based Video Courses for Entrepreneurs Putting God First In their Businesses Click here to create a Free Account
- I Can Do This Alone [8 Lies of Entrepreneurship]
Going back to when I first got into a partnership with my friends to start the marketing agency, we did everything on our own. I didn’t seek advice. After all, I had just paid $130,000 for an Ivy League education at Cornell. It wasn’t until after the partnership displaced and I went on my own that I came across the notion of “mastermind” and forming communities of advisors to help bounce ideas with. Even though my partnership was 3 of us, like marriage, I considered myself one in business with them. We couldn’t handle the struggles on our own. The enemy’s strategy is to divide and conquer. He wants me to think that I’m the only ones going through financial issues and employee crisis. He wants me to feel more embarrassed about my failure than I feel motivated to get help. He wants me to avoid the people who speak truth and love into my life. He wants me to disobey one of the foundational principles in Scripture: "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching." —Hebrews 10:23-25 I need that. I need it even today as I’m writing this. It’s a lie to think otherwise. It’s called loving biblical community. Ironically, the worst I’m doing in business, the more I retreat and put up a front that everything is all good and I don’t need to meet with my counselors. That’s the enemy winning. This is the moment I actually need to stop everything I’m doing to meet up with another entrepreneur for advice. What’s going on in your key relationships? What’s up in your marriage? Are you trying to handle it on your own? If you want to go it alone, I suppose you can try, but why? Maybe it’s time to flush some pride and ego and get connected like God designed it? The lie is that you can get through the tough times in your business alone. The truth is that a Godpreneur surrounded by a wise biblical community will do better than a business owner in isolation. God, I accept that I am not an island. I need You in my business. I need what You provide through others when business is tough. I confess my prideful, independent flesh patterns. Make me willing to accept Your grace, wisdom, and support through other Godpreneurs. Show me whom You want me to connect with today. Amen. #BusinessBibleStudy #ArticulatingMyIdeas 8 Lies of Entrepreneurship In this course, I show you 8 lies that keep Godpreneurs bogged down in feelings of inadequacy, insecurities of owning a business, and 8 truths to combat lies Heard of the Godpreneur Academy? Grow Your Business, God’s Way! Bible-Based Video Courses for Entrepreneurs Putting God First In their Businesses Click here to create a Free Account
- God’s Not in My Industry [8 Lies of Entrepreneurship]
I’ve had my non-believer friends tell me “The bible was written so long ago by people that don’t know things today, that’s why I can’t take it serious.” I’ve also had entrepreneurs tell me Christianity is an archaic institution and irrelevant in the modern business world. Heck, even some believers can’t connect God to their business because there’s nothing in the bible that talks specifically about what they do professionally. I could imagine some are thinking if putting God at the center of our business is even worth it. They ask “Why do we even need this? Does God even care about my industry?” This is the way God always intended it: he wants to express himself in any way, through every industry to every human being, and he’s going to use me and you to make that happen. I struggled with connecting how making logos and websites made any difference in God’s big plan. I thought you had to own a nonprofit or run a church to be doing significant stuff. As I got deeper into the understanding of God and the fact that he gives purpose and passion, and that he calls us each to uniquely do something, I realized that, in fact, I don’t do logos and websites. Instead, I bring to life the vision of God to entrepreneurs about their purpose and calling. I’m guiding people towards what they were Born to do vocationally. Thanks big stuff! Jesus said this "You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you." (John 15:16 NIV) We all have the opportunity of discovering what God’s purpose is for each of our businesses because God chose us, not the other way around. It’s revealed once we surrender our businesses and understand that it’s not there just to make us money or for us to pass the time here on earth. There’s a reason for realtors, barbers, accountants and car salesman. Each plays a significant role for God. I’ve branded hundreds of companies and met thousands of entrepreneurs. Each one starts not knowing their exact purpose and significance. By the time I’m done with them, they know why God wants them to exist. The truth is that owning a business is divine, timeless, and significant. You might be in it or out of it – either way, your work here is part of God’s eternal purpose for the Body of Christ… and it will be until our time is up. The lie is that the bible is archaic – that it’s written by people who didn’t know the internet existed and it’s obsolete. The truth is that God wants to impact your business, his wisdom is timeless and significant for our growth. God, make me a vessel of Your truth. When I begin to doubt the validity and need for you at the center of every business move, make me willing to take that thought captive. By Your Spirit and Your Word, convict me of Your divine purpose in my business for my good and for Your glory. Amen. #BusinessBibleStudy #FindMyCalling 8 Lies of Entrepreneurship In this course, I show you 8 lies that keep Godpreneurs bogged down in feelings of inadequacy, insecurities of owning a business, and 8 truths to combat lies. Heard of the Godpreneur Academy? Grow Your Business, God’s Way! Bible-Based Video Courses for Entrepreneurs Putting God First In their Businesses Click here to create a Free Account
- God and Business Don’t Mix [8 Lies of Entrepreneurship]
It was early 2016 and I found myself all alone at my office. I had just let go of a bunch of staff to “restart” my business in a new direction. The conversation in my head went like this Okay Alex, we really need to talk. You got all these clients, but you can barely stand them. Managing employees is a drag, having this rent is a burden, and the attacks from clients is unbearable You know you can get a job and go work for someone for waaaaay more than you’re making trying to do it on your own. No, no, no… There has to be a way to keep going! I stared more at the blank screen, hoping all my problems would go away. Then the conversation started again. What if I’ve been doing it all wrong. I’m great at what I do. I love what I do. I just don’t exactly love who I’m doing it for, and in the way I’m currently doing it. What are my best clients? What were my best experiences? I just stared at my screen in silence. It was a defining moment for my career as an entrepreneur. The future on my business hung in balance. I realized that the business I had constructed was a poor imitation of what God really had for me. I also knew I was locked into the journey of entrepreneurship because it’s what I was born to do. Would I just sit there and let my business continue to die? I’ve learned a lot since then, and I’ve become more and more convinced of a simple truth: The enemy divides, and the Holy Spirit unites. The enemy is at work in our businesses, our nonprofits, and our campaigns to further our causes, and some of his favorite tools are his lies. The enemy is a stronger business man than you’ll ever be alone, he’s out to make sure you don’t accomplish your Born to To identity. Through deception and deceit, his lies will convince us of many things that God has already declared ‘NOT TRUE’. If you believe those lies, your business can disintegrate before your eyes and you’ll wonder what happened – at least, that’s what happened to me. Paul laid out a counter attack: "Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible – and everything that is illuminated becomes a light. This is why it is said: “Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” —Ephesians 5:11-14 That night alone at my office was a turning point. I didn’t know how I got where I was, and I didn’t know where I was headed. But I decided that I was going to put in the hard work, learn to be painfully honest with myself and my clients, and ask Christ to give me the business that He longed for me to have. As I journeyed out, I became acutely aware of several lies of the enemy that are rampantly believed in businesses that are in trouble, like mine was. Feeling trapped like I did? The truth can set your business free. Father, right here, right now, begin to expose the lies of darkness that I have accepted as true. Expose them with the light of Your Word. Wake me, elevate me, may the light of Jesus shine on me, my business and my relationships with my clients and coworkers. Amen. Start experiencing God in your business daily! Click here to get daily biblical wisdom from Alex Miranda delivered to your inbox. #BusinessBibleStudy #EnhanceFocus #ShareYourTestimony 8 Lies of Entrepreneurship In this course, I show you 8 lies that keep Godpreneurs bogged down in feelings of inadequacy, insecurities of owning a business, and 8 truths to combat lies. Heard of the Godpreneur Academy? Grow Your Business, God’s Way! Bible-Based Video Courses for Entrepreneurs Putting God First In their Businesses Click here to create a Free Account
- Be Still and Know
God’s field is limitless, and it cuts across all industries and sectors of society. He is the Creator of all things, and all things are held together in Him. Therefore, as entrepreneurs, our businesses are God’s creation, and they are being held together by Him. For by Him all things were created in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities; all things were created and exist through Him and for Him. (Colossians 1:16, AMP) With that said, how do we live through the quiet seasons of our businesses? How do we wait patiently for the Creator of all things to fulfill His promises? Quiet seasons are difficult to embrace. The quietness can unfold in different ways: The rhythm of the business slows down, or the growth of the business becomes stagnant. Circumstances that lead to the quiet seasons may be out of our control. However, the way we respond to the quietness is within our control. It is easy to strive and get things moving in the business, for example, make follow-up calls with your customers or pitch new products to potential investors, but your efforts fall short, and you are back to the drawing board. At this point, you begin to realize that you are helping God. The quiet seasons are not punishment, even though they may feel like that. God uses these seasons to grab your attention and show you things you may have overlooked during the busy seasons. He reveals different aspects of your business that are outdated; for example, your team needs to learn more about digital marketing and the importance of using social media to reach your customers. Additionally, He provides you with new strategies to adapt to the current market trends, or He shines a light on the hidden areas of your life that are holding you back. Moreover, God uses quiet seasons to remind us that He is God and we are not. Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations! I will be exalted in the earth. (Psalm 46:10, AMP) The busyness of our lives can make us forget that He is the Creator of all things, Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. Therefore, God in His infinite wisdom slows down the rhythm of our businesses and gently whispers: Be still. Will you be still? The stillness is uncomfortable but knows that God is with you in the stillness. His still small voice doesn’t have to compete with other voices. His voice becomes the leading voice as you navigate the quiet season. After that, you become more aware of His voice, and you can tune into His frequency when the rhythm of your business picks up again. All in all, God wants to be number one in every aspect of your life. Will you be still? #DifferentiatingMyself #TrustOnGod #WaitingOnGod
- A Prayer For Business
A little over a month ago, I was recovering from some mild burnout, and somewhere in there, the call in my spirit to change my approach to business came welling up out of me. Since then, I have been pursuing Kingdom engagement daily in my approach to everything I do at my desk. I somehow stumbled on a Daily Godpreneur Devotional Plan, and that is how my road here started. The prayer I wrote below is what I pray every time I sit down at my desk to work, ensuring all of me is aligned and submitted to hear God’s voice amid the goals, the customer reach-outs, the strategizing, team-leading, etc. You will notice a space for you to insert your name near the end, so when I say this for me, I say, Kelly Bat Yahweh, which means Kelly Daughter of Yahweh. If you are a male, you would say, Alex Ben Yahweh, for example. Be blessed today in whose you are and as you go about your work on behalf of His Kingdom. I invite you to pray this with me: Father, I come to you in the precious name of Your Son Jesus and thank you, Jesus, for your blood that allows me to come boldly before the Father’s Throne of Grace. Father, I thank you that you hear me and that I am welcomed. I thank you for making me in your image I and praise you for the purpose and destiny that You have imbedded in my DNA and my spirit; I call it forth now and choose to step into it at this moment. Father, I humble myself and put you in the highest place - above the abilities and strengths inside of me. I recognize my need for you and declare with humility that apart from you blessed Father, Lord Jesus, and Holy Spirit; I can do nothing. I turn away from the systems of this world that would compete for first place and dictate how to operate. You said in Your Word that we are to be in this world but not of it - so I sever all ties to the wisdom of this world with the Sword of the Lord and apply the blood of Jesus to this faulty and anti-Christ system. I set myself to honor Your Word and choose the wisdom of Heaven for all my business-related actions. I repent and turn away from the idolatry and gods of this world - social media, fear, and Mammon - that dictate how my business will flourish. I declare that my success is not tied to algorithms or systems of this world. I align my soul and spirit to the spirit of God, and I thank you that in James You say that if anyone lacks wisdom, you will give it generously when we ask. So, Father, I ask for fresh wisdom from Heaven and thank you that in John 3:27 you say that a man can receive nothing unless it has been given him from heaven, so I open my hands, soul, and spirit to receive this perfect gift from above. Father, I thank you and ask for a fresh strategy from your kingdom and government to operate with success, love, and productivity. Thank you, Father, that you provide my every need. I declare that I turn from my abilities to you as my Provider. I humble myself and ask for your forgiveness for where I have set myself above you as the provider. I turn to you Jehovah Jireh and give you first place and remove all confidence of my flesh and submit to and trust you. Great I AM; I invite you into the work I am about to set my hand to and ask humbly that I might partner with what you are speaking and doing. I talk to my ears to be open to hearing the still small voice. I speak to my mind to be submitted to my spirit, and I speak to my spirit that it would be submitted to the Spirit of the Living God. In the power, the Name, and the blood of Jesus, I decree a matrix of protection overall technology and tools or myself and those I am interacting with. No weapon formed against me will prosper, and no satanic agenda will succeed. I thank you, Father, for the honor of being called Your own and that I am seated with You in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus where I rest in the authority that You have given me through your precious blood Lord Jesus. God, may you sent your angels in my favor that will secure Kingdom opportunities and divine appointments that will further multiply my purpose to expand the kingdom of God on the earth with the business I am about to engage in. Lord, in all that I do, may your name be glorified and exalted. May I be a conduit of your Kingdom and win souls for your name. I clothe myself in love and ask that you would bless the work of my hands. Thank you for prophetic insight for how to operate, who to reach out to, and be a voice and instrument for your glory. I praise you for the opportunity to love and serve others and thank you for your favor and open doors. You are my Great Reward, and I set myself to honor you as I work in this world on behalf of Your Kingdom. I love you, sweet Father, and thank You for calling me your own. Thank you for giving me your name, (Insert Your First Name) Bat/Ben Yahweh. In You, I live and move and have my being. I seal all of these things with the blood of Jesus and praise you because if God is for me, who can be against me. Amen. #GainConfidence
- Struggling to Write? Learn how to Ethically Rewrite or Curate Existing Web Content
When my company used to do marketing for nightclubs, I would always have the owners and marketing directors ask me: "Alex, what's this new social media platform and how can we use it?" This was back in 2005 when Digital Marketing was in its infancy. I would tell the nightclubs, "go online and search articles and you'll find a bunch of people talking about it." The problem is that all of the articles were written from a small business perspective, and not a nightclub perspective. It was difficult for them to grasp the concepts because the articles weren't relating to them. So I searched for an article on Social Media Marketing and REWROTE the entire article, but changing all of the examples and language to something nightclubs could understand. Once I did that, they were able to grasp the concepts. I continued to do this "rewriting" strategy for a few years. I had a blog called Nightlife Marketing Resource. Nightlife marketers from around the world appreciated that I was able to take confusing Digital Marketing concepts, and break them down for them in a way they could learn and implement into their marketing. Is Rewriting Ethical? Before I teach you my strategies for spinning, rewriting, and curating blog posts to better serve yourself and your readers, I want to draw the line between making good use of research and blatantly stealing someone else's content. I have a few criteria that I go by and expect from the writers of Daily Godpreneur that I'm going to share with you. Being that I run a branding agency that writes content for my clients, and I have a blog with thousands of readers, I understand a few basic rules of the game. First, plagiarism is never OK. Plagiarism is taking someone else's work, changing the author, and posting it as yours. However, being inspired by someone else's work is not plagiarism. We are not expected to produce content that is 100% original and written off the cuff. That's not how God designed things. The Bible says: What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 1:9) God took the first 7 days to create the entire world. He's the original creator. After that, everything has been an inspiration from that, passed down throughout the ages. Someone's story inspired the next person's experience. Traditions have been passed down and rewritten, spun, and analyzed to create new thoughts. This is how God designed "human progress" to work. When I see that my followers are struggling with depression in their business, I don't just close my eyes and start thinking of how I can help them. No, I open up the Bible to research what's already been said about this. I'll google others who have written about it. I'll watch YouTube videos. Sometimes, I'll find a great article that was not written to a Christian audience, and I'll use the outline to re-write it from a God-first perspective. I find the Biblical perspective on the topic and re-present the article so that a Christian entrepreneur would be inspired by it. Had I not done this, the article might not have impacted them the way it could, and should, when I find a Biblical truth to back a concept up. The Right Way to Rewrite Articles The wrong way to rewrite an article is to not change any of the examples or context for your audience, and try to pass it off as your own thoughts on a subject. You made no effort to reorganize the ideas through your own personal experience. Here are some good tips to guide your rewriting process: Identify a problem your niche is having (depressed entrepreneurs) Find an article that has all the information you need (an article on why depression happens) As you read the article, make note of details that aren't in your base problem and include them in the finished product. (what the Bible says about depression) Start with your own experience (I used to suffer depression in entrepreneurship) Reorder details to create a unique flow in the information (your personal example, what we all go through, what God has to say about it, and what we can do to change) Many people have written great articles on depression and overcoming it, but not until I wrote about it did someone write it from a Christian entrepreneur's perspective. (Browse Topic: Depression) Curating Existing Content If you don't want to "rewrite" an article, you can curate content you find on the internet for your niche. For example, you can find an article that you like and present it in an editorial way that gives the content your own unique voice. God could use you to make the content, His, through your own insights and perspectives. I call this method "giving credit to where credit is due." It's taking someone's article and simply prefacing it with what the Bible has to say about that topic. Can we ethically rewrite and curate content? The better question is: what is being written out there that God wants you to re-present to the world from His perspective? You can work directly with other people's content and, in good conscience and spirit, write your own version. Just make sure you make it your own unique voice in the subject. My process consists of: If nobody's going to bring God into the topic, I'm going to rewrite it. I'm researching the Bible to see what verses can back up a certain thought. I really do take the time to be certain it makes sense, Biblically. I write so that my content is relevant and unique to my readers. If I read a popular book or blog post, and God isn't given the credit, I'm going the curation route. Follow those steps, and you'll never have to worry about feeling like you aren't creative because God wants to show your ideas through others. P.S. You're more than welcome to take ANY article of mine on Daily Godpreneur and re-write it for your audience's perspective. Be my's all God's content anyway ;-) #ChristianBloggers
- What Blessings Can a Christian Entrepreneur Expect in Business?
After taking the groceries to the car, my mom would always make me walk the grocery cart all the way back to the front of the store where they store all the rest. Even if there was a group of carts all bunched up in the parking lot, I'd still have to take mine to the front. In fact, she'd have me grab another one along the way! And while my mom thought she was teaching me to help out the store and the employees because she felt bad about someone having to run around and collect them all, she was really teaching me a lesson on integrity. Integrity is who you are when nobody is looking. It's doing the right thing all the time. We entrepreneurs are our own boss. It's an easy place to lose our integrity because we don't have "mom" sitting around teaching us right from wrong all the time. But Godpreneurs that are putting #GodFirst in our businesses have an advantage - we know God is with us all the time. People without integrity will NOT want a relationship with God because they'll feel the guilt, but people with integrity know that we need the conviction so we can reap all the benefits that integrity has to offer. The Bible says “You’re blessed when you get your inside world—your mind and heart—put right. Then you can see God in the outside world." (Matthew 5:8 MSG) It's clear as day: God blesses those who have integrity - a pure heart and mind. So what are the blessings an entrepreneur like you can expect when you live your life with a pure heart and authenticity? When your mind and heart are in the right place, you get benefits that are internal, external, and eternal. You get Entrepreneurial Personal Confidence I have people on social media who hit me up all the time for mentoring and coaching. I want to believe it's because God's blessed me because I'm walking in integrity to my calling of helping entrepreneurs become Godpreneurs. When you have integrity in your business life, you become the kind of person that employees, vendors, and clients like to be around because you know who you are and where you’re going. But when you don't have integrity, you run out of the ability to put out good energy because you're spending every bit of good energy trying to not fall. You Get to Leave a Legacy for Generations I'm grateful for blogging because I know my writings will be on the internet forever. There's a great feeling I get because my children's children will be able to read about the person I was becoming on my Godpreneurial journey. Your greatest legacy in business will be your integrity because it will last from generation to generation. If you manage to accumulate money, that will disappear when they fight over it when you're gone. Your business will end up in someone else's hands. All the diplomas on your wall will get thrown out. The Bible says "A righteous person lives on the basis of his integrity. Blessed are his children after he is gone." (Proverbs 20:7) The character you carry today in business is going to be translated into the lives of the people around you and then into the lives of the next generation tomorrow. Your integrity as a Godpreneur will leave a lasting legacy. You Get Rewards in Eternity My mom's not with me at the grocery store anymore to make sure I take the shopping cart back, but I know God is watching to make sure I honor what she would want. We tend to think that the rewards are in the big moments of life, where everybody is watching. But the bible says, “You are a good and loyal servant. Because you were loyal with small things, I will let you care for much greater things” (Matthew 25:21) In business, it’s in the small moments that you show real integrity. Going the extra step for a client even though they won't notice is rewarded eternally. Every small word of encouragement you give to an employee this week will be rewarded eternally. Every small act of kindness (like taking the grocery cart back once you're done) will be rewarded in eternity. Every time you reject a temptation to lie or cheat in your business, you will be rewarded in eternity. All of us Godpreneurs have the same proposition from God - you will be blessed when you have a pure heart. And that blessing has ramifications now and forever.
- Best Inspirational Christian Wall Art in 2021
Reviewed by Daily Godpreneur Wall art can be a great way to inspire and motivate you. Whether it's something that you created or simply looking at an inspirational quote, having wall art in your home or office can make all the difference. An inspiration wall is a great way to create a work environment of your own! It is an incredible way to express yourself, and it's also a wonderful thing to see your favorite inspirational quotes on display. If you're looking for the best Christian wall art in 2021, these options will help you get started on finding beautiful inspiration that can be displayed in any room of your home or office! Everyone needs some great inspiration now and then, so why not have them hanging up where they can be seen? If you're looking for some inspiration or want something beautiful on your wall that reminds you of God's great work in your life. Here are inspirational pieces from Faith Hustle Co that will make you fall in love with Christian wall art all over again: The Inspiration Collection These canvases are meant to remind you of great works from God and His promises for us as Christians. You can trust that not only will it inspire you and bless everyone that reads the canvas, the art will also bring God's blessing into your home and business. The Scripture Collection Even though all Faith Hustle's canvas wall art is Bible-based, the Scripture collection is made to remind you of powerful Bible verses from day to day. Praise God and remember the Scripture as you're in your everyday life. The Godpreneur Collection These art wall pieces are thought for those entrepreneurs who are willing to put God-first in their businesses and lives, better known as GODPRENEURS. This canvas will remind you of God's calling upon your life as a business owner! The 24 Karat Series These pieces use gold and black colors to decorate your spaces while reminding you that God must be the first in all that we do. As Godpreneurs, we must remain in prayer and acknowledge that the Lord is always with us. Bundle Collection These are an excellent option for decorating an entire wall of your office or home with the same theme. Three canvases come in matching colors and messages. This collection reminds us, to have faith, pray, and let God do His way in our businesses and lives. Monochrome Collection This collection uses black and white, so you can match them in different spaces and create an elegant and harmonious place. These canvases are meant to give us hope through Bible verses and faith-based messages, such as what we need to grow in our spiritual lives. Women Collection This art wall collection is meant to remind Christian women of their hope, found in Christ. There are different Bible verses on the canvas to strengthen women through the Scripture and remind them of their calling as children of God. God's Kids Collection This collection is made for your children's room or their studying spaces, or even a classroom where many kids would be blessed by it. It is full of bright colors, cute drawings, and Christian messages focusing on how God sees us as their children and His creation. It's challenging to come up with the perfect inspirational wall art for your home or office space. Many people don't think about their wall art for inspiration, but it may be helpful when you're burdened, tired, or in doubt, seeing a canvas that will remind you of God's Word and His promises for your life. We hope that these examples inspire you to find a way to start decorating with Christian wall art today and build your inspiration wall art! #DifferentiatingMyself
- How Your Body Helps Your Business Grow
I'm a CrossFit athlete. I'm pretty good at most exercises...except running. Guys run laps around me. If a workout has run in it, I've already concluded that I won't be finishing in the top spots that day. Plus, running is emotionally painful! My mind drifts to 1,000 places. I either become anxious from thinking about things I need to do that day or get depressed with regret from not training my endurance more. As more runners whisk on by me and fade away to where I can't see them anymore, it discourages me even more. However, I've changed my mindset on running. I've turned the corner on my negative thoughts. Instead of letting my mind sprint into loser-land, I've stopped listening to what my mind says about running, and I've started to focus on what my body has to do to run better. See, by focusing on my breathing, engaging my core, loosening my grip, running on my toes, lifting my knees, opening my chest, increasing my stride, and leaning into my run, I've been able to stay in my lane and finish workouts faster and with more confidence. I stopped listening to my mind and started focusing on my body - the temple of the holy spirit. I stopped letting the enemy have control of my run, and I've let the power of my spirit keep me company instead. Entrepreneurship in the Spirit - being fully present right now - comes down to our ability to get out of our minds and into our bodies. The enemy's power is just one of many reasons that it’s important entrepreneurs separate ourselves from our mind and pay closer attention to our body. Why? The mind is where the enemy dwells and is responsible for any pain and suffering we feel in the business. It produces pain by continually planning for the future or bringing up memories of the past, occupying moments of our day with anxiety-ridden future scenarios or regretful memories. The mind prevents us from Godpreneurship - entrepreneurship in the present presence of the holy spirit. The result is that since we can’t alter the past or the future of our business decisions, we constantly worry about things we can’t possibly change. And that leads to pain. The conclusion is to get out of our minds. We need to find a way to diminish the enemy's power in our minds and reduce some of its control. How to Leave the Mind to be Present with the Spirit By shifting our focus from the mind to the body - the temple where the holy spirit dwells - we can leave the mind and be present with our God-given holy spirit. The Bible writes a lot about the importance of focusing on the body rather than the mind. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” Paul elevates our bodies to the level of being temples, holy places, that house the Spirit of God. God gives His Spirit to every person who trusts in Christ for salvation (Ephesians 1:13–14). Mysteriously, we carry God's Spirit in our bodies. With that in mind, Paul now adds, they are not really our bodies, after all. He will write in the following verse that God purchased us. He paid for our redemption from sin with the blood of Jesus (Ephesians 1:7). Christ bought our way out of the curse of living under the law of Moses by becoming a curse Himself (Galatians 3:13). In that sense, we came to belong to God when we came to Him by faith in Jesus. That's why our bodies are not our own to do with as we please, but instead a temple to worship our Savior that freed us from the mental captivity of the enemy. The Holy Spirit knows what's best for you and your business. By listening to your body, you can get a very clear sense of present decision-making. Your body will tell you what is important. Have you ever had goosebumps? That's the spirit showing itself through your skin. When it comes to the mind, we have one job: to keep our mindset on the holy spirit's PRESENT guidance - the immediate task at hand. The power of entrepreneurship in the spirit comes from focusing on the body as a temple. This keeps the mind from slipping into the control of the enemy. #EnhanceFocus
- Biblical Money Saving Tip for Entrepreneurs
Money is not evil. It is the love of money that is the root of all evil. In the days of my ignorance, I have been caught in the web of financial embarrassment when my wife and my children need a small amount of money to do something important, and I could not provide for them financially! How often we blamed the Devil for our ignorance and shifted the blame to others around us. This is not fair to God, not fair to those around you, and it is not fair to you as well. The beginning is half done, so they say. To get to that beginning, you must use what you have to get what you need. Think within the box. There is much food in the land of a lazy man, only that he cannot think to break the ground. The Bible says: 'A feast is made for laughter, and wine makes merry: but money answers all things.' - Ecclesiastes 10:19(KJV) The full colon in the above Scripture tells you that both feast (for laughter) and the wine (that makes merry) result from money. These days, the youth are so determined to make it in all legitimate ways possible; they use the slang 'Double your hustle' to project their struggle to get money. When you finally get money in your hands, the first thing to do is not spending, but saving the money. Your ability to save money will determine your level of discipline, which in turn is a significant key to success. Prior to the famine in Egypt, Joseph saved the grains grown in the land, despite a great desire to consume all the grains in one year. The more you save, the more your financial base increases! Joseph gave them the formula in Egypt - It worked then, and it will work now! It is 50 - 20 - 20 - 10 where 50% of your income should go for recurrent expenditure, 20% of your income should go for miscellaneous 20% of your income should go for Savings 10% of your income should go for tithe/giving One more time, let it be known that the Bible never stands against money, but the love of money. #RaisingCapital #MakeMoreMoney