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567 items found for "calling"
- Struggling Married Entrepreneurs are One Simple Step Away from the Fix
I chose a book called Chazown by Craig Groeschel. It all made sense! I had a clear vision for the calling over my business life. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. And if that person calls you with questions, wouldn’t you stop what you’re doing to make sure they are This is called surrender to God and letting Him lead.
- Distraction-Free Godpreneurs – Part 2: Walk in Spirit
Is it realistic that I can stay on the path of my calling 100% of the time? You might be heavily invested in something that you know isn’t your calling. And that’s OK! When we do this, we will come to realize more and more how important it is only to do your calling and
- Stop Rushing Everything in Business – Part 2: Slowing Down Increases Love
Instead, all that love and comradery gets set aside, and emotions start running high. Rush = No Love We all have situations in our business were being in a rush or hurrying through a process No love = Bad for Business All of your worst moments as an entrepreneur will come because something was Imagine if we all increased our capacity to show love in the marketplace by not being affected by the rush and hurry all around us.
- Overcoming Obstacles to Launching Your Idea – Step 1: The Miracle Waiting to Happen
Jesus calls a chosen group of us to be Godpreneurs and experience His supernatural power through business This begins by taking the first step of accepting the call to launch what we were born to do. Jesus took the first step by launching his ministry; THEN, he called his disciples to follow him so they No story of the Bible better illustrates this calling into the unknown like the story of Peter trying In my book, A Godpreneur’s Guide to Preparing to Launch Your Business, I want to parallel our calling
- Identity as the Core of Most of Our Business Problems.
See, the plan all along for me was to make logos and websites because… that’s IDENTITY. We can all make a connection to God’s greater purpose and His will for our business. We all struggle with identity. all who live on earth— he who forms the hearts of all, who considers everything they do.” That’s the enemy keeping you from accomplishing all that you’re designed to be.
- Want Your Business to Prosper? Time to Plant Some Seeds!
But know that the enemy is simply trying to keep us from what God is calling us to do – go plant seeds He doesn’t sit there and pray about it, calls 10 friends to talk about it, or sits around and waits for Jesus says this: "Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains God has taught us all about planting seeds, doing the small things, showing our commitment in the little Imagine if this made sense to all Godpreneurs. Imagine a world of faithful seed planters.
- How God Reveals the Exact Niche Your Business Should be In
Yes, I still had other types of businesses calling me, but I was doing small things to move me into a new direction that I felt God was calling me towards. God won't reveal our true brand's calling all at once. We have to have a system and process in place to constantly be revisiting the calling. How do we keep our calling top of mind so God brings our niche more into focus and action?
- 3 Ways God Reveals the Exact Niche Our Business Should Be In
Yes, I still had other types of businesses calling me, but I was doing small things to move me into a new direction that I felt God calling me towards. God won’t reveal our true brand’s calling all at once. We have to have a system and process in place to constantly be revisiting the calling. How do we keep our calling top of mind so God brings our niche more into focus and action?
- Overcoming Obstacles to Launching Your Idea – Step 4: Throw Out Logic
How do we break down any walls that we’ve built up that don’t allow us to let God do what only He can Simon said, “Master, we’ve been fishing hard all night and haven’t caught even a minnow. They pulled their boats up on the beach, left them, nets and all, and followed him. you that anything is possible with him and that he’s going to make your business idea shine bring for all Imagine if we all trusted that God was going to do miraculous things if we picked our nets up and launched
- The 100% Rule Will Save Your Business and Marriage
Jesus said: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ It’s called commitment to God. It’s called going all in for Christ. It’s called taking off our old self and putting on our Godpreneur self. business and Bible lessons, we’re growing in our faith and finances, we’re being held accountable to our calling
- How Christian Entrepreneurs Launch a Business During a Crisis
My key to THRIVING during this pandemic was staying PRESENT in my work - my purpose and calling. God hasn't changed His mind about your calling in business just because the world's future is uncertain A calling from God isn't subject to the things of this world. plans are much smaller than what He has for us, or, our ideas are outrageously out of line with His calling An act of God will reveal your calling to respond.
- Stepping into What You Were Born to Do
A FREE 3-Day Business Bible Study to help you succeed in the marketplace by listening to God’s calling In order to succeed in the marketplace, we need to listen to God’s calling, trust in Him, and have faith
- How to Be a “Producer of Wealth,” even If You’re Not Rich
But when we’re in our calling, bringing God’s visions to life, and running our businesses His way, we
- I Know My Calling, But I’m Stuck: Part 2 – Fearlessly Attack the Marketplace
We’ll have a discovery call, sometimes they’ll even pay me to consult them on the idea, and then I don Yes, it costs money to go after your calling. Some don’t start because they don’t feel worthy. Imagine if all Godpreneurs esteemed God to move forward with our callings! Many unique products/services would be offered by people operating out of their gifting and calling, I have 3 questions for you: What business is it that you know God is calling you to do today?
- You Can’t Do Business Alone – Here’s How to Find a Partner
the point where I pause my calling or quit on the vision altogether. We all have this calling over our business to bring something remarkable to the marketplace, but for We’re called to fellowship with one another. If not, this could be the reason why you might be feeling lonely in your calling. Plan to Steal, Kill and Destroy the Entrepreneurial Calling Over Your Life.