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801 items found for "business-partnerships"
- How to Handle Haters When Starting Over in Business
We had done business together and she knew I was going through a major mid-life identity crisis within They can’t stand the fact that you have grit and determination to REBUILD your business. I did a Business bible study called 40 Days to Restarting Your Business, God's Way. Check it out: 40 DAYS TO RESTARTING YOUR BUSINESS, GOD'S WAY A business Bible study to help you rethink , reinvent, and restart your business, but this time, God's Way!
- How to Receive God’s Favor Over Your Business
What do you want for your business? What are your vision and goals? Never doubt God nor limit his ability to bless your business beyond comprehension. Take the time to evaluate the needs of your business. Do you have a written down business plan? When your business receives favor at the hand of God, remember to acknowledge both the gift and the giver Share this series with other business owners that could use a restart button on their business lives.
- Fine Tuning Your Business Calling
Now that I’ve found my calling in business, there are a couple of things I do to continue to fine-tune As I continue my journey, here are the two major ways I continue to seek God’s will for my business. Invest in Resources I continue to invest time and money into growing as a business owner. I get to have a 15-minute snapshot of the top business books out there.
- [VIDEO] BOLD IN BUSINESS | Fearless & Courageous Entrepreneurship
Bold faith is having no doubt in the power of Jesus in all your business dealings.
- Meetings and How They Can Save your Partnerships
Something I know now that I didn’t know back in my previous partnership was the need for regular meetings In hind sight, this is probably the biggest reason we failed as a partnership. You might be at a point in your partnership where you just want to quit and do it alone. that you’ve already been doing it alone, why not make it easier for everyone and just dismantle the partnership Things move so fast in business that the more we can communicate the faster we can grow.
- Successful Businesses Have United Workforces
We’re not ashamed to talk about Jesus and share our testimonies of how the way our business USED TO BE In my business, we’ve been able to tie our message into the same message of the gospel! When people do business with me, I want them to feel like they are doing business with Jesus, with a Godpreneur Rule #37: we seek for our businesses to be one spirit with God, and go out and spread that
- Stop Rushing Everything in Business – Part 5: Finding Rest Throughout Your Business Day
Still, as an entrepreneur, it’s been a challenging habit to implement into my business life. We’re all busy entrepreneurs. How can we honor the Sabbath as a weekly personal development tool and a way of business life? As a follower of Christ running a business, you’re invited to a business life of rest, not just physically Business ownership is like signing up for burden after burden.
- How to Own A Business And Stay Married
I felt that my business was over and that I needed to shut down. business elsewhere. Owning a business and being married seems like constant trials after trials. All I know is that my God took care of it for me in my business and marriage. Grow Your Business, God’s Way!
- How to Share God's Victories in Your Business with Your Employees
Milestones are times in my business life when something significant changes. I have a Google Doc of milestones in my business where God HOOKED IT UP! God works in our businesses even before we realize it. I did a Business bible study called 40 Days to Restarting Your Business, God's Way. Check it out: 40 DAYS TO RESTARTING YOUR BUSINESS, GOD'S WAY A business Bible study to help you rethink
- The Pleasure of Going through Pain in Business
I’ve had the pleasure of going through pain in business. a client include me in a multi-million dollar lawsuit, which propelled me in a new direction for my business I had a client fire me and request money back, which led me to fundamentally change the way I do business Business is about solving problem after problem. God will never waste pain in your business that is offered to Him.
- The Secret to Finding Your Calling in Business
My clients want advice on how to hear God’s call for their business lives. I long for the same sense of purpose in my day-to-day business life. I’ve chosen to make the distinction between calling and business. Our business has meaning, yes. Owning a business certainly functions as a tool to refine us in God’s image. Colossians 3:17 NIV God invites us to serve in the ordinary businesses we lead.
- Finding Peace Amid Financial Roller-Coaster: Trusting God in Your Business Journey
I’ve had times in my business where the money is rolling in. We need money for our businesses for a lot of things. We need money like a car needs oil. Money in our businesses keep the lights shining, the computers humming, and the employees buzzing. God is looking out for us AND our businesses. Heard of the Godpreneur Academy? Grow Your Business, God’s Way!
- Unchecked Ambition is Like Adultery for Business
mission in life is to help 10,000 Entrepreneurs uncover and bring to life what they were born to do, the Business This is adultery, for business. Proverbs 7:4-10 NIV Anything in business that ignites your desires and passions to the detriment of common sense could be considered a harlot who would potentially steal your heart and fracture your business Godpreneur Rule: Focus your business on a meaningful mission that inspires your personal discipline and
- Conquering Emotions that Destroy Business Relationships
God has given me a set of perfect and reliable guidelines in His Word that will direct my business life
- Your Purpose in Business will Bear Fruit
So then I switched to helping any entrepreneurs launch their businesses. What was happening to me as I drew closer to God in my business? I was beginning to care more about the fruit that my business and the business of those I launched was This is when I felt my business had found its purpose. Grow Your Business, God’s Way!