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567 items found for "calling"
- Finding Your Purpose in Business: Step 4 – Godly Business Ideas
I think to myself “how am I going to get this all done”. That’s how I realized I had a huge calling over my life. It scares me. It drives me. He told him, at 75 years of age, that He would give him a son, and that through him all nations would
- How to NOT Quit on Your Christian-Based Blogging
Bills had piled up, clients weren’t calling, and I was lost in the direction of my Christian personal My story would go something like “Yeah, I HAD a calling over my business life, and I have it my all but When we face difficulties in pursuing our personal brand calling, it’s natural to reconsider our huge Imagine if all of us “called” to share a testimony in business didn’t quit and instead finished the race Provide resources and people that will help them stay the course of their calling.
- Talents Come from our Family, Gifts Come from the Spirit of God within Us
, so in Christ, we though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. My accountant is a father, son, and cousins all talented in crunching numbers. This is why it’s called a gift – we received it when we gave our lives to Christ. This is why we all need to expect the unexpected! We would all see our businesses grow and blossom to glorify God and serve even more clients!
- The Fight to Stay on Track
It seems like the closer I get to the Vision that God has for my entrepreneurial career, the fight to stay on track gets tougher. Something out there doesn’t want you to succeed. It could be our own minds and self-limiting beliefs. It could be our lack of faith. It could be that we know the easy route, and it’s more comfortable to continue with the status quo. Here is what I know: the longer you prolong God’s vision for your entreprenurial life, the more frustrated you will be over time. Fight to not feel frustrated. #EnhanceFocus #IncreaseEnergy
- Purpose is Out – Identity is In
When my business life gets tough, when deals fall apart, when employees upset me, when I can’t beat the
- Overcoming Obstacles to Launching Your Idea – Step 10: Restoration Leads to Exploration
While food, rest, and water can restore us physically, we all need someone to restore us emotionally. All types of psychologists and life coaches can help, but God is our original creator, the one who has called us for a specific reason and has the power to restore us to our original form – His image. is preventing us from stepping out in faith and joining God is bringing to life the business he has called to respond to that calling every time were inspired to move our ideas along.
- Overcoming Obstacles to Launching Your Idea – Step 12: Chasing Bigger Things
We Godpreneurs are called to step off the boat and to walk on water with Jesus. We’re not called to launch on our own, and we’re called to launch WITH God. Don’t waste another moment hiding from your calling, afraid of launching your dreams, especially when (John 12:26 MSG) This calling to launch a God-First business, lead 100% by Jesus and guided by the Holy If you feel called to launch, I want to help you on this journey. I have 3 Ways.
- A Major Reason You’re Not Launching That Next Big Idea
Our shortcomings can kill our calling. God doesn’t call the qualified; he qualifies the called. His power will empower us to be in our calling. You have all you need to do everything God has called you to do in business. Destroy the Entrepreneurial Calling Over Your Life.
- I Know My Calling, But I’m Stuck: Part 1 – Quality Time with God
I know my calling is to help others discover what they were born to do. times I feel stuck, busy bringing in business and doing client work but not out there doing what I feel called Sometimes we entrepreneurs know what our calling is, but we’re stuck on taking the next steps to bringing Some of us have our 9-5 jobs, but our dreams keep calling us to the freedom of pursuing what we feel (if you don’t know, then you first need to pick up my book Discovering Your Calling as an Entrepreneur
- Finding Your Purpose in Business: Step 2 – A Godly Mindset
When I first started my entrepreneurial career, I didn’t get rich quickly. In fact, I suffered for over a decade (yes, 10 years). I struggled to pay bills, keep up with school loans, and hire and keep good talent. I changed business models almost every year trying to get out of debt, enjoying life and feeling like I’ve succeeded. Maybe I could finally pay for my parent’s dinner instead of them paying for mine. Although I struggled, I refused to accept that a 9-5 job was what I needed to do. I refused to give into the comfort of a steady paycheck. As a maturing entrepreneur and growing born-again Christian, I learned to trust God, and his promises, one of which says, “He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4). And there are more promises where that came from. I meditate frequently on God’s promises. Why? Because nothing is for certain, and nothing in business lasts forever. What has been and always will be is God’s promises. During my entire entrepreneurial life, I spent much time looking for certainty and fulfillment in and through my business when in reality God is asking me to find that certainty and fulfillment in Him. He’s given me promises that say so! Praise the Lord, He brought me (and continues to bring me) through times of uncertainty and feeling purposeless. The Bible says "But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world." 1 John 4:4 NLT There are times when God gets you out of debt and flourishes your business and times when He allows suffering for His glory. But no matter what, you need to trust in His promises for rest, peace, and victory in Jesus’ name. Because it’s in His promises that you can find hope no matter what you go through. Our minds need to be set on God’s promises for our lives and business, in order for us to continue living in purpose and passion, even through the storm. I pray the Lord to give entrepreneurs full hope in His promises for rest, peace, and ultimate victory through Jesus Christ today. #EnhanceFocus #FindingMyPurpose VIDEO COURSE AVAILABLE! Instead of reading the blog posts, take the video course! I personally teach you the method. You get: Workbook 5-Video Teachings Access to dozens of courses in the Godpreneur Academy! TAKE COURSE TODAY
- Finding Your Purpose in Business: Step 3 – Believe Big
I wasn’t “all in” for the shared workspace idea, and the results showed it. Any doubt at all will prevent the tree from growing big enough to move mountains.
- Find Your Purpose by What Success Means to You
This means I’m doing this all for an audience of one. That’s all I need. The Bible says What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? All the accolades in the world could never make up for hearing those words at the end of your life, “
- If You’re Stuck in the 9-5 Rat Race, Here’s God’s Way of Breaking Free into Entrepreneurship
I know God’s called me to new levels. I’ve seen the vision. I’ve felt the calling. This is why comfort is a calling killer. It’s time to PRESS PLAY on the calling you’ve known all along. The best Godpreneurs listen even while the call is still quiet. He uses “comfort” to kill our calling.
- How to Use That Conflict in Business to Your Favor
in the nightlife anymore clients screaming at me over a delayed project prospects yell at me to stop calling The Irony of Conflict See, we all going to have conflict in entrepreneurship. We want to defend that at all costs. "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." Your Calling to Peacemaking You’re being called into the task of conflict resolution, not conflict escalation
- Visions To Life – Step 1: What You Were Born To Do
And until I embraced this calling over my life, owning a branding agency didn’t really make any sense We were all created with God’s purpose in mind. and by the constant chipping away of our selfish selves, whats being exposed is our true identity and calling But being called is not enough. You must actually do something with that vision. Imagine a world where all entrepreneurs discovered, uncovered, and/or recovered the vision that God has