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425 items found for "starting"
- Feeling Unproductive? Start Every Day with This Powerful Secret!
Jesus didn’t start His day with the storm; He started with prayer. Starting our day with the Word is like setting the coordinates on our ship’s compass—to navigate through Imagine a community of Godpreneurs who start their days in God’s Word, aligning their purposes with His
- A Fresh Start: A Month of Devotions for Bringing God Into Your Business
If you've ever felt the weight of running a business on your shoulders, it's time for a fresh start. Becoming a Godpreneur Start your journey with a 9-day business Bible study aimed at cultivating a God-first If you've found value in this devotion-focused start, consider taking the entire path.
- Prayer Before Starting a Business Project
I love starting new projects. I believe the reason I'm in branding and not marketing is that branding is the "start" of a business. And my multiple businesses is even more evidence of my love for starting things However, I'd be kidding Oftentimes, right at the beginning of a project, the enemy starts to plant seeds of doubt in my mind;
- Starting Over from Scratch
I’m not telling you to fire your staff today and start over. To read more articles about starting over, click here. #WheretoStartFirst #FindMyCalling
- The Business God Created You to Start
COURSE HERE “The Business God Created You To Start” is a guided map to help you rediscover what you were
- The Matthew 7:7 Guide to Starting A Business
So what business should you start? Ask God. He created you from before you were in the womb. All of the sudden, courses and teachings started appearing on Facebook that weren’t there before. Most people think they need a loan to start a business. Then you start. If you start by asking God, then the seeking and knocking will be revealed as a result of the first,
- 10 Bible Verses on Starting a New Business
This article is an encouragement for starting new businesses. One of the many struggles we go through is having the courage to start. Having said all the above, I am sharing with you below Bible verses that speak to you about starting You won’t just be starting a new business, but starting it in God’s way. 1. (Job 32:8 KJV) The first step in starting a new business is having a business idea/insight from God.
- How to Handle Haters When Starting Over in Business
I stared blankly back into her eyes.
- Encouraging Entrepreneurs In Your Church to Start a Business
At one point in my business, I had so little business come in for the month that I couldn’t pay my office landlord the rent money. One of my brothers in church learned about my stressful situation and said: “Alex, my wife and I want to bless you this month and cover your rent.” Tears come to my eyes just writing this blog post. I’ll never forget this act of love and kindness. It was the most charitable thing anyone has done for me. Years later, I look back at that act of kindness, and I see where this friend of mine is at in his own business, and I think to myself “No wonder God is blessing him incredibly in his business and finances. This man keeps investing in God’s Stock Market!”. We Godpreneurs have all had times where we’ve needed help, and we’ve had times when people in our church needed our help. This is God’s “Wall Street,” and we all have the opportunity to buy and sell stock into each other’s lives and businesses. How exactly does this work? It’s quite simple. God wants us to use some of our business profits to help encourage others in our church and to build stronger relationships with each other. In my example, this brother of mine is closer than ever to me. He’s closer not because I feel obligated to pay him back. No. I feel closer to him because of the love of Christ he displayed to me. That’s a feeling I’ll have for a lifetime. When we tithe our money to a church, it draws us closer to our church. Similarly, when we can come alongside a brother or sister and invest in them, we are drawing closer to them. The Bible says: "Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality." (Romans 12:13 NIV) My wife and I participated in a marriage Bible study that another couple hosted in their home. They must have spent over $1000 in hosting us for those 8 weeks. There were food, snacks, beverages, and gift cards at each group! They used $50 gift cards as prizes for participation. Crazy, huh? No. That was them investing in God’s people. And it’s no wonder he’s running one of Miami’s top law firms. His mindset is investing in his brothers and sisters in the church. He’s investing in God’s stock market and seeing a nice return on his investment. But it’s not always about investing actual cash. You can also invest your time, services, or products. This counts too. There are times I host growth groups for entrepreneurs of my church at my office. I typically charge $300/hr to meet with me. I’ve consulted people in my groups and at church for no fees at all. I’ve created brands for people in my church and only passed along the cost of my designer and invested my own time into bringing the brand to life. I’ve also taken brothers and sisters to lunch and paid for lunch so I can help them clarify their brand and business ideas. These are examples of how you can sow into God’s stock market as a Godpreneur without having to put cash out. The Bible says: "Dear friend, you are faithful in what you are doing for the brothers and sisters, even though they are strangers to you." (3 John 1:5 NIV) When we look for opportunities to invest in others in our church, we are allowing God to show His love through us. We are building fellowship and community at church. We are strengthening the body of Christ. We need to see that our profits, products, and services are all tools that God wants to use to further His purpose for us – to be the light of a Christ in a dark, greedy world. Our investments help bring people to Christ. Godpreneur Money Rule #13: Godpreneurs see money as a tool to invest in others in our church to draw them closer to God. #BusinessBibleStudy #ShareYourTestimony #BusinessPartnerships #NewEntrepreneurs The 19 Rules of Money Management for Christian Entrepreneurs This course will help you develop a better sense of money management God’s way. Heard of the Godpreneur Academy? Grow Your Business, God’s Way! Bible-Based Video Courses for Entrepreneurs Putting God First In their Businesses Click here to create a Free Account
- Go Back and Re-Start TODAY with God View
We all desire one thing when we start, but things change. People change. Visions change. And when you start making money, hearts change. So what happens when partnerships go bad? How can we….just go back to when we first started? The key I’ve found is that we have to go back to the basics, back to why we started this, back to our Re-reading the business plan together: Where you start in business largely determines where you’ll end
- Good Customer Service Starts with A Good Service
One of the biggest mistakes I made as an entrepreneur was not staying involved in the quality of the product my employees were producing. The saying “nobody can do it better than you” is true!! Instead of handing it over to someone and walking away to sell more, I should have stayed involved. But then…who was going to do the other 100 tasks that need to get done while I was growing my business? As entrepreneurs, we were almost every hat in the business. We are the baker, the banker, the broker, the bill collector, the cook, the accountant, the hr department, all wrapped up into one person. And that’s great because you need an understanding of everything. But the most important thing you are is the engineer of the one product or service that sets you apart. In Proverbs 27 verse 23-27 we read Know the state of your flocks, and put your heart into caring for your herds, for riches don’t last forever, and the crown might not be passed to the next generation. After the hay is harvested and the new crop appears and the mountain grasses are gathered in, your sheep will provide wool for clothing, and your goats will provide the price of a field. And you will have enough goats’ milk for yourself, your family, and your servant girls. At first we think this is taking about your employees, and caring for them. Metaphorically, you are correct. But while that is true also, and Proverbs talks about caring for employees, this proverb literally is talking about the service or product you produce. These were farm owners, and their products (herds of sheep and goat) are what bring in the money. As a farmer, if you didn’t tend to your product, you weren’t eating that winter…period. The same goes for us entrepreneurs. The most important asset we have is the product or service we produce. That’s the money maker. And always tending to it comes before, during, and after everything else in the business. Godpreneur Rule #30: Godpreneurs always know the state of the product they produce. #MarketingMyServices
- What Business Does God Want Me to Start?
Of course, the reverse is also true – when we try to start a business other than what God has enabled
- Major Areas to Consider When Looking for a Business to Start
Remember, I’m the guy doing the logo and website so I’m seeing people BEFORE the start. In 2014 I started to realize a trend: the successful ones were doing it out of a passion as if they were
- The Kingdom Businessman Blueprint - Phase 2: Restoring the Broken Framework
what happens when we look at our business, leadership, or life and realize that things have already started The project had started strong—blueprints were approved, steel beams were raised—but then something went Tear it down and start again. We start with big dreams, but somewhere along the way, things start to fall apart. A marriage built on selfishness will start to crack.
- Chasing Disney Dreams: A Godpreneur’s Journey from Scarcity to Discontent!
When we first started visiting Orlando, we would stay for free at my aunt's house 1-hour from the parks Then, my business started booming and I started staying at Disney resorts that were a quick bus ride We start our businesses with humble beginnings, and as they grow, so do our desires.