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375 items found for "serve"

  • Uncovering the Niche Target Market You’re Called to Serve

    businesses are made to notice, to care, to move more for certain demographics and certain products or services when they aren’t, our hearts hurt with their hearts and we need to solve the problem with a product or service people with particular needs and help me take steps towards helping them uniquely with my product and service

  • How Blogging Erased Conflict in My Business [Step By Step Guide]

    See, God has taught me over the years to respond to conflict by serving, not by throwing more heat on And my highest level of service has become this blog and the courses I teach. We Christian entrepreneurs have been given the ability to do things differently from our sinful selves What could you have done differently to serve your "enemy" to win them and influence them for Christ's

  • Christian Brand Strategists Use This Client Attraction Method

    figure out how to help ONE person and then gives us the knowledge and desire to scale our gifting to serve Today, serving one person is our ultimate devotion and source of joy and happiness. (Psalms 90:12 NIV) God gives even more wisdom when the focus is on the PRESENT opportunities to serve Imagine if we all focused on serving over selling. Where's your mission field to serve others with your calling to call the called?

  • Networking Is Dead - Christian Entrepreneur Do This Instead

    The Bible says Whoever wants to be great (or a leader) must become a servant (Matthew 20:20-24) Jesus So, Jesus responded by essentially saying that if you want the "sale," you have to serve. If you want to succeed in business, you must learn that serving is not only the “path” to success; it All of us Christian entrepreneurs have a tremendous opportunity to serve like nobody else. Jesus' success was because he came to serve, not to be served.

  • God's Formula for Finding Your "Niche" and Making More Sales

    When I started my branding agency in 2005, I served the nightclub industry. serve them, day in and day out. We must see this first niche (and every niche) as a marketplace to serve others. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh ; rather, serve one another humbly in love." Now, let's begin to serve our niche so we can find our purpose.

  • How Faith-Based Agencies Sell More

    This means that entrepreneurs purchase my skills as a service provider to launch their brand or business Since my business provides a one-to-one service, I emphasize my client relationships and make the customer's My key to finding success, purpose, and meaning in my agency wasn't through who I knew, but how I served Serving is like a light that people are attracted to. Over the next series of posts, you're going to learn how you can grow your book of business by freely

  • How Brand Strategists Attract New Business, God's Way

    We brand strategists miss so many opportunities to love and serve others because we focus only on ourselves Your service to others creates value for you and others. God wants us to develop a servant's mindset, not a serve-me attitude.

  • The Biblical Truth About Sales Conversations

    I’d done very, very well in customer service with the company I worked for. If only I’d realized how good I was at customer service and stayed where I was, I might be part of an If only I’d understood that in the Kingdom, service IS sales … I probably could have sold quite well!

  • How Christian-Owned Agencies Profit by Offering Free Strategy Sessions to Prospects

    Today, I want to show you how serving is the best marketing plan for your agency. ” (2 Corinthians 9:6‭-‬9 NIV) Serving attracts God's generosity. Serving other entrepreneurs with your God-given gifts and talents puts your heart in a state of giving Imagine if we were all proposing to plant and harvest by serving up one-on-one discovery calls and brand Reflection Do you have faith in God's promise to provide for your business as you serve and plant vision

  • Children's Devotional: Be Unique

    We can look to the Bible for examples of people who had unique ideas and used them to serve God. Just like Bezalel, we too can use our unique ideas and abilities to serve God in unique ways. He has given us talents and abilities that we can use to serve Him and bring glory to His name. Let's use our unique ideas to make a positive impact in the world and serve God in a special way. (Exodus 31:1-5) BIBLE APPLICATION God gives us each unique abilities to serve him.

  • In Every Business, There are 3 Stakeholders - One Servant and Two Masters

    You cannot serve both God and money” (Matthew 6:24 GNB). Money should be meant to serve its purpose as a tool and not the master. Unfortunately for all of us, we don’t have the option of serving two masters at a time. You serve, and that is constant. But, when one serves God in and through his business, money becomes his servant.

  • A Prayer for Godpreneurs in 2024: Pursuing Purpose and Contentment

    In 2024, I yearn to serve, Lord. Fill my heart with the desire to serve more than I seek to be served, to give more than I receive, and In His service, Alex Miranda

  • How to Build a Personal Brand While Staying Humble

    Serving others comes naturally to me. I’m a “nurturing” personality type. When we helped someone solve a problem, we were serving that person. It feels good to tell those stories because we were made to serve just as Jesus did on earth. Serving others may not feel as natural to many of us, but serving isn’t something we do. Who are You calling us to serve in the marketplace? Where are you calling us to serve?

  • What Service Does Your Business Provide to God?

    My office has even served as my church's official administrative office because we didn't have a building I'm not saying you need to stop everything you're doing to serve God's people only. entrepreneurs, the business doesn't have an exact correlation between what the church is doing and the services However, if it is not our services, we can make a covenant in other ways.  We can tithe, we can serve, we can volunteer resources.

  • A Fresh Start: A Month of Devotions for Bringing God Into Your Business

    Understand what it means to not only serve your customers but serve God through your business.

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