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492 items found for "self-created"
- I’m a Self Made Man
I like the concept of the self-made man. I’ve rationalized that to be self-made, I need to work harder. And this will only cause me to fall deeper into the self-made trap. Us entrepreneurs are especially vulnerable to the self-made trap. Bible-Based Video Courses for Entrepreneurs Putting God First In their Businesses Click here to create
- I’m a Self Made Man
We are God- Made Men and Women! #GodpreneurAcademy #BusinessBibleStudy
- The Best Way to Sell is Not to Sell
Business people can sell more by not selling. Our everyday target has always been to sell and our day seems not made until we sell; we just sell anything We can sell more by not selling our products. Someone said, "The best way to sell something is not to sell it.” Create value, Present value, Discuss value, Negotiate value, and Price value.
- How to Create UNITY at the Office?
I was motivated by selfish desires and self indulgence, which eventually led to my hardened heart.
- How to Create a Vision for Your Business Partnership?
desires of our heart (Psalms 37:4)—the things our business is passionate about when surrendered to our Creator Purpose In Your Business Partnership You and your business partner are unique individuals and God is creative Bible-Based Video Courses for Entrepreneurs Putting God First In their Businesses Click here to create
- How to Create a Purposed-Focused Business Partnership
It all starts off great. I’m excited to share my knowledge, they’re eager to grab the ball and run. HARNESS the way you think to align with God’s EMBRACE the truth that you and your business partner were created on purpose and the business was created for a purpose REAP the benefits of running a business fully Purpose In Your Business Partnership You and your business partner are unique individuals and God is creative Bible-Based Video Courses for Entrepreneurs Putting God First In their Businesses Click here to create
- The Business God Created You to Start
COURSE HERE “The Business God Created You To Start” is a guided map to help you rediscover what you were born to do, your talents and gifts, and how you could get closer to Him by doing what He created you
- Let Your Company Create an Identity with God Intervenience.
I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. And despite all the best-selling self-help books, 10X growth conferences, and motivational Tony Robbins We alone, and even with the help of the great gurus of business, are unable to bring about what we need
- Facebook: Why Christian Entrepreneurs Should Create a Public Figure Page, and How
If you’re wondering what to sell on your public figure page, the answer is, well, nothing. Build your brand now so when you do have a product to sell, people will trust you enough to buy. Click here: Conclusion A public figure page is a great way to grow your Christian personal brand and offers many benefits over Remember, with a God-first personal branding page, you don’t need to have a product to sell but you do
- Finding My Calling in Business: Part 3 – Called to Create a Business
We have lost our sense of dignity and self-worth, blinded from our own inherent creativity and God-given in our businesses and be all who God has created us to be. With our God-given dignity and worth comes a great responsibility to care for God’s business creation The mandate is to exercise caring stewardship over the business we create – NOT to use and abuse it as the potential of the created order in the marketplace.
- Opportunities to Sell, Even in a Jail Cell
Turns out he’s in the financial field and he recruits people to sell life insurance, etc. Instead, they sang and prayed, and God literally opened the jail cell so they could “sell” the guard You might have your reservations on the word selling. You may have been told it’s a bad thing to sell, or don’t be like the overbearing car salesman. If you’re not selling, your kids will be skinny.
- Jesus’s 8 Steps For Achieving Greatness in Business
Achieving greatness starts with realizing you need help and ends with coming to terms with the fact that Be inspired to create and come up with new solutions. Achieving greatness is a long process of self reflection and hard work, keeping our composure is key
- How to Handle Clients That Feel Cheated?
This vendor wanted to sell them his product, but in order to do that, he needed to switch them from the I must have the self discipline to constantly remind myself the power of my words.
- Entrepreneurs: Suffering is a GREAT THING!
But I choose to look at it as an opportunity to grow because I have a great teacher to learn from. suffering comes – and it will come – I can walk with Christ in assurance that I’ll be taken care of and a great
- How Faith-Based Agencies Sell More
You can also take my business Bible study, Jesus’s 8 Steps for Achieving Greatness in Business.)