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312 items found for "purpose"

  • A Prayer for Godpreneurs in 2024: Pursuing Purpose and Contentment

    The Lord is calling us into the world of entrepreneurship for a great purpose in 2024! So, as I embark on this entrepreneurial journey in 2024, I hold fast to Your promises, Your purpose, Let it be a source of inspiration, a reminder of your purpose, and a call to seek contentment in God

  • Entrepreneurship on Purpose

    COURSE HERE Understanding your purpose in business and life will draw you closer to what God is calling When we uncover our calling, we get aligned with His purpose here on earth. God has a unique purpose for us, that is connected with His eternal nature.

  • Purpose without Faith

    Purpose and Faith both have their meaning independently from one another. However, knowing my purpose without exercising my Faith, I found it useless. It was not until my second attempt to fulfill my purpose in my strength and under my own rules that I I’ve learned as I practice patience and letting go of my control, to trust in God to fulfill His purpose Where is he asking you to have faith so that he can clear the way for you to walk in your purpose?

  • Pushed Into Your Purpose

    Can I encourage you to listen to a message I heard Joel Osteen give called ‘Pushed Into Your Purpose

  • Purpose is Out – Identity is In

    Purpose is one of those words that people have tossed around so much, especially in the business world Let’s peel back the onion of purpose. The purpose of a hammer is to stick this nail into that piece of wood.   I am bigger than my business purpose.   I know what my purpose is: I help people find and bring to life their identity.

  • Finding Your Purpose in Business

    Finding your purpose in business isn’t a mystery. COURSE HERE Finding your purpose in business isn’t a mystery. All of us Godpreneurs struggle with purpose and meaning in our business lives, and we spend a lot of out the called and to show you how your business, regardless of industry, service or product, has a purpose

  • Focus on Your Entrepreneurial Purpose

    But which one focuses on my entrepreneurial purpose? See, my purpose is tied to my obedience to God and what He created me for as an entrepreneur. So focusing on my purpose really gives everything an eternal perspective, not a day to day view. But eternally, we can rest in the fact that we are living our purpose. Let your business actions today be a reflection of your true entrepreneurial purpose on earth.

  • What’s My Purpose in Business?

    Although the industry is exciting and ever-changing, deep inside I felt no “purpose” behind the work of all of my employees to start over on a new road that would fulfill my desire to find meaning and purpose But we do all have the privilege of deciding the purpose to which we will dedicate ourselves. Have you found a worthwhile purpose in your business? Godpreneur Rule: Settle on your business’s purpose and set out to accomplish it each day.

  • Your Purpose in Business Will be Forever

    One clue God uses to show us our purpose in business is that His vision for our business life will always This is the reason why you can tap into the power of eternal thought to your business purpose today.  

  • Your Entrepreneurial Purpose Comes First!

    But which one focuses on my entrepreneurial purpose? See, my purpose is tied to my obedience to God and what He created me for as an entrepreneur. But eternally, we can rest in the fact that we are living our purpose. Let your business actions today be a reflection of your true entrepreneurial purpose on earth. To read more articles about purpose, click here. #FindingMyPurpose #EnhanceFocus

  • Prayer for Discovering Your Purpose in Entrepreneurship

    It could be because you can’t understand or see God's purpose or plan for you and your entrepreneurial The Bible says “I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me.” God has numbered the days of your business and will fulfill every purpose He has for you. Start by praying this prayer for understanding God's purpose and plans for your entrepreneurial walk. my business when I can’t see evidence of all that you’re doing – when I can’t understand or see your purpose

  • Using Wealth and Influence for the Real Purpose

    The ignorance of the purpose of wealth could be responsible for these. Acquisition of wealth is a means to a godly purpose. Let’s consider a Biblical example of one man that used his wealth and influence for a real purpose. He said, “Also, let grain from the bundles fall purposely for her; leave it that she may glean and do

  • Finding Purpose In Your Business Partnership

    COURSE HERE Finding meaning and purpose in life is one of the most basic human needs that we all desire a business partnership, God has some fundamental lessons he wants you to discover so you can run a purpose-focused

  • How to Create a Purposed-Focused Business Partnership

    , my own purpose, and the business’s purpose?” God’s power and purpose for our business partnerships are magnificent. in our business, amazing purpose-focused business happens. Take a moment to ask yourself: Do I live problem-focused or purpose-focused in my business partnership and equipped you with everything you need to fulfill your business partnership purpose.

  • Your Purpose in Business will Bear Fruit

    But as I became more “purpose-focused” with my company, I didn’t settle with just launching someone’s This is when I felt my business had found its purpose. But if we stay in the Word and keep drawing closer to God, the business will shift into its purpose – God’s purpose! Now that we’ve done some critical thinking about our purpose in business in light of God’s purpose, now

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