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139 items found for "prayer"
- A Prayer For Business
The prayer I wrote below is what I pray every time I sit down at my desk to work, ensuring all of me
- A Prayer for Godpreneurs in 2024: Pursuing Purpose and Contentment
Dear Godpreneurs, Every year I try to bring you a prayer at the beginning of the year to inspire this As we step into the promising territory of 2024, I want to share a heartfelt prayer with you. For this prayer, let's not look to our past, but instead, focus on the opportunity God has given you Godpreneur, I encourage you to revisit this prayer throughout the year.
- Prayer For a New Month
As Godpreneurs, our prayers enforce good over our business lives. Imagine if we all secured each new month in prayer. Thank you for answering my prayers. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen. NEED MORE PRAYER? Our prayer team desires to improve your prayer life over your business. CLICK HERE TO VIEW ALL PRAYERS Click here to submit a prayer request.
- Prayer Before Starting a Business Project
The prayer below will help us orient our minds and hearts toward God and give him the wheel for our next
- Prayers to Help You through Anxiety
If you are facing anxiety or struggling with it, here are two prayers to help you through: Dear Heavenly O Lord, I thank you in advance for this answered prayer, and I pray that Your face shines upon me now
- Seven Prayers For The Entrepreneurial Men Of The Church
We can all stand in prayer for marketplace ministers, telling God that these men matter to us, they have to read these prayers, make a list of men in your life that own businesses. If it’s your husband, father, or brother, for example, then just focus on him. 1) PRAYER FOR PURPOSE Ephesians 5:15-17 NIV 5) PRAYER FOR STRENGTH Lord God, thank you for your care and protection. Philippians 4:19(NKJV) 7) PRAYER FOR LOVE Father, you are love!
- A Prayer for Leading Your Business, Better.
On a recent weekly prayer call with my staff, I was asked to pray for all of our Godpreneur Christian Instead, I got to work and started creating a prayer for leading our businesses better. First Timothy 2:1–4 says, "First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and Prayer also acknowledges that God is the ultimate authority in our businesses. Pray the prayer below for yourself and other Christian business owners.
- Prayer for Discovering Your Purpose in Entrepreneurship
(Psalms 57:2 ESV) By design, God set up prayer in supplication as the key to understanding God’s plans Start by praying this prayer for understanding God's purpose and plans for your entrepreneurial walk. **** BEGIN PRAYER **** Father God, I confess it's been difficult to fully let go of my anxieties as
- [Business Prayer] For Provision and Increase in Income
As we recognize that God has provided for us, join me in prayer.
- Putting Jesus Christ as My Business Boss.
My friend, if you prayed this prayer, then I believe you’ve saved your business and are ready for Godpreneurship
- Jesus Knew Best: Why Silence Is Your Secret Weapon in Business!
want to write about becoming more productive in your business by finding quiet time for reflection and prayer It can involve a variety of practices, such as: prayer, Bible study, worship, meditation, and journaling Here are some tips for spending time with God: Make a time, place, and plan Start with prayer Read a passage of scripture Reflect on what you read Respond to what you've read in prayer Be disciplined Guard spot in the office to take your breaks, or even starting your day with a few moments of scripture and prayer
- Supernatural Peace Is Hard for Entrepreneurs
In Philippians 4:6-7, Paul says, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer Even in the direst circumstances, he writes to the church at Philippi to choose prayer over worry. But it's not just about prayer - it's a state of mind. Paul is "sold out" for the cause. united not by their stress levels, but by a shared experience of divine peace that comes from choosing prayer
- How to Pray for Your Connections on LinkedIn
One of my favorite things to do on social media is to create a post asking people if they need prayer The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working." And prayer also has the awesome power to change us, the ones who are praying. Prayer does have the power to change things in business. In fact, prayer has the power to change the entire marketplace.
- How to Pray for a RESTART in your Business
In his distress, he wept bitterly and went to God in prayer for solace. Step 1 of Restarting our businesses is going into prayer. God wants us to act, but he desires that we come to him first, in prayer, for guidance and direction. PRAYER TO RESTART YOUR BUSINESS Lord, thank you that I can come boldly to your throne of grace. spirit and where it wants to guide my business and let me seek your loving support through the gift of prayer
- The Key to Rebuilding Your Business, God's Way
My prayer life is something I work on. I know its not my strength. However, sometimes we’re missing one key element in the pressure cooker: going to God in prayer FIRST Are you implementing prayer into business decisions? We can start today! P.S.