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104 items found for "partnership"

  • Finding Balance in Business Partnerships

    Balance means keeping all the parts of my life in their proper places In my business partnerships, what In order for a partnership to run smoothly, all partners need to regain balance in their personal lives lawless and fall from your secure position. 2 Peter 3:17 NIV What does the balance in your business partnership Taking a “time-out” to set priorities straight is important for regaining balance in your business partnership

  • Fix Your Partnership Differences, Or Else…

    Is there still hope for our business partnerships? Yes! One of the best things about business partnerships is that we have the opportunity to practice and perfect In our business partnerships, God wanted us to be different and diverse and for us to leverage that and As we continue to pursue uncovering God’s purpose for our business partnerships, remember that our differences #BusinessPartnerships #BusinessBibleStudy Finding Purpose In Your Business Partnership You and your business

  • Safety is the new synonymous with Better partnerships

    I was very selfish in the first 5 years of my partnership.  Although our partnership is over now, I wonder if things would be different had I known the things I We all enter partnerships with a ‘what’s in it for me’ mentality. if you can follow the steps above, you’ll actually become even more powerful and influential in your partnership If all of us can be Christ in our partnerships, we’re truly living out the gospel in our businesses.

  • Business Partnerships Are Like A Marriage

    What did you dream that partnership would look like? What sort of partnership workload? 50/50 all the way? Business partnerships are like a marriage. The business and the partnership will always contain these things. I pray the same for your partnerships.

  • How to Break a Bad Partnership

    As entrepreneurs, the idea of partnerships and investor money sounds so great to us.  But what happens when the excitement of the beginning partnership fades away and people start being real Now I wait on God for pretty much everything and every partnership opportunity in my business.  You might be in a bad partnership.  ou might owe money you borrowed.  Godpreneur Rule #67: Patiently wait on God for your partnerships and He will give you results greater

  • Finding Purpose In Your Business Partnership

    And now that you’re in a business partnership, God has some fundamental lessons he wants you to discover so you can run a purpose-focused partnership.

  • How to Create a Vision for Your Business Partnership?

    Envisioning our ideal business partnership and God’s purpose for it can also fuel us to become all He As partners, we must ask ourselves what we really want for our partnership. Here’s what our vision is NOT: what others expect or desire for our business partnership what our parents Those passions and the goals you already envision for your business partnership reveals His purpose. ideal partnership would be and God’s purpose for it.

  • How to Create a Purposed-Focused Business Partnership

    My mind immediately starts to doubt the partnership with this employee. The outcome of your partnerships begins with your mindset. That’s how you triumph in victory in every business partnership. God’s power and purpose for our business partnerships are magnificent. Godpreneur Rule: Godpreneurs focus our attention on God’s intention for our business partnerships and

  • Meetings and How They Can Save your Partnerships

    Something I know now that I didn’t know back in my previous partnership was the need for regular meetings In hind sight, this is probably the biggest reason we failed as a partnership.  You might be at a point in your partnership where you just want to quit and do it alone.  that you’ve already been doing it alone, why not make it easier for everyone and just dismantle the partnership

  • Partnerships Reveal My Need for Christ More

    designed to meet every need—that job is already taken by God What would make me happy in a business partnership We’d have the perfect partnership and a real chance at making it big. Right? We all have painted a picture of the perfect partnership. What if God designed business partnerships as a tool to actually reveal our need for Him? This thought killed my partnerships. Finally, I got it.

  • Lessons from Partnerships Gone Wrong...

    When I first started my business, the partnership between the founders was great!  As entrepreneurs, we all experience conflict in business partnerships much as we do in our personal relationships

  • 6 Healthy Boundaries in Successful Business Partnerships

    The problem is that, of course, business partnerships can get messy. I had heard about boundaries in dating, but not in business partnerships. and start on the right foot on future partnerships. Business partnerships are exciting and full of a lot of adventure and hard work. Boundaries in business partnerships, then, are about standing up for ourselves.

  • Three Purposes God Intended for Your Business Partnership

    All business partnerships exist for the same exact reason under God’s eyes. God wants to use your partnership to be a light to the marketplace. Every business partnership starts off fantastic. But our love has conditions going into the partnership. We all have conditions entering partnerships.

  • Your Business Partnership Could Be a Testimony to Others

    I know business partnerships are messy. I remember one time someone told me that I had the perfect partnership going on. My partnership was far from perfect. In fact, we’re not even partners anymore! Allow the partnership to be a blessing to other partners out there. We don’t have to be business partnership “experts” to do this.

  • How God Confirms His Purpose Through our Business Partnerships

    No business partnership reaches its destiny in a single leap. Instead, we fulfill God’s purpose for our partnership by putting one foot in front of the other, moving He will reveal His purpose for your business partnership through His Word. He will confirm His plan for your partnership with your business circumstances. our purpose through our circumstances in business and affirming our partnership through others.

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