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511 results found for "money-finance-accounting"

  • More Money, More Happy

    The Bible warns me of the love of money. The wealthy call money a curse. Why the heck, then, would I want more money??!! Why do we Godpreneurs think that having more money will satisfy us more? The bible says: "He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves wealth with his Bible-Based Video Courses for Entrepreneurs Putting God First In their Businesses Click here to create a Free Account

  • Unlock True Happiness in Your Business: The Secret to Contentment Over Money

    And when it comes to making a lot of money, it’s the same way. Like my desire for more employees, there is never an amount of money that is enough for our companies We trust in God to end our stress about money. don’t need more money, we need more God. Bible-Based Video Courses for Entrepreneurs Putting God First In their Businesses Click here to create a Free Account

  • 5 Lies of Money and Business

    This 5-Day plan will help you learn how to avoid falling for these common money lies hold you back from COURSE HERE Money isn’t meant to make us happy, it’s meant to make us holy. But the problem is that we’ve been deceived into seeing money the wrong way, and it’s holding us back will guide you through scripture and common misbeliefs, and how to overcome them to experience the financial

  • More Money, More Happy

    "It's not that we need more money to justify our success, it's that we need more Jesus to satisfy our

  • The Money-Attitude God Wants His Entrepreneurs to Carry

    Although the bank account looks slim and creditors are knocking at your door, there’s so much God’s put I’m not saying to forget about your bank account and the debt you owe. When I get the money to move into my new office, I’ll be happy. We won’t be happy when we have more money or when we’ve got a better hold of our finances. Bible-Based Video Courses for Entrepreneurs Putting God First In their Businesses Click here to create a Free Account

  • The 19 Rules of Money Management for Christian Entrepreneurs

    This course will help you develop a better sense of money management God’s way. COURSE HERE Learning how to find the perfect balance between money management and God’s blessings is key in order to make money the RIGHT way. Every time you feel there’s not enough money coming in, it’s probably because you haven’t been managing you have today and repurposing it wisely in your business all whilst honoring God, He will open more money

  • Attracting Money In Your Business, God's Way

    Educate yourself and prepare your business to steward the financial blessings God has in store for you COURSE HERE The bible has so much to say on the topic of money! God will use us Godpreneurs to manage the money. Money gets released to our businesses when we take on a totally new perspective and bring new habits

  • Chasing Disney Dreams: A Godpreneur’s Journey from Scarcity to Discontent!

    As I made more money, I upgraded from my aunt's house to Airbnb’s that were 20 minutes from Disney. As I made more money, I became more discontent with my accomodations. My entrepreneurial journey from financial scarcity to having a travel budget came with the challenge

  • How to Rule Over Your Money, God’s Way

    The author had a different formula for accounting. The reason we need to change our accounting formula is that we need to rule money, not have it rule us In a nutshell, when money comes in, you automatically send a percentage to separate accounts you’ve set Like I mentioned before, when money comes into my account, I automatically divide it up into operational Profits (5%) This is my favorite account to watch grow.

  • Multiple Income Streams: A Biblical Perspective

    As Godpreneurs we must prove to Him that we can have the ability to manage money. in order to make money the RIGHT way. Millionaire Mind (FREE) Attracting Money In Your Business, God's Way Removing The Stress of Money in Praying for your success in money management moving forward! #BusinessBibleStudy #MakeMoreMoney #AccountingHelp #RaisingCapital The 19 Rules of Money Management

  • Have a Positive, Godly Attitude About Money

    There’s a lot more responsibility when you handle more money, that’s for sure. See, millionaires understand that to get rich, you also have to like money. And I believe God wants us in the same mindset as millionaires and their money. One of the servants took some risks, invested the money, and doubled his return! The other servant hid the money so he wouldn’t lose it.

  • Finding Peace Amid Financial Roller-Coaster: Trusting God in Your Business Journey

    We need money for our businesses for a lot of things. We need money like a car needs oil. The amount of money in our bank account is tied to our future success, and this is a dangerous place Jesus gives us an amazing metaphor so we can divorce our sense of security from our bank accounts. You must still learn financial responsibility, sales, marketing, and operations in your business. Bible-Based Video Courses for Entrepreneurs Putting God First In their Businesses Click here to create a Free Account

  • I Can Be a Godpreneur and Still Love Money

    I need money. I need money to pay for food, clothing, shelter, transportation, etc. Although I need money, I’m careful not to LOVE money. There’s only 100% amount of love in it. : "But those who [are not financially ethical and] crave to get rich [with a compulsive, greedy longing Bible-Based Video Courses for Entrepreneurs Putting God First In their Businesses Click here to create a Free Account

  • No Credit, No Problem

    As business owners, we can experience such a tremendous amount of financial release from God, but God But how is God supposed to give us more money if we can’t handle it? I don’t buy anything anymore unless I have money to pay for it in my checking account. Godpreneur Rule: Money will go to the Godpreneur that manages it the best. Bible-Based Video Courses for Entrepreneurs Putting God First In their Businesses Click here to create a Free Account

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