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293 items found for "money"
- I Did it for the Money
I saw so many pay me money to then find out 6 months later that the business didn’t work. My heart changed from seeking their money to seeking their Godpreneur purpose with them. And more times than not, its either on money (like it was for me at the beginning) or on the customer It’s not to say that I don’t fall into the money trap time and again, but I do it much less often now
- Biblical Money Saving Tip for Entrepreneurs
Money is not evil. It is the love of money that is the root of all evil. been caught in the web of financial embarrassment when my wife and my children need a small amount of money The Bible says: 'A feast is made for laughter, and wine makes merry: but money answers all things.' - When you finally get money in your hands, the first thing to do is not spending, but saving the money , but the love of money.
- Entrepreneurs Are Stewards of God's Money
The people that work as money managers on Wall Street have the same view about money. So if we believe that all money belongs to God, then logically, we’re simply stewards of that money while In the story of the master and his servants, the servant that managed the money the best got more money I know that I’ve forgotten this important rule when I worry about money. Godpreneur Money Management Rule #2: Godpreneurs remember that God is the owner of the money and we are
- More Money, More Happy
"It's not that we need more money to justify our success, it's that we need more Jesus to satisfy our
- God Needs My Money
Your money and business are His, so we can't give God anything #MakeMoreMoney
- Unlock True Happiness in Your Business: The Secret to Contentment Over Money
And when it comes to making a lot of money, it’s the same way. We Entrepreneurs often think that money will speed up our satisfaction. We think that money will bring us security, but that delivery got lost in the mail. We trust in God to end our stress about money. don’t need more money, we need more God.
- 5 Lies of Money and Business
This 5-Day plan will help you learn how to avoid falling for these common money lies hold you back from COURSE HERE Money isn’t meant to make us happy, it’s meant to make us holy. But the problem is that we’ve been deceived into seeing money the wrong way, and it’s holding us back
- Money Stress Be Gone 💨 Discover the Ultimate Solution for Christian Entrepreneurs
what money is and what it is NOT. (James 1:17 NIV) Money is a gift from God. But money is not God. lives to money and not to God. need more money, we need more God.
- God Needs My Money
The way I see it is that it’s not that God needs my money. He’s got plenty of it to go around. We put very little thought into the fact that God is using the money we make in our businesses to let But remember that God doesn’t need a small portion of our money. It’s His money in the first place. And the enemy will use the money to win your heart. God’s not appreciative of the money we give; He’s moved when our hearts are surrendered to Him.
- Chasing Disney Dreams: A Godpreneur’s Journey from Scarcity to Discontent!
As I made more money, I upgraded from my aunt's house to Airbnb’s that were 20 minutes from Disney. As I made more money, I became more discontent with my accomodations.
- More Money, More Happy
Wait… All the signs are telling me that having more money brings more problems. The Bible warns me of the love of money. The wealthy call money a curse. Why the heck, then, would I want more money??!! Why do we Godpreneurs think that having more money will satisfy us more? The bible says: "He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves wealth with his
- Removing The Stress of Money in Your Business
We don’t need more money, we need more God. God is looking out for us AND our businesses. The future is never uncertain when it’s in God’s hands, the key to having more money in the bank comes
- Money: How Godpreneurs Should View It?
OK, we’re going to have the money talk. I want to make millions! I’d have money for retirement and my kid's college would be paid off. One thing is the love of money and dependence on it. How do we balance our spiritual lives with the need for money to keep our businesses going? I start serving the master of money instead of my boss: God The more money I make, the harder it becomes
- What Attitude Will Attract the Most Money?
- How to Handle Money God’s Way
#MakeMoreMoney #MakingMoreSales