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400 items found for "entrepreneurship-in-the-spirit"

  • The Power of Entrepreneurship in the Spirit: Transform Your Business Journey with Godpreneur Academy

    Unlock the Secrets of Success "The Power of Entrepreneurship in the Spirit" is designed to revolutionize This July, "The Power of Entrepreneurship in the Spirit" takes center stage as our featured plan of the in the Spirit" plan. Mark your calendars for Monday, July 10th, and visit Get ready to transform your business and experience the power of entrepreneurship in the Spirit.

  • Our "God Mission" in Entrepreneurship

    All of our entrepreneurial journeys are used for something. Most business owners spend their lives focused on growing the business, building their bank account, or amassing possessions. While none of those things are necessarily wrong, they can become distractions from our ultimate goal in Godpreneurship. In the book of Acts, we see Paul’s transformation in Christ. As a result of meeting Jesus and being changed by His grace, Paul spends the rest of his life preaching the good news of Jesus. For Paul, God’s grace and salvation is so great that nothing on this earth is as important as God’s work. Paul says that nothing in His life matters as much as telling others about God’s grace. His goal in life was to finish his own race well by faithfully accomplishing as much of the mission of God as possible: "However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God's grace." (Acts 20:24 NIV) The mission of God is not opposed to growing our business and building wealth. In fact, God desires for us to use those opportunities to faithfully accomplish the mission of God. We can run our businesses in the way of God, and we can tell our employees and clients about God’s grace. Any place we find ourselves in can be an opportunity to accomplish the mission of God. Take a moment to consider your own business life and where you spend your time. Are you using every opportunity you have to spread the good news of Jesus? Does your daily entrepreneurial journey, like Paul’s, point toward God? Consider a few ways that you can begin to change your perspective and live your life on mission for God. PRAYER God, I want my life to testify to Your goodness and grace along my entrepreneurial journey. Refocus my heart on You. Help me pursue You first, above all else. Nothing in business life matters more than bringing glory to You. Show me who I need to share You with and give me boldness in business . In Jesus' name, Amen.

  • The 7 Habits: Proactive Entrepreneurship

    entrepreneurs, what should distinguish us from worldly business owners is one crucial difference - non-spiritual THAN REACT Imagine a world where all of us God-first business owners, when tempted, we allow the Holy Spirit People Introduction 1 - Your Character Defines Your Success in Business Introduction 2 - A Godly Path to Entrepreneurship The 7 Habits: Proactive Entrepreneurship The 7 Habits: Entrepreneurs Begin With the End in Mind Writing

  • The Cure for Selfishness in Entrepreneurship

    selfish entrepreneurial lifestyle, A growing Christian that is leaving a selfish lifestyle and the Holy Spirit is taking over, or A mature Christian who walks a Holy Spirit-led entrepreneurial journey alongside I believe we all start selfish until the true work of the Holy Spirit begins to change us. Ephesians 5:21) Ephesians gives several practical ways Christians can express being filled with the Spirit

  • The Miracle of Entrepreneurship

    Christian entrepreneurship is faith-based. The miracle of entrepreneurship is in value creation. We are called into entrepreneurship because we have been blessed with unique ideas and creative abilities Planting, nurturing, waiting, and harvesting are acts of entrepreneurship. Engaging all you have been endowed with, you can have as many miracle entrepreneurship experiences as

  • The Role of Wisdom in Christian Entrepreneurship

    My branding agency does brand management for charter schools. We have year-long contacts with schools to do all their graphics and help with marketing. During our monthly meetings, they tell us all the things that have been planned, and my team helps them bring those visions to life. Meeting clients to learn about their needs and asking questions about their community helps give us insight and wisdom in helping guide their brand's growth. We business owners need to frequently meet with our clients or customers to gain wisdom and knowledge about their needs and wants. Having a relationship like this with our customers feeds us the ideas we need to innovate and provide better solutions for the marketplace. In the same way, God wants us to meet with him frequently so that He can give us the wisdom and knowledge to be better business owners in this world. How often are you meeting with God? How often are you stopping to analyze how you're living your days here on earth as an entrepreneur? Ephesians 5:15 warns us, "Look carefully, then, how you walk!". The Bible not only warns us but also guides us on how business owners should live: "not as unwise but as wise." You may ask yourself, "What does it mean to be a wise business person? What does it mean to live and operate our company as a wise man?" The Bible has a clear answer: "understand what the will of the Lord is." (Ephesians 5:17) In his letter to the Ephesian church, Paul urged readers to recognize God's will. He speaks about God's will throughout the letter. Paul saw himself as an apostle by the will of God. All believers are adopted as sons through Jesus by His will (Ephesians 1:5). God's revelation contains the clear will of God. Those who study God's Word will become familiar with God's perspective on life's issues (2 Timothy 3:16). For Godpreneurs, this shows that when we seek to understand the will of God for ourselves and the companies we start, we seek to live and operate like wise businessmen or women! God is the creator of wisdom. When we know God and have a relationship with Him, it's natural to invest time in learning His teachings and seeking to know and practice His will for our entrepreneurial journey, which is good, perfect, and pleasant. Today, the invitation remains: Be intentional in how you live and operate your company. Ask God for wisdom and seek to understand His will for your business life. Prayer for Today Lord God, we thank you for being so generous and deliberately giving me the wisdom I need to live a good business life. Today, we choose to live as wise Godpreneurs, and we ask for Your wisdom. We want to know and live Your will for us because I know it is good, perfect, and pleasant. In the name of Jesus, amen.

  • Entrepreneurship on Purpose

    A 3-Day business Bible study to help you uncover your calling to bear fruit that your business can have an eternal impact and glorify God. COURSE HERE Understanding your purpose in business and life will draw you closer to what God is calling you to do in this season. When we uncover our calling, we get aligned with His purpose here on earth. God has a unique purpose for us, that is connected with His eternal nature. Most business owners don’t use an eternal mindset when uncovering and bringing to life their business dreams. But unless we pursue the business God Himself created us to start, we won’t be able to tap into the abundance of power, wisdom, strength, and resources He also has for us in order to carry out our business dream(s) TAKE COURSE HERE #BusinessBibleStudy #GodpreneurAcademy #FindingMyPurpose #FindMyCalling

  • Emotional Pain in Entrepreneurship

    Is suffering some kind of message from our Spirit? And, how do we deal with emotional suffering? He does NOT want us operating in the Spirit and doing the business God created us to do. John 6:63 says, "It is the Spirit who gives life. The only solution is being completely present with your Spirit right here, right now. That's the power of operating our business moment to moment with the Spirit.

  • It’s Hopeless [8 Lies of Entrepreneurship]

    In the pattern of start and re-start that is entrepreneurship, I’ve come to learn that right before a and anger towards myself and others, so much that we wished I just had a steady job and the burden of entrepreneurship hope on You, focus my mind on You, and depend on You to live through me so that I can walk in Your Spirit

  • How a Nightclub Promoter Found a Godly Path to Entrepreneurship

    Entrepreneurship is a journey. The Bible says “Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that You lead your company differently because the Bible becomes your new map to navigate entrepreneurship The Gospel gives you a new heart, new desires, and the Holy Spirit who empowers you to do the will of Character Defines Your Success in Business Introduction 2 - How a Nightclub Promoter Found a Godly Path to Entrepreneurship

  • 8 Lies of Entrepreneurship

    In this course, I show you 8 lies that keep Godpreneurs bogged down in feelings of inadequacy, insecurities of owning a business, and 8 truths to combat lies. COURSE HERE As entrepreneurs, we often hear lies in our head that we’re not good enough to own this business, smart enough to sell that product, rich enough to launch… just not enough, period! In this course, I show you 8 lies that keep Godpreneurs bogged down in feelings of inadequacy, insecurities of owning a business, and 8 truths to combat those lies. Silencing the lies can only happening by shouting the truth – that you serve a God that says you’re enough, you’re incredible, you were uniquely fashioned, and the marketplace needs you! TAKE COURSE HERE #GodpreneurAcademy #BusinessBibleStudy

  • Overcoming Depression in Entrepreneurship

    Join Us on a 5-Day Business Bible Plan to Shift Your Mindset to the MORE God has for You. COURSE HERE God is right here with you, calling you into the unknown. This business Bible study will help you realign your mindset, quiet your anxiety, and focus on letting God's purpose for you. You're about to experience peace, joy, and a reason to rest in God's promises for your business. TAKE COURSE HERE #GodpreneurAcademy #BusinessBibleStudy

  • How To Escape Mental Anxiety In Entrepreneurship

    rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual Notice how God's plan is to shift the mind into metaphorically protecting the body (where the holy spirit Our body knows what's good for us because that's where our Holy Spirit dwells.

  • The Key to Surviving the Rollercoaster of Entrepreneurship

    Godpreneurs never lose sight of the Divine nature and significance of their work. Learn more about Alex Miranda and Daily Godpreneur: ►►MEMBERSHIP: – Lead a God First Business ►►DAILY DEVOTIONAL: – Blog of Daily Devotionals for Christian Entrepreneurs ►►INSTAGRAM: – Instagram Quotes for Christian Entrepreneurs ►►FREE RESOURCES: – Ebooks, checklists and other resources for Christian Entrepreneurs #GodpreneurAcademy #AgencyOwners #NewEntrepreneurs

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