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253 results found for "LEADERSHIP"
- The People We Left in Place Arenât Doing Their Job. What do Christian Entrepreneurs Do?
In the business of branding, there are lots of steps to completing a job. There are many places the project can go wrong. There are a lot of areas where the customer can be displeased. When youâre dealing with someoneâs identity, a lot is at stake and you have to make sure the job is done perfectly. I spent a lot of time on my systems and processes. I wrote out training manuals, and scripts for customer service, and invested in making sure my team knew how to complete jobs. One day, I get a call from a client towards the end of the project and it was to tell me about the horrifying experience she had had with my company. I was devastated, angry, frustrated, and determined to fix it. I made some drastic changes including letting go of some people. The point of being an entrepreneur is to be able to build a business the way we would run it, put the right people in place that will duplicate our ways, and hopefully be able to walk away and have a steady profit coming into our bank accounts each month. When we come in, it should be to check in, put out fires, and contribute more ideas that could help turn a better profit for yourself. But what happens when we come back and the system is bad? The people we left in place arenât doing their job and the product or service we thought our customers were receiving is not something we would approve of? Nehemiah experienced the same thing when he returned to Jerusalem after 12 years (I donât suggest leaving your business for 12 yearsâŠ.or even 12 monthsâŠ.maybe 12 days MAX). When he returned, the city had fallen back into sin. The Sabbath wasnât being honored and systems and processes werenât being followed according to the law of the book. Needless to say, Nehemiah was upset and acted harshly to fix things. Nehemiah 13:19-22 reads When evening shadows fell on the gates of Jerusalem before the Sabbath, I ordered the doors to be shut and not opened until the Sabbath was over. I stationed some of my own men at the gates so that no load could be brought in on the Sabbath day. Once or twice the merchants and sellers of all kinds of goods spent the night outside Jerusalem. But I warned them and said, âWhy do you spend the night by the wall? If you do this again, I will arrest you.â From that time on they no longer came on the Sabbath. Then I commanded the Levites to purify themselves and go and guard the gates in order to keep the Sabbath day holy. Remember me for this also, my God, and show mercy to me according to your great love. Can you see how disobeying Godâs laws, even in the simplest ways, will eventually lead to committing a full-blown offense? Itâs the same in our businesses. Youâve spent all of this time creating a God-first business, why wouldnât your team continue to do âbusiness by the bookâ? The sins of entrepreneurship can easily come back into play: pride, envy, greed, sloth. My recommendation is have a systematic weekly meeting to check in with your team and make sure systems and processes are being followed make sure that you keep your relationship with God intact, always reading in the mornings and praying for your business, clients, employees, vendors, and contractors make harsh changes when you feel the spirit leading you We Godpreneurs have a blessing to be able to carry out businesses for God. But like Jerusalem, they can fall if unattended. And like our own spiritual walk, it can fall if unattended. My prayer is that building a God-first business helps you grow more spiritually than as an entrepreneur. P.S. I did a Business bible study called 40 Days to Restarting Your Business, God's Way. Check it out: 40 DAYS TO RESTARTING YOUR BUSINESS, GOD'S WAY A business Bible study to help you rethink, reinvent, and restart your business, but this time, God's Way! We parallel Nehemiah's rebuilding of the wall to your journey in rebuilding your business. Also, coaches and Christian business leaders, you can use, edit, and repurpose the teachings for your own tribe! Check it out. #BibleStudy #nehimiah #restartyourbusiness
- Best Playlist for Christian Entrepreneurs to Wake Up To
In a previous post, I spoke about the powerful nature of a song I dedicated to my wife, and how listening to a song youâve dedicated to someone can bring you to tears of either anger or bliss. As an entrepreneur, I need my mind focused on as much of the RIGHT NOW as possible. I donât want it running too far ahead, and I donât want it lingering behind. I also want my mind in as much positivity as possible. I have to curb my enthusiasm to watch the news, surround myself with positive people, andâŠ.hereâs one you probably have never heardâŠ.listen to POSITIVE music. What do I mean by positive music? I have songs I turn to when Iâm upset, depressed, sick of it all, and wanting to escape my reality. Music I loved in high school, a different relationship in my life, a different season I was far from God. Iâll start listening to music that has nothing to do with where I want to go in life. Itâs like a drug. Hereâs the trick Iâve learned that I implement every morning while playing making coffee and before I begin blogging. I created a playlist of awesome Christian lyric songs that keep me in a state of THANKSGIVING. If Iâm constantly being reminded to give thanks to God, my mind is ready to receive the opportunities He has for me and it keeps my eyes looking straight ahead, keeping the course. We all have tools to take us back to depressing times. It can be music, food, alcohol, drugs, other people, or maybe an old stomping ground. But God wants us to stay in a mode of THANKSGIVING so we can keep moving forward. Nehemiah 12:31 says "I had the leaders of Judah go up on top of the wall. I also assigned two large choirs to give thanks. One was to proceed on top of the wall to the right, toward the Dung Gate." You know the songs that remind you of God, and what heâs done for you - songs that literally bring you to your knees. In that moment of glorious surrender, God meets you, and positivity and thanksgiving enter your body. What if every morning we had 2 or 3 songs we played that lined up our hearts and got us ready for the day? What about playing a couple in the car, on the way to work. Letâs make it a habit to give thanks to God through song. P.S. I did a Business bible study called 40 Days to Restarting Your Business, God's Way. Check it out: 40 DAYS TO RESTARTING YOUR BUSINESS, GOD'S WAY A business Bible study to help you rethink, reinvent, and restart your business, but this time, God's Way! We parallel Nehemiah's rebuilding of the wall to your journey in rebuilding your business. Also, coaches and Christian business leaders, you can use, edit, and repurpose the teachings for your own tribe! Check it out. #ArticulatingMyIdeas #DifferentiatingMyself
- How to Find Hidden Talents You Never Knew Your Employees Had
As a branding agency owner, once we're ready to show the client the amazing logo and brand we came up with, we put on a show! Our clients come into the office for the big "logo reveal." It's a special day, so we go all out and buy food and dress up extra spiffy. One time, before one of the presentations, my assistant shows up to the office and sees that I hadnât really given much thought to the presentation of the food. Being a typical guy, I just laid out the food on the ping pong table with no regard to style or class. In an instant, my assistant grabs some sheets, folds some boxes, and transforms the former plain setup into a dazzling display rivaling catered wedding dĂ©cor. I was so amazed! I had no clue she had that talent! From that day forward, of course, she was the person in charge of preparing the office for client presentations. There are many talents hidden amongst our team members. We can harness those talents for our companies, but we have to be intentional in asking. Our team is hired for specific duties, but if the company is going to excel and pay us all more money, the attitude must be âall talents on deckâ. After accomplishing the great task of rebuilding the wall at Jerusalem, Nehemiah entered a new season: rebuilding the city inside of the wall. To do this, he asked for an offering of gifts. Nehemiah 7:70-72 says "Some of the heads of the families contributed to the work. The governor gave to the treasury 1,000 darics of gold, 50 bowls and 530 garments for priests. Some of the heads of the families gave to the treasury for the work 20,000 darics of gold and 2,200 minas of silver. The total given by the rest of the people was 20,000 darics of gold, 2,000 minas of silver and 67 garments for priests." God has put people around you that will help strengthen and prosper what youâve build. It may be monetary, it could be furniture for the office, or it can be talents (like my assistantâs interior decorating skills). But you literally have to ask, "Hey guys, we're trying to take our company to another level. What gifts, talents, connections, and resources can you bring to the table to make this happen?" Hopefully you casted a good enough of a God-first business vision to your team that gets them excited to BRING IT FOR GOD. Then, their spirit will motivate them to go above and beyond for the benefit of all. P.S. I did a Business bible study called 40 Days to Restarting Your Business, God's Way. Check it out: 40 DAYS TO RESTARTING YOUR BUSINESS, GOD'S WAY A business Bible study to help you rethink, reinvent, and restart your business, but this time, God's Way! We parallel Nehemiah's rebuilding of the wall to your journey in rebuilding your business. Also, coaches and Christian business leaders, you can use, edit, and repurpose the teachings for your own tribe! Check it out. #ArticulatingMyIdeas #LaunchingMyBusiness
- Your Business Transformation is Your Testimony
Back in 2008 when I left the nightlife scene to start a relationship with God, I knew I was being watched. I realized my friends and family would be looking at me, questioning, and watching my next moves. Over the years, they saw me transform my personal, business, physical and spiritual life. And, the most part, I believe Iâve been a good testimony of the transforming nature of God: He renewed me and continues to elevate me. During this transformation, I also had to rebuild my branding agency from scratch. This means that former clients, vendors, employees, and partners were also going to witness a transformation. The great news is that I was successfully able to rebuild the agency into a God-first business. I attracted better clients and felt more fulfilled with the work we were doing. My friends, family, and employees were all able to witness the transformation. And you know who else saw the transformation? My enemies. What do I mean by enemies? When I left the nightlife to be a "born again" Christian, some enemies spawned up. We can also call them "haters." Instead of encouragement, these enemies threw shade on the flip flop from nightlife to day life. My enemies knew I split from clients and partners I was no longer aligned with and had to REBUILD from scratch. They had been watching, and when the rebuilding work was finished, they were keeping a closer eye on my every move. WE ALL HAVE ENEMIES We all have enemies looking on our rebuilding process and wishing for our downfall. Enemies can come in many forms, including competitors, former clients, partners from previous businesses, etc. With God as our help, we can succeed and be able to be a testimony to these enemies, and they will know that only God could have helped make the transformation possible. God shows us in Nehemiah 6:15-16 how our enemies will react with the rebuilding is done: "So the wall was completed on the twenty-fifth of Elul, in fifty-two days. When all our enemies heard about this, all the surrounding nations were afraid and lost their self-confidence, because they realized that this work had been done with the help of our God." When God is your strength and faith going through a rebuilding process, - especially if it's a radical change like mine - your success will be magnified by the decrease in your enemies to be able to affect you! But more importantly, your business becomes a testimony - even to your enemies - that God can do the same for their businesses. We entrepreneurs give thanks to our God for not only helping REBUILD our business but for also using us to help other entrepreneurs, even your enemies. P.S. I did a Business bible study called 40 Days to Restarting Your Business, God's Way. Check it out: 40 DAYS TO RESTARTING YOUR BUSINESS, GOD'S WAY A business Bible study to help you rethink, reinvent, and restart your business, but this time, God's Way! We parallel Nehemiah's rebuilding of the wall to your journey in rebuilding your business. Also, coaches and Christian business leaders, you can use, edit, and repurpose the teachings for your own tribe! Check it out. #ShareYourTestimony #GainConfidence
- Why Copying Successful Entrepreneurs Can Make You Worst Off
I started my first business in 2005, I imitated some of my "seemingly" successful clients in their leadership in business, so we're out there at conferences and webinars learning the latest in sales, marketing, leadership
- The Advantages of Hiring an Agency to Help Build Your Christian Personal Brand
Anyone doing business online must have a solid personal brand. But what if youâre not sure you have the time and skills to do it yourself? Whether youâre just starting to build your personal brand or are looking for a branding brush-up, hiring an agency could be the right way to go. Take Advantages of an Agencyâs Resources You may not have the resources to tackle personal branding yourself. Most small business owners and entrepreneurs are up to their ears in their daily operations and barely even have time for strategic planning and other long-term issues. If you donât have in-house staff to help, it may be easier to hire experts. Help to Articulate Your Personal Brand If youâre struggling to define your personal brand, an experienced branding agency can help you better articulate it. Itâs often difficult for an individual to understand exactly what theyâre going for. What image do you want to create in the publicâs mind about who you are and what you do? Branding professionals can help you discover and clarify the best approach. The point is that the person or agency you choose needs to match who you are so that there's no disconnect, and this can be challenging. You need to uncover what you were born to do and establish Godâs vision for your business first, and people that are called to the vocation of branding help do this for you. A Fresh Perspective Itâs often hard to accurately see how you appear in othersâ eyes. A branding agency can bring you a fresh perspective. They can see what youâre already doing, right or wrong. Their feedback can help you better decide how you want to present yourself to the world. A fresh perspective can also help you get un-stuck if youâre in a rut. Identify Your Target Market Have you clearly defined your target market and their values and motivations? This can be a huge task, but it forms the foundation of good branding. An agency with a great deal of marketing experience can help you identify and define your target market. They can also analyze the competition and help you find ways to set yourself apart. Brand Visuals and Design Design is one area where an agency can help you in your personal branding efforts. A significant part of branding is defining your visual language. This is hard for those of us without a keen eye for design or specific design skills. The experts have done it before, and they know what will work best to communicate the image you have in your mind. Handle Your Own Personal Branding Of course, you are the expert on yourself, and you are the essential part of your personal brand. This is a challenge to communicate to others, even if they are branding experts. So think carefully before you choose to outsource all or part of your personal branding. If you have the means to invest, you can save a great deal of time and energy by outsourcing. And perhaps you can learn a few things from the experts you hire. If you decide to handle it yourself, youâll stand a good chance of building a personal brand that communicates to your audience who you are and what you stand for. Let me help you learn the process for creating a successful God-first personal brand yourself. In my new course, Iâll teach you how to craft a brand message that incorporates your unique value, how to develop the visual style of your personal brand, how to compile a branding pack, and much more. If you want to know about more ways to develop a powerful God-first personal brand, then head over to my program, Build Your Unique Christian Personal Brand. In this course, youâll learn how to create a compelling identity that attracts a value-aligned audience and increases your influence and sales. Check it out here - Build Your Christian Personal Brand | Godpreneur Academy #BuildMyPersonalBrand
- Confronting an Employee Issue, God's Way
And to seal the deal, I gathered the leadership on a call with this employee and he shared his new commitment Watch how integrity in your company is taken to new levels as you make the ultimate leadership power
- The Key to Rebuilding Your Business, God's Way
I have a confession: Iâm not the best at recognizing when I need to pray. My prayer life is something I work on. I know its not my strength. Usually, I try to solve things on my own. When the sales pipeline dries up, I frantically look for business. When I have a new idea, I implement without seeking counsel. Itâs just my nature. For entrepreneurs, there's nothing wrong with feeling the pressure and acting accordingly. However, sometimes weâre missing one key element in the pressure cooker: going to God in prayer FIRST. If we go to God and ask for strength, THEN we can move to doing what we were going to do. This is efficient because we've got the mindset we need to continue: God is backing me up. In the Bible, Nehemiah was being attacked while rebuilding the wall at Jerusalem. Instead of caving in to the pressure by trying to take on the enemies through his own strength, he asked God for His strength. Nehemiah 6:9 says, "They were all trying to frighten us, thinking, âTheir hands will get too weak for the work, and it will not be completed.â But I prayed, âNow strengthen my hands.â God wants us to come to him for strength as we build our God-first businesses. Are you implementing prayer into business decisions? We can start today! P.S. I did a Business bible study called 40 Days to Restarting Your Business, God's Way. Check it out: 40 DAYS TO RESTARTING YOUR BUSINESS, GOD'S WAY A business Bible study to help you rethink, reinvent, and restart your business, but this time, God's Way! We parallel Nehemiah's rebuilding of the wall to your journey in rebuilding your business. Also, coaches and Christian business leaders, you can use, edit, and repurpose the teachings for your own tribe! Check it out. #StrengthenIntegrity #BecomeDisciplined
- Why I Stopped Branding Nightclubs and Strip Clubs
In the book of Nehemiah, we witness Nehemiahâs leadership throughout the rebuilding of the wall at Jerusalem
- How To Inspire Employees To Work Just as Hard as You Do
As you read about Nehemiah and his leadership style, are there any comparisons to you?
- How to Experience Joy in Business, Even When Forced to Restart
I felt great joy when I finally paid off my personal and business credit cards. The joy wasnât the act of paying it off, but instead, came from looking back at all God had done to get me to that point. The joy came after covenants, thanksgiving, commitments, and dedications I had made to the process of restoring my finances. What a feeling! I felt the same joy as I completed the rebuilding of my branding agency. I now have a clear direction, Iâm focused, the team is with me, and weâre all on the same page. Also, weâre profitable!! Thatâs a great feeling! This is the joy we can all have and continue to carry on forever after restarting our businesses, God's way. It's not the end of problems; problems come with the entrepreneurial journey. However, restarting things because God says so is the beginning of joy in your business, regardless of the circumstances surrounding the do-over. If God was able to restart your business once, he can do it again, and we need to remember that! Nehemiah 12:43 says "And on that day they offered great sacrifices, rejoicing because God had given them great joy. The women and children also rejoiced. The sound of rejoicing in Jerusalem could be heard far away." Godâs restoration of the ruined walls of the city, and Godâs restoration of the hearts of his people, brought an indescribable joy. The people showed a renewed interest in the Word of God and his commands, and the desire to follow Godâs Word. Their celebratory worship was truly a fellowship between God and man. It began with the prayer of one man, Nehemiah, and ended with the prayers of hundreds of families. When you and your business have been restored to right standing with God and seek fellowship with him, everything changes and joy enters our personal lives and entrepreneurial careers. Such expression of wholeness can permeate through your entire organization and reach far into the future of your business ventures. Attempting to start great businesses for God often starts with a small step of faith and the knowledge that God is with us, Godpreneurs, always. The text says God had given them great joy. Do you feel the joy? You deserve it! P.S. I did a Business bible study called 40 Days to Restarting Your Business, God's Way. Check it out: 40 DAYS TO RESTARTING YOUR BUSINESS, GOD'S WAY A business Bible study to help you rethink, reinvent, and restart your business, but this time, God's Way! We parallel Nehemiah's rebuilding of the wall to your journey in rebuilding your business. Also, coaches and Christian business leaders, you can use, edit, and repurpose the teachings for your own tribe! Check it out. #GainConfidence #FindingMyPurpose
- How I Use the Nighttime to Rebuild My Businesses
I read somewhere that your day really starts at night. Now, Iâm very productive in the morning. I wake up ready to go after my day. I get a lot accomplished! But what you don't know is that I set myself up for ultimate morning productivity the night before. Dishes are done, the gym bag is packed, coffee is set up, and Iâve checked my calendar and planned my next day. Another thing I do at night is I'm moving any of my major projects forward. I use the nighttime to catch up on tasks and blast some emails for my team to read in the morning. That's been my nighttime routine for years. However, if I'm not careful, burning the midnight oil can also be a time of major distraction. Some things that distract me are my side projects, a game of Mario Kart, watching the news, late-night snacking, or social media snooping. Normally, these activities would be considered as relaxing and unwinding from a hard day of work. But when you're rebuilding and relaunching your entire business, there needs to be a refocusing of our most prized commodity: our time. Nothing on this list is part of the plan of getting the task at hand done - restarting our business, God's way. For those of us taking on the task of rethinking, reengineering, and relaunching a business or project, the nighttime is when the enemy wants to attack. He knows that during the day you're pumped and focused. It's at night when he plots his attack. Weâve all been preconditioned to ârelaxâ at night and take it easy. While I believe in turning the lights down lower to wind the day down in our brain, I donât agree that itâs a time to go to sleep on our rebuilding project. A commitment to rebuilding a God-first business is sacred time - we were ordained to do this! Itâs our duty and responsibility in this season to stay focused. In the Bible, we see that Nehemiah had the insurmountable task of rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem. And during that rebuilding project, he was under attack by haters. And not just words, but the threat escalated to a potential physical confrontation. But Nehemiah didnât get scared. He knew God had his back, he knew he had a purpose in what he was doing, so he did what great leaders do: move forward in the face of adversity. Nehemiah 4:6-9 says "So we rebuilt the wall till all of it reached half its height, for the people worked with all their heart. But when Sanballat, Tobiah, the Arabs, the Ammonites and the people of Ashdod heard that the repairs to Jerusalemâs walls had gone ahead and that the gaps were being closed, they were very angry. They all plotted together to come and fight against Jerusalem and stir up trouble against it. But we prayed to our God and posted a guard day and night to meet this threat." Nehemiah and his team posted and night. I heard someone once say "white space in the calendar is the devil." Heâs right! And if your nighttime calendar isnât filled with something to-do (even sex and time with your wife should be on the calendar), then youâre giving way for the enemy to come in and attack what you've been rebuilding. As we're rebuilding our businesses or relaunching a project, we need to realize that anything done in God's name is going to be attacked. We need to keep watch - day and night. Be expecting the attack, it's coming. And keep praying for God to give you the strength to thwart or endure that attack. Pray today that youâll also guard your nighttime and that God would cover you and give you the wisdom to be the best leader possible - day and night. #WorkLifeBalance #TimeManagement All my best, Alex Miranda Get to know me at P.S. I did a Business bible study called 40 Days to Restarting Your Business, God's Way. Check it out: 40 DAYS TO RESTARTING YOUR BUSINESS, GOD'S WAY A business Bible study to help you rethink, reinvent, and restart your business, but this time, God's Way! We parallel Nehemiah's rebuilding of the wall to your journey in rebuilding your business. Also, coaches and Christian business leaders, you can use, edit, and repurpose the teachings for your own tribe! Check it out.
- What Service Does Your Business Provide to God?
In 2010, I prayed for God to help me find an office space for my company to move into. I was running the business out of my living room and I felt it was time to take a bold step of faith and move into an official location for my agency. I specifically remember praying for and circling around a certain warehouse district that was close to my house. As you might guess, the Lord heard my prayers and brought me into a new season with a beautiful new office. I was so grateful to God that I decided to dedicate my office to God and his work. I made a covenant with God to use my office for whatever he needed. Since 2010, my office has hosted worship nights, volunteer outreach meetups, Bible studies, counseling sessions, worship band practices, and more! My office has even served as my church's official administrative office because we didn't have a building. All of us Godpreneurs have an opportunity to make a covenant between our businesses and the work God is doing here. We're part of his plan, and committing our resources to his purpose is what he's looking to do along our entrepreneurial journey. Why is this important? When we make a covenant with God, it makes us accountable to him as our CEO. We essentially surrender our (sometimes sinful) hearts to God. Iâm not saying we all need to open up our offices to the church. I'm not saying you need to stop everything you're doing to serve God's people only. For many entrepreneurs, the business doesn't have an exact correlation between what the church is doing and the services we provide. However, if it is not our services, we can make a covenant in other ways. We can tithe, we can serve, we can volunteer resources. There are a lot of ways to commit our businesses to God. The important part is to make some kind of commitment that makes your heart feel good. The book of Nehemiah shows us how to restart our businesses by showing us what it is to make a covenant with God. Nehemiah 10:39 says "The people of Israel, including the Levites, are to bring their contributions of grain, new wine and olive oil to the storerooms, where the articles for the sanctuary and for the ministering priests, the gatekeepers and the musicians are also kept. âWe will not neglect the house of our God.â After living in exile from Jerusalem, the people of Israel were able to rebuild the walls and move back into their city. Once they resettled in the city, they needed to get back to the basics so that they wouldn't fall back into sin and end up right back in exile. One way was declaring and engaging themselves in the work of God. They made a covenant that they would take care of the house of God and not neglect or forsake it, and instead contribute the necessary provisions to support it. Although the Israelites had paid great taxes to the kings of Persia and had much hardship put upon them, they would not make that an excuse for not paying their tithes; but would render to God the things that were his, as well as to Cesar the things that were his. Making a covenant is a big deal. Making one with God is the biggest deal youâll make for your business. Pray for where God wants you to make a covenant. Is it a promise to only hire believers in your business? Is it a commitment to provide your trucks to be used by the church? Are you going to separate 10% of your company profits to help your church with its new building project? All of us Kingdom-driven business owners must do what we can in works of piety and charity, notwithstanding the taxes we pay to the government; and cheerfully perform our duty to God amidst our business burdens, which will be the surest way to ease and liberty in Godâs due time. My covenant is to always make my office a satellite location for my church to do its work. Imagine if Christian entrepreneurs worldwide could find a way to make a covenant with God. Pray for yours. P.S. I did a Business bible study called 40 Days to Restarting Your Business, God's Way. Check it out: 40 DAYS TO RESTARTING YOUR BUSINESS, GOD'S WAY A business Bible study to help you rethink, reinvent, and restart your business, but this time, God's Way! We parallel Nehemiah's rebuilding of the wall to your journey in rebuilding your business. Also, coaches and Christian business leaders, you can use, edit, and repurpose the teachings for your own tribe! Check it out. #ArticulatingMyIdeas #FindingMyPurpose
- Want to Be Successful? God Wants You to Focus on One Thing.
My branding agency is committed to one thing: helping companies reveal their true God-given identity and bringing that vision to life. We don't do public relations, advertising, or digital marketing. We only do....branding. However, this clarity in my service offering wasnât always there. I used to dabble in a bunch of different agency services. Whatever my clients needed, I would tell them I could do it, and we'd launch a new service offering. The problem with this model is that you're always having to learn a new service offering in a new industry. It takes any momentum and stops it in its tracks in order to shift in a new direction. My lack of commitment to one industry, one service, one plan, one purpose, and one vision ultimately hurt my company and I lost credibility with my employees and my clients. We entrepreneurs have a tendency to switch gears too fast. And when the money isnât right, we even tend to switch directions too fast. But Godâs example to us is one of faithfulness and commitment to one thing: our God is love. No matter how far we deviate from the plans, he is love. No matter how bad we screw things up, he is love. Itâs that commitment to ONE THING that makes God so great in our lives and in our businesses. In the final chapters of Nehemiah, we see people that are being redeemed. Remembering their past is hurtful but it's strengthening their faith because it's reminding them that God is love and is for them and their success. Nehemiah 9:26-27 âBut they were disobedient and rebelled against you; they turned their backs on your law. They killed your prophets, who had warned them in order to turn them back to you; they committed awful blasphemies. So you delivered them into the hands of their enemies, who oppressed them. But when they were oppressed they cried out to you. From heaven you heard them, and in your great compassion you gave them deliverers, who rescued them from the hand of their enemies." God is the ultimate example of sticking to one thing and doing it better than anyone. And this motivated the Israelites into a new season. You can motivate your followers in the same way. Itâs going to take a commitment on your part to be one way, move in one direction, with one purpose. Imagine a marketplace where love ruled entrepreneurs and their commitment to their products and services were focused. Weâd all be experiencing better goods, and weâd all be giving the best, which is what God intended. #ShareYourTestimony #SharpenLeadership
- Struggling In Your Business? Try This Tactic to Turn Things Around.
Before I became born again, I discovered a spiritual world that wanted me to WIN, be rich, and have abundance. It was called "The Law of Attraction," and I learned it from a book called The Secret. I was so fascinated with the concept that I bought the DVD, purchased books for my staff, and began sharing the enlightening idea with my friends. I couldnât contain myself from sharing it with everyone I encountered. It was like I had discovered the secret of life! However, one friend stopped me when I tried to share it with him. He said, âAlex, thatâs great! But do you know who is the power behind this law of attraction?â. My friend explained that this "power" is God, and God is the one that wants me to succeed. My friend said that Iâm on the right track, but Iâm missing one key component: give credit where credit is due. See, I was on the right track in terms of a "power in the universe" that wanted to provide for me, but I didn't recognize God as that source. My friend was helping me realize that I wasn't alone in this world. We entrepreneurs tend to want to do this world on our own. Even the best Christians can stray away when we forget that God is the power and force behind our business. We come to God when our companies are struggling. Then, when the business starts doing great, we spend Sundays on the boat that we purchased from the successful business God helped us create. We forget God. We fail to give credit to where credit is due. Nehemiah and his leaders have a solution for this, and as you can suspect, itâs centered around giving credit to God. Nehemiah 9:5 says "And the LevitesâJeshua, Kadmiel, Bani, Hashabneiah, Sherebiah, Hodiah, Shebaniah and Pethahiahâsaid: âStand up and praise the Lord your God, who is from everlasting to everlasting. â âBlessed be your glorious name, and may it be exalted above all blessing and praise." After Nehemia led the charge to rebuild the walls at Jerusalem, the leaders read the word of God. They gathered together for an incredible service of worship. âStand up and bless God,â and they start praising him. God is the only God, the Creator of heaven and earth. He is the creator of your business. He is worthy of the praise from you and your entire team. When you give credit to God for the business's successes, itâs powerful because it keeps your mind focused in a positive direction. Iâve been close to over-drafting my business bank account, and the only thing that kept me from depression and suicidal thoughts is praising God for who he is! And guess what? A check would appear, or a lead will call with payment to get started on a project. Out of NOWHERE, someone will call to buy my product. Coincidence? No. This is how God works. As long as we Godpreneurs give credit to where credit is due, we are putting our hearts in a place to be used by God in a greater way in our marketplaces. God wants this for us if our minds and hearts are always aligned in giving Him credit. P.S. I did a Business bible study called 40 Days to Restarting Your Business, God's Way. Check it out: 40 DAYS TO RESTARTING YOUR BUSINESS, GOD'S WAY A business Bible study to help you rethink, reinvent, and restart your business, but this time, God's Way! We parallel Nehemiah's rebuilding of the wall to your journey in rebuilding your business. Also, coaches and Christian business leaders, you can use, edit, and repurpose the teachings for your own tribe! Check it out. #EnhanceFocus #FindMyCalling