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Your Business Transformation is Your Testimony

Writer's picture: Alex MirandaAlex Miranda

Back in 2008 when I left the nightlife scene to start a relationship with God, I knew I was being watched. I realized my friends and family would be looking at me, questioning, and watching my next moves.

Over the years, they saw me transform my personal, business, physical and spiritual life. And, the most part, I believe I’ve been a good testimony of the transforming nature of God: He renewed me and continues to elevate me.

During this transformation, I also had to rebuild my branding agency from scratch. This means that former clients, vendors, employees, and partners were also going to witness a transformation.

The great news is that I was successfully able to rebuild the agency into a God-first business. I attracted better clients and felt more fulfilled with the work we were doing. My friends, family, and employees were all able to witness the transformation.

And you know who else saw the transformation?

My enemies.

What do I mean by enemies?

When I left the nightlife to be a "born again" Christian, some enemies spawned up. We can also call them "haters." Instead of encouragement, these enemies threw shade on the flip flop from nightlife to day life.

My enemies knew I split from clients and partners I was no longer aligned with and had to REBUILD from scratch. They had been watching, and when the rebuilding work was finished, they were keeping a closer eye on my every move.


We all have enemies looking on our rebuilding process and wishing for our downfall. Enemies can come in many forms, including competitors, former clients, partners from previous businesses, etc. 

With God as our help, we can succeed and be able to be a testimony to these enemies, and they will know that only God could have helped make the transformation possible.

God shows us in Nehemiah 6:15-16 how our enemies will react with the rebuilding is done:

"So the wall was completed on the twenty-fifth of Elul, in fifty-two days.  When all our enemies heard about this, all the surrounding nations were afraid and lost their self-confidence, because they realized that this work had been done with the help of our God."

When God is your strength and faith going through a rebuilding process, - especially if it's a radical change like mine - your success will be magnified by the decrease in your enemies to be able to affect you!  But more importantly, your business becomes a testimony - even to your enemies - that God can do the same for their businesses.

We entrepreneurs give thanks to our God for not only helping REBUILD our business but for also using us to help other entrepreneurs, even your enemies.


P.S. I did a Business bible study called 40 Days to Restarting Your Business, God's Way. Check it out:

A business Bible study to help you rethink, reinvent, and restart your business, but this time, God's Way!

We parallel Nehemiah's rebuilding of the wall to your journey in rebuilding your business.

Also, coaches and Christian business leaders, you can use, edit, and repurpose the teachings for your own tribe! Check it out.

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