Why Married Entrepreneurs are the More Likely to Have Business Problems
Updated: Jan 9, 2021

My morning routine looks like this
Wake up
Make coffee while worship music plays softly
Sit in my comfy chair facing the lake behind my house
Read the Bible
Write a blog post for Godpreneurs based on what I just studied (like this one you’re reading)
Tweet something inspirational
Instagram an awesome quote
Pray over my day and for God to guide me
Spend time with my son while letting my wife sleep in a little longer
I’ll do the above routine 4-5 times per week.
Want to know something funny? My team knows the days I don’t blog. There’s something “off” about me. I’m a little more worried, I get a little more irritated than usual, and I tend to be more controlling.
I can also tell that if I don’t get my God time in the morning, I’m a little more snappy with my wife and definitely not as graceful and patient.
I 100% believe from the core of my spirit that spending time with God in the morning, praying for my wife, and asking God to lead me in my and business day has reduced my stress, I’m less anxious about outcomes, and I’m more focused on where God wants to take the business, not my own ambition and desires.
We Godpreneurs NEED this direction and authority. Of all the global workforce, entrepreneurs are the most susceptible to marriage problems and doing things on our own because we’re the boss. Therefore, we’re the ones the enemy will target the most to distract, divide, and take on worries and wars we weren’t meant to fight.
Many of the battles we entrepreneurs fight in our business and marriage weren’t meant to be things for us to worry about. We have to develop the habit and mindset of making our first meeting of the day a prayer and meditation meeting with God. We need to cast our worries and fears onto him (1 Peter 5:7) so we can think positively and clearly…for the sake of our spouse, business partners, clients, employees, contractors, vendors, and the marketplace as a whole!
In Chronicles, we read,
Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” And God granted his request. (1 Chronicles 4:10 NIV)
Jabez was a man struggling to find meaning and purpose in his life. He was desperate to be accepted by his fellow man, but most of all, he was a man that craved for a relationship with God.
Does this sound like you, too?
Sounds like me…I must confess!
But we see that he prayed and let God lead…and God granted his request!
You want to enlarge your territory, right? You want more children, clients, more influence, more of your light to shine in your marketplace? Do you want to be a “Power Couple” where the force of the two of you is greater than each of you individually? Then you have to ask God each morning, “Is this God approved?” James 1:12, says when a man has been approved; he will receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to anyone who loves Him.
Before we Godpreneurs begin our day, before checking Instagram, before reading emails, before jumping into your first meeting, and before asking for sexy time… have a conference call with God.
Ask Him to guide your day.
Ask Him what your spouse needs.
Ask Him what project to work on.
Ask Him who to network with.
Ask Him who you need to forgive
Ask Him to remove strongholds in your marriage
Ask Him who needs an apology
Ask Him what opportunities do you need to pursue
Ask Him what door to knock on
Ask Him what words to say in that seemingly difficult conversation you need to have today with that employee… Or your spouse
Make a list like the one above and review it with God in the morning. Then at night, write down how God answered each one. You’ll begin to notice that PRAYER WORKS when you measure its success!
Operate business life the way God has purposed for you!
Once we develop this habit, the trials and tribulations we go through in business and marriage will not have the sting of death or the heavyweight it had before. We’ll experience peace and clarity – what most of our businesses and personal lives are lacking!
If we want to be blessed day in and day out, and running a purpose-focused business and marriage, make your first meeting of the day with God.
Godpreneur Rule – Godpreneurs have fulfilled business and married lives because we pray each morning and each move we make gets pre-approved by God!

21 Days of Breakthroughs in Business and Marriage
This course provides needed strength and faith, in the truth of God’s holy Word, for breakthroughs in both your business and marriage.

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