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The ONE Investment Christian Entrepreneurs Need To Make Today To Exercise and Experience Dominion

Writer's picture: Milton ChefoinMilton Chefoin

Updated: May 17, 2021

Knowledge is so underrated. The turning point in the life of Adam and Eve was the advent of knowledge. They were instructed not to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. That suggests that good and evil might have already been at play in the world at that time, but Adam and Eve did not know of them (Genesis 2-3).

You see, knowledge has the potential to turn anybody's life around. It has the ability to create. It can bring your downfall, as it can define your dominion.

1 Corinthians 2:8 says:

..."the princes of this world crucified the Lord of glory because they knew not the wisdom that was concealed for our glory".

Did you see that? Even wisdom is known.

In becoming who we were sent to be, Knowledge is essential. Hosea 4:6 tells us that the reason we perish is that we lack knowledge. John 8:32 tells us that it is known truth that sets us free. Knowledge is essential to make it in the life that we have been called to live. But until we avail ourselves to knowledge, having it and walking in it will remain a mirage.

What does it mean to avail yourself of knowledge? It simply means to expose yourself to atmospheres and environments that celebrate, promote, and advocate for knowledge. It means to put yourself in the presence of someone who has knowledge and releases knowledge and be open to receiving it with meekness and gladness. You remember Mary and Martha when the Lord visited their home? Mary availed herself to knowledge, and the Master commended her for it. In fact, the Master said knowledge was the ONE THING that is needful (Luke 10:38-42).

In considering knowledge, there are 3 things to be mindful of:

  1. The Source: God places a premium on the sources where we get knowledge from. It is because the source of knowledge determines whether or not it's worthy of our consumption. That's why God’s first thing addressed with Adam and Eve was the source of their knowledge when they said they were naked. He asked, "...who told you that you were naked?" (Genesis 3:11). The source of knowledge will determine the content of it.

  2. The Curation: Knowledge Curation is simply the organization of knowledge. Is the knowledge you're exposed to well organized to communicate meaning? Is it in the right progression? Is it in the right quality and quantity? Curation will determine the usefulness of knowledge per time.

  3. The Communication: The source/content of knowledge may be right. The curation may be accurate. But if its communication is wrong, it can change the whole narrative and make an impact on it. It can deter meaning and intent.

That's why, as Christian Entrepreneurs, it's high time for us to start paying due attention to where and who we get our knowledge from. Who or where is the source of knowledge that we use in running our businesses? I think it's high time we started having our own kingdom summits, conferences, seminars, and workshops to submit to our King.

We should not only be a talker but also a doer, I'm taking the first step in doing that. I'm putting together a 3-days life and business transforming summit for Christian Entrepreneurs who want to walk in dominion in the marketplace in 2021. The event is scheduled for December 17-19 and runs from 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM EST daily.

At the event, we have kingdom impact makers on the lineup to disburse knowledge.

  • I’m talking people like Horst Schulze (Founder of The Ritz Carlton Hotel and The Capella Hotel Group),

  • Jordan Raynor (Entrepreneur and Executive Chairman of Threshold 360),

  • Joel Manby (Former CEO of Herschend Enterprises, Saab Automobile USA, and SeaWorld Parks),

  • John Ruhlin (Founder and CEO of Giftology),

  • Candace Junee (Digital Marketing Maven, Social Influencer and CEO of Epic Fab Girl and 11Eleven Fashion),

  • Alex Miranda (Founder of Daily Godpreneur and CEO of Creative Complex),

  • Rebekah Lyons (Author of Rhythms of Renewal),

  • Carlos Whittaker (Author of Moment Maker and Kill The Spider) and

  • Milton Chefoin (CEO of GEM Systems).

Everyone speaking at the event has a proven track record of results that are befitting for the kingdom. Each and every one of them has honed in one specific area of focus, acquired, and become leaders in it. They are very well-curated at it and are now ready to communicate their knowledge with other Christian Entrepreneurs who are prepared to commit to leading lives and running businesses that reflect the Kingdom of God.

Let’s share knowledge from God and lead you to DOMINION in 2021. Find out more at


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