God as the Source of Power
Updated: Aug 28, 2021

I’m in a business partnership with another Godpreneur. It’s a beautiful thing because we go to the same church, we complement each other in the branding process, we bring God into our projects, and we’re both on the same page as to why we exist.
But it wasn’t always this way for me. I was in a partnership before where we were NOT equally yoked. We both didn’t tap into the power of God, so there were weak spots in the partnership that eventually led to us going our separate ways.
How do we get the most out of a Godpreneur partnership? How can we really do business God’s way as two or more people pursuing a venture?
It comes down to making sure everyone is plugged into the source: the power of God.
In my business, we have a number of electrical outlets. Many of them have the cords of electric lamps plugged into them. Behind those electrical outlets is all the power of our electric company. The amount of power that is there is incredible. But if I do not turn on a light switch, the office remains dark. With all that power, nothing happens until I do something.
The same is true in your business partnerships. You have all the power of the God who created the universe. His power is endless. He designed partnerships in general and your joint venture in particular. He can make your business into something truly amazing, but you both have to invite Him in.
The bible says:
“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work". 2 Corinthians 9:8 NIV
God has a plan for your season together as partners. He has the answers that you do not have. He wants to be the center of your business deals. Are you allowing Him to do that? Or are there things that are keeping you from putting God at the center? Are you ready as a partnership to invite Him in and see what He will do? If so, there are some practical things you can do to get started:
Find a good church and go—every week.
If possible, go to the same church as your partner.
Pray for your partnership and for each other every day. Keep it simple. You can pray together at the office or separately—just focus on the same things.
Read the Bible together. You do not have to be Bible scholars. Pick a book and read a few verses together. Talk together about what you read.
Lead a bible study together with other Godpreneurs. Who knows, God might have some Divine connections there.
That’s it. Try these things for sixty days and see what happens. I promise you that God will show up. God wants to be a part of your venture together. Now is the time to begin to let Him do that. It will grow you closer to each other and to Him. Are you ready to see what God will do in your business?
Godpreneur Rule: God shows up in business partnerships when both of you invite Him in.

Finding Purpose In Your Business Partnership
You and your business partner are unique individuals and God is creative in the way He wants to use both of your gifts together.

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