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The Difference Between Your “Calling” and Your Business

Writer's picture: Alex MirandaAlex Miranda

Updated: Jan 7, 2021

I feel “called” to what I’m doing.

Not the logo and website stuff that I do.  That’s my “vocational” calling – a strong feeling of suitability for my particular business.

My calling is not merely my business plan or what I do as an entrepreneur or my set of skills or gifts. My calling is my identity. Who am I?

My Primary Calling

My primary calling as a Christian that I’m made in God’s image and I’m known by Jesus and called to be his faithful followers.  Regardless of my business doing good or bad, I’m in a transition between businesses, or I’m very satisfied with the meaningful work I’m doing – I’m called to be like Christ and show that to the world.

Secondary Calling (My Business)

Like a building is built on a strong foundation, the secondary calling is built upon the primary calling and it is through that calling in which the secondary one can exist.

Yes, I do logos & websites.  But if I attach my primary calling to this, then it gets deeper.  I don’t just do logos & websites, I help people find their identity.  When I help someone find out what they are born to do, I develop a relationship with them where God can begin to use me to speak into their lives.  Now I can do my primary calling – be a light to my clients.

The bible says

"But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy." I Peter 2:9-10 NKJV

It’s in this dual-calling approach where I’m able to truly find my identity as an entrepreneur. When I can combine my primary calling and my vocational secondary calling, I’m more powerful both as a Christian and as a provider of my service to my clients.

The two are not separate.  You don’t have two different callings.  You have one calling (vocation) built upon the first calling, your primary calling.

Our calling is primarily about our identity. And that is not usually the answer people are looking for when they ask, “What is my calling?” Usually, people want to know, “What business should I do? What product or service should I offer? What skill, what capacity, what gift might be distinctly mine?”

People come to me to help them with their secondary calling, but they are going to always get my primary calling because I’ve recognized one can’t exist without the other.

I pray that God remind me of my identity in him as I meet with clients. I am a follower and a servant that’s being discipled to best serve my clients. I thank God for calling me to this service. No matter what task I am facing, I always remember my identity as a child of God by his mercy and grace.

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