Stressful Accounting Meetings
Updated: Jun 1, 2021
Maybe some of you like your periodic meetings with your accountant. I didn’t particularly care for them. But I know they are 100% necessary, and the more often they are, the better.
Accounting meetings always represented stress because from very early on in my business we had struggled to be profitable. Typical for starting businesses, but after 5 years you should have your stuff together, right?
But inevitably, you have bad weeks. You have times when you made some mistakes, sales were low, lose a contract, payout too much, or get behind on bills.
TRY THIS: The next time you get the bad news or see the numbers are not good, SMILE. Tell your accountant it’s going to be all good. Of course, fix the problems that are happening, but don’t let that circumstance stress you out to making bad decisions. Make smart decisions led by the spirit.
It's these stressful moments when we need to call on God to give us an inner strength and faith that allows us to be patient and calm. Great leaders of their businesses NEED to have this skill.
When we have faith in God, circumstances will no longer dictate our peace and contentment in our business. We are able to be patient and wait on God’s timing instead of forcing our own agenda…especially when we know we were called to be entrepreneurs!.
If you often find yourself overwhelmed and frightened as you lead your business, consider where you are putting your trust. Few of us will be challenged to obey in as dramatic a fashion as Joseph, but we can let his faithful example inspire us to lead your business in calmness and faith.