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Stop Spreading Yourself Thin: The Biblical Principle of Focus for Entrepreneurs

I want to write today about focusing on one thing at a time in our businesses.

As entrepreneurs, we're constantly juggling calls, emails, and meetings.  And it the problem becomes exponentially worst when we're involved in multiple businesses.

It's tempting to think we can handle them all simultaneously. Yet, deep down, we know this scattered approach rarely works. It leaves us feeling more frazzled than accomplished.

At one point, I was running a medical mission non-profit, a branding agency, a staffing agency, and this Daily Godpreneur blog.  I thought I had it all figured out by hiring different people to run them.  I figured that if others are running them, then my “one thing” would be to make sure they're all running correctly.  The problem is that each one of them still needed me to solve the unique problems that each one faced at different times.  Conversely, as each one grew, they all needed my vision and direction.

Ultimately, I had to humble myself and realize that if any of my businesses was going to succeed, I would need to focus on one and drop the others.  It was a difficult decision, and as of the time of writing this blog, I'm still transitioning from owning multiple businesses so I can focus on one.  However, I'm starting to see the fruits of focus.

God's One Thing

When God created the world, he took 7 days.  I'm sure He could have done it all at the same time, on the same day, in a snap of a finger.  But what if one of the lessons of the creation story was to teach that you can build an amazing business if you focus on one thing at a time.

In the digital age of multiple monitors, where multitasking is often praised as a skill, we sometimes fall into the trap of thinking we can be everywhere at once and do it all simultaneously. This approach not only stretches us thin but also diminishes the quality of our work and our relationships.

Consider Jesus's example during His ministry. Despite His divine nature, when Jesus walked the earth, He chose to operate within human limitations. He wasn’t everywhere at once; instead, He was fully present wherever He was. 

One striking instance of this is seen in Matthew 12. While Jesus was teaching the crowd, He was informed that His family was waiting for Him. Instead of rushing to them, He continued His ministry, demonstrating His commitment to the task at hand.

Our One Thing

This concept hit me like a ton of bricks.  I became convicted every time I let distractions around me take me away from my purpose and calling in business.

How often do you find yourself pulled away from important work by less critical tasks? Maybe it's a notification on your phone or an unexpected visitor. While some interruptions are unavoidable, many can be managed or even ignored until you've completed your current task.

Imagine you’re deep into strategizing your company's next big move when an email alert pops up. It's tempting to shift your focus, but what if you chose to stay the course, finishing your strategic plan before addressing the email? This commitment to focus can drastically enhance the quality and creativity of your work.

Are you trying to grow a business while running a ministry (Me!)?  How can the ministry be fruitful if we're still working hard to build our revenue-generating businesses?  How can the ministry be supported if our current business isn't funding it?

Imagine each business of yours is a bridge to an island.  On that island is financial freedom.  But when we have multiple businesses (including ministries), we are building multiple bridges.  However, if we build one bridge (one business) to a point where it gives us extra cash and we leave it running in good hands, then we can take the momentum (and cash) and build the next thing God has planned for you on your entrepreneurial journey.

This brings us to our actionable step:

Be Present in Peace

To truly be present in peace, we must intentionally set boundaries for our attention.

Here’s a practical step you can take: start by designating specific times to check emails and social media rather than allowing them to intrude throughout the day. This simple practice helps maintain focus and keeps you fully engaged in your current task.

And if you're a multi-business owner (like me!), then pray about which business has the best chance at giving you recurring revenue, and stop all other businesses and ministry opportunities to focus on the cash flow business.  Trust me, if the ministry is where God wants you, then it will be there once you are financially free and able to give your life to it.

This week, I challenge you to embrace the art of presence. Choose one task each day to which you will give your undivided attention. Notice how this focus transforms the quality of your work and your overall sense of peace. 

Let’s model our workday not on the myth of multitasking but on the biblical principle of presence. As we do, we'll find our productivity—and our peace—greatly increase.


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elena pantin
elena pantin
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