Reprogramming Your Mind to Wealth Requires Taking Inventory
Updated: Feb 9, 2021
His grace means it’s never too late to have our minds changed.
I love reading books that completely rock my world and have me change the way I thought about something.
For example,
After I read Tim Ferriss’s “The 4-Hour Workweek,” I started hiring virtual assistants and reorganized my business to be able to live more freely.
After I read Michael Gerber’s “The E-Myth,” I realized that you couldn’t be both the owner of the bakery, AND the baker. I learned that entrepreneurship is building a machine that others work in, leaving me free to do it again and again.
Each one of these books transformed my mind; as a result, my businesses were revolutionized.
It works the same for our money. If we want the money in our businesses to be different, then we need all new thoughts to come in and change our minds.
If we’re not achieving the level of affluence we desire, it usually has less to do with external factors than with an unconscious inner setting in our minds.
But we serve an amazing God that wants to revolutionize our businesses! And His grace means it’s never too late to have our minds changed.
The bible says:
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:2)
See, God’s in the business of transforming your mind and all the patterns the world had set it in.
The first step to becoming more financially successful through your businesses recognizes that you inherited those thought patterns and this is why you’re not getting rich.
Once you’ve broken the chain that binds you to those worldly thoughts, the next thing you need to do is recognize where those thoughts came from knowing where the enemy had infiltrated.
It could be a good idea to fast and pray over the following questions and write down your revelations in a journal:
What habits did you learn from your parents?
What effects did your parent’s behavior patterns have on you?
Which thought patterns do you follow?
How much wealth are you programmed to achieve?
Which unconscious strategies do you use to keep your account balances low/high?
Did hearing “we can’t afford that” all the time cause you to believe that you could never afford anything?
Who were your role models and how did they handle money matters?
For us Godpreneurs, analyzing our current financial situation through the fact that God desires for our minds to be transformed can be especially enlightening, as it gives us a sense of how our programming differs from what God wants.
The amount of money in our business bank accounts shows us how much money we’ve been preconfigured to earn right now. For changing that amount, the mind needs to be transformed.
The failure of our businesses reveals how we’re unconsciously geared towards losses. To be renewed with a focus on success, our minds must change.
Once we find out how we’ve been conditioned during our self-examination, all we have to do is realize that we have one option. It is crucial to adopt another way of thinking as we draw closer to God and allow our mindsets to be transformed. Flip the switch not to be conformed to the patterns present inside you by the world, and replacing them with new, Godly ones geared towards wealth.
Godpreneur Rule: Analyze their behavior patterns on money and ask God for guidance