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Reprogramming Your Mind to Build Wealth In Your Business

Writer's picture: Alex MirandaAlex Miranda

Updated: Mar 24, 2021

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Normally, this Bible verse is used to help new mothers and fathers understand their role as parents. In this case, I’m showing it to you to reinforce the fact that YOU were trained as a child the way you should go with your finances, and you’re not departing from it because that’s how God designed us. What if we were trained WRONG? Then we have some UNTRAINING to do.

Unfortunately, for the 80% of the world that lives paycheck to paycheck, you’re not able to get out of the pattern you’re in because you were taught from a very young age to invoke wrong money thoughts and habits.

Whether you have thousands, millions, billions, your income hardly ends up deviating from the levels that were set for you in your childhood. Why? Because your mind regulates your money habits like a thermostat. If your thermostat is set too low, as soon as you get your hands on some extra cash, you throw your money around. But, if your thermostat is set on high, that is, on wealth, you immediately offset a money shortage by saving and usually make sure your wealth grows.

The sad reality is that most Godpreneurs are programmed from childhood to earn a low income, which means we all have the potential to be trusted with a lot of money – but very few of us manage to keep the money and accumulate lasting wealth. In contrast, billionaires (Christian or not) may lose unspeakable quantities of money at times, but they always regain their wealth because they think like billionaires.

Godpreneur Rule: Godpreneurs learn to disregard our old thought patterns and overwrite them with Kingdom thinking.

#MakeMoreMoney #BusinessBibleStudy


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