Overcoming Obstacles to Launching Your Idea – Step 2: Words of Assurance
Updated: Dec 14, 2020

Maybe you don’t know this yet about me, but I started a non-profit back in 2009 after my brother, Jose, passed away. We created a scholarship fund for health students wanting to go on their first medical mission trip.
I go on these trips too, even though I’m not medical. I’m the “business” side of things. I help set the vision, coordinate with locals to see more patients, forge new partnerships, and lead the company in our fundraising campaigns.
While on one of my missions to the Dominican Republic, a lady pulled me aside because she said she had a word for me. She started speaking in tongues, her eyes closed, she placed her hand on me and raised her voice even more.
Needless to say, I was pretty “weirded” out but the experience. After the prayer that I couldn’t understand, she then told me that God has a great vision for us in her country, and He had selected me to bring it to life. She started prophetically speaking into my life and told me not to be afraid that God has my back.
What she didn’t know was around that time, I was questioning whether to continue these trips. They are a lot of hard work, months of planning, and took away resources from me building my other companies. I was even considering pausing the non-profit until my other ventures were more stable.
The message from the woman, as weird as it was delivered, was what I needed to launch my non-profit into a whole new season of growth and expansion.
I had never experienced something supernatural like this before – People speaking in tongues and prophesying into my life. It was the first time I experienced what I usually saw on YouTube.
It was weird. It was uncomfortable. But it felt so real, so amazing, so in tune with what I needed to hear at that exact time.
We Godpreneurs are in a unique place to see and receive supernatural things like this happening in and around our businesses. But if we’re honest with each other, it’s all a bit “weird.” We think that this stuff is for phony preachers at those extreme charismatic churches that operate in the supernatural.
But we see God working in “weird” ways thought out the Bible, why can’t He do it now? Is the supernatural weird, or is our fear towards it misaligned?
How can we change our attitudes to be more open to seeing and experiencing the supernatural in our businesses? It’s happening all around us, especially when we’re stuck, questioning, and in need of immediate answers.
In the story of Peter walking on water, the disciples had also experienced something that would have freaked anyone out.
The bible says:
Immediately Jesus made His disciples get into the boat and go before Him to the other side, while He sent the multitudes away. And when He had sent the multitudes away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray. Now when evening came, He was alone there. But the boat was now in the middle of the sea, tossed by the waves, for the wind was contrary. Now in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to them, walking on the sea. And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, “It is a ghost!” And they cried out for fear. (Matthew 14:22-26 NKJV)
Jesus first appeared to them like a ghost, walking on water. They were afraid and freaked out. We would all be! During a storm that could have very well taken their lives any moment, Jesus shows up, FREAKING them out, then Jesus immediately said to the twelve, “’Take courage! It is I. Do not be afraid’” (verse 27).
If you were honest, supernatural things sometimes seem out of place when it comes to launching your business ideas. But your ideas are an extension of your calling; therefore, God can work in it too.
If something “weird” happens while taking your ideas to the next level, something out of the ordinary, and borderline a miracle, don’t be afraid to give the credit to God. Just because you’ve never experienced it before doesn’t mean God isn’t going to start now.
It’s easy to be critical of others who live and breathe in the supernatural, but I believe you and I were all called to live in this higher place of understanding.
When God shows up in your business visions in a way you’ve never seen before, don’t be disturbed. Immediately thank God, journal about the experience, and wait for more!
We can’t think for a second that we’ve seen all we’re going to see of God in our lives. We can’t limit the way God can show up and breathe life into our businesses and ideas.
God won’t leave us second guessing whether He’s trying to send us a message. It will always be accompanied by assurance that will give us comfort.
God’s going to come close to us as we get closer to launching the business He created us for. We Godpreneurs shouldn’t be afraid. We should EXPECT it. After all, we are launching a business for God.

Overcoming Obstacles to Launching Your Idea
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