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Depression Holding Your Business Back? THIS ONE CONCEPT WILL HELP!

Writer's picture: Alex MirandaAlex Miranda

Updated: Dec 27, 2020

With all the uncertainty surrounding both our personal and professional lives due to the Coronavirus pandemic, it’s easy for our minds to get filled with worry, anxiety, and fear. When we fix our eyes on the negative circumstances, we fill our minds with despair that leads to depression.

But have you noticed that there’s a whole bunch of people out there that are actually excited about what’s going on with the quarantines? They lost their jobs too! They are in the same situation as all of us, however, they are joyful and hopeful throughout this season.

How come two people can be in the same exact situation, however, their OUTLOOK on life is completely different?

Because when we focus on God and His eternal plan, He swaps out our negative notions for His positive perspective.

During the pandemic, I lost my two biggest clients and had to pause two new businesses I was launching. This represented hundreds of thousands of dollars of lost revenue. And sure, I was worried. No doubt that stress and anxiety tried to creep its way into my mind. But I’ve been trained by the Word over all of these years that in the midst of my problems, I can’t allow my thoughts to become dirty.

And I know if my mind is dirty, all I can produce is mud.

We’ve all experienced an incredible change in how the world operates. Things will never be the same moving forward. Some of our businesses will fail and never re-open. Some of us will lose our clients forever. This pandemic could cause us entrepreneurs to sink into an uncomfortable, shaky, and dark place in our life.

But remember, sometimes God takes us to a place of solitude in order to sit us down to hear His voice! What if this was a time to press in to God and listen to His NEXT STEP for our businesses?

The Bible says

"Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings." (1 Peter 5:8‭-‬9 NIV)

If the enemy is allowed to fill the mind with depressing thoughts, then it will be too noisy to listen to anything God has to say.

You may be there today?

Today, don’t just read this devotional. Let it speak to you – and then speak it over your business! Let God guide you with His counsel (Psalms 73:24), and let God take over your mind to thinking about the glorious business He has waiting for you!

I wrote a blog called “Growing Through the Business Depression”. In it, I share that the way I made it out of my entrepreneurial depression was not only reading God’s word but starting my blog (Daily Godpreneur) to speak and teach the Word to others! I wrote blogs so that I could replace the enemy’s thoughts with God’s thoughts even more! The more I taught, the more I was speaking life into my mind and business.

You can also develop your joy and grow your faith in business again, even in the midst of a pandemic, by speaking life into your own business, and encouraging others along that way to do the same!

By verbalizing God’s promises over your business, you create room for Him to fill you with the purpose, calling and a joy that overcomes all types of depressing thoughts.

The point is that you have to position your mind towards God and His calling for your business amidst this pandemic the world is experiencing. A mindset on God will lift your perspective to see the business He has created you to start, re-start, or take to the next level!

There will be trouble and problems, no doubt about that. But you have the choice of looking at the problem and letting it affect you, or you having the power to help solve it! However, this can only happen if you don’t allow the problem to devour your mind. A devoured mind produces depression.

In this pandemic, your mindset and the words you speak are everything! Keep your mind positive, lips pure, and only speak God’s truth over your business’s future!

God wants to give your PEACE in exchange for that anxiety that is distracting you from the business He created you to focus on. God wants to take that heaviness you feel, and exchange it for His light load. He wants you to stand tall, firm in your faith, and ready to listen to His marching orders for your entrepreneurial future. He loves to see His children walking in upright obedience in His presence – free from depression.

Godpreneurs worldwide need to begin our journey towards our God-called businesses, especially NOW! We have to humbly come to God as our only source of joy in business – not money or clients or the size of our companies. If our source of joy only came from the act of walking out our calling, I believe we would all develop a deep joy that is eternal. The joy is what will guard us against the enemy that lurks around, ready to devour a mind not set on God!

We can’t be anxious about our business’s future. Instead, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present yourself to God and make your requests to REMOVE THE DEPRESSION to be known by God. (Philippians 4:6). Remember, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. (Matthew 7:7‭-‬8 NIV)

We all need to stop complaining about the economy and talking fearful thoughts with others. Let’s surround ourselves with a group of God-first entrepreneurs refusing to succumb to the circumstances and instead, are lifting up our arms in the battle towards our calling from God!

Let’s not be guided by our feelings, but instead by faith in knowing the direction God wants to take our businesses in these uncertain times. I’m praying for God to teach all Godpreneurs to acknowledge His ways and to guide us all with His counsel, leading our businesses to a glorious destiny!


Overcoming Depression in Entrepreneurship

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