Jealousy When Other Entrepreneurs Succeed
Updated: Jan 28, 2021
Do you get envious when you scroll through Instagram and see other friends that are entrepreneurs succeeding and seemingly doing amazing things?
I’ve always struggled with this because I partly do self promotion and partly do marketing of my company. I dance the line of boasting vs. blessings.
Have you been involved in conversations with other business owners and felt yourself swelling with either pride or envy?
There’s a difference between boasting about your successes, and being genuinely proud of your accomplishments.
One causes envy. The other causes people to look at God.
Where does being blessed end and boasting begin?
Gal. 5:26 says,
“Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.”
It seems many of us feel the need to validate ourselves through our businesses, yet this is the very thing we are instructed not to do.
When talking about our business to others, we might use these passages as a “motive check.”
Galatians 6:14 says,
“May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.”
Being blessed is the side I stay on and the side entrepreneurs should be on.
When showing a clients work, I’ll try not to say “Look at the work we did” but instead focus on the client and their amazing service or product. So the focus isn’t on me, its on my neighbor.
When I land a speaking gig or a bit contract or something amazing happens in my business, I try to call it a blessing so people know that it wasn’t all my doing that bright about the success. That takes the pride off of me and puts it on God.
Is God glorified when you speak about your business?