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God's Formula for Finding Your "Niche" and Making More Sales

Writer's picture: Alex MirandaAlex Miranda

Updated: Dec 24, 2020

When I started my blog, Daily Godpreneur, in 2014, I targeted Christian business owners. It has been a joy to create free content and offer free advice because God equipped me with the gift of teaching entrepreneurship through the Bible. My tribe has been growing every year.

When I started my branding agency in 2005, I served the nightclub industry. I was tremendously successful because I was the only guy blogging and creating free content for nightclub marketers to help them succeed in their jobs. I even got invited every year to speak at the Bar and Nightclub Convention in Las Vegas. (P.S. once I found Christ, I dropped the nightlife).

My point is that picking a niche to serve gave me purpose and direction, which gave me the energy to serve them, day in and day out.

Many of us are searching for the perfect niche to step into so we can feel this purpose and build a purpose-focused agency. We know that the riches are in the niches, and we want to experience the freedoms that come with having more cash flowing through us.

Some niches seem boring. Other niches seem out of reach. The niche we really want might seem too small to fathom how it could provide the income level we're seeking.

However, the trick isn't to focus on external circumstances like money or notoriety. We have to get a fresh vision and purpose for the niche we decide on. We must see this first niche (and every niche) as a marketplace to serve others.

Niching is not a place for you to get your emotional needs met - God is supposed to meet 100% of our emotional needs.

The Bible says

"You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh ; rather, serve one another humbly in love." (Galatians 5:13 NIV)

Instead of asking what niche "feels" good, God wants to focus on humbly serving others.

To fully embrace this "serving" mindset, you first have to decide on a niche that will show the best of you.

When deciding on a niche to serve, ask yourself, "where is a place that is filled with people that need me and need my gifts." When you are doing this, you allow for the Holy Spirit to speak into your heart. What's the first thought that comes to mind? Which one makes sense? Then step into that place, desiring to bring life and joy to prospects and clients!

When you obey the still small voice, you will have a true purpose that enables you to get the energy you need to serve freely.

My niche is helping Christian entrepreneurs (Godpreneurs) gain Biblical wisdom for running their businesses by the book. But it wasn't always like this. I was lost for many years, never picking a niche; however, I knew God wanted me to pour into other God-first entrepreneurs about the importance of finding your calling and branding your company around that. But it wasn't until I removed the emotion and focused on what "made sense" that I started to step into my niche.

We Godpreneurs must remember that there is no dream niche because God can always change a niche. Instead, the act of serving makes us feel like we're dreaming because it gives us purpose and contentment. When you're in your niche, even the most difficult level of serving (blogging and live speaking engagements) feels like a dream. We'll talk about that in a future blog post.

Now, let's begin to serve our niche so we can find our purpose.



  1. Where do you need to get a fresh vision for serving a niche to find personal contentment and purpose? By faith, begin to see your ability to change the world and leave a mark—one person at a time.

  2. Identify one or two clients or prospects in your business that brings you the most joy, regardless of the amount of money they pay. That's a clue of the niche you need to serve.


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