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How Music Saved my Business and Marriage

Writer's picture: Alex MirandaAlex Miranda

Updated: Dec 27, 2021

I used to work at Carnival Cruise Lines as a Personal Vacation Planner. That’s a fancy way of saying I was an in-house travel agent in a call center for Carnival. There were about 500 of us spread out over three floors in a corporate building.

Every Friday at 9 am we have a team meeting. Everyone needed to be off the phone and upstairs on the 3rd floor to hear from the big boss.

The fascinating part of this team was how it kicked off each Friday.

Suddenly, the speakers would start playing “Walking on Sunshine” by Katrina and the Waves. If you haven’t heard it, play it today on Spotify. It will cheer up even the Grinch! 😂 And when you listened to the song, that was your cue to stop everything you’re doing because the meeting would start by the songs ending.

How do you think the mood was by the time the meeting started? Yes, you guessed it. Pretty much all of us were walking on sunshine! It didn’t matter how your day, week, or month was going, when that song came on, all of a sudden, all your worries went away, and joy and happiness would flood in.

I didn’t fully understand why Bob (the head of the department) did this at the time. Now I do. He did it because it put us all in a state of praise and worship. You didn’t just walk to the meeting; you danced your way there. And he kicked off the meeting by praising people that did well in sales. Almost hypnotically, we’re all one big bunch of positive praising personal vacation planners! 🙌

Something is amazing what happens when we play praise and worship music. Like only a positive, uplifting song can do, the music changes our attitude. We all of a sudden are transported away from our problems.

Married entrepreneurs, I believe there’s something good to be learned here. What if we purpose to PRAISE God for things we’ve been going through? What if we sing songs of victory as if it’s already happened?!

This isn’t some theory of mine. The bible says

About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came loose. (Acts 16:25‭-‬26 NIV)

Here are two devout followers of Jesus put in jail for performing great works for God. If anyone needs a breakthrough or more like a BREAKOUT, it’s these great men of God. But instead of wallowing in their despair, they begin praying and singing. They praise God.

Their jail represents the trials and tribulations in business and marriage you face today.

Your situation is not hopeless.

I’ve developed a habit of turning on some good Christian lyric music in the morning. Like Walking on Sunshine did for me back in my Carnival days, some praise and worship music in the morning gets my heart and mind feeling good. Great music lifts my spirit and helps my mind BREAKTHROUGH to the positive place of expectancy.

Once our hearts and minds are praising and worshiping God, He begins to work immediately on our situation. He suddenly broke Paul and Silas out of their jail cells, and He wants to break us from our trials too suddenly!

If we want to see God make big changes in our business and marriage, let’s all begin to PRAISE Him! God will start to work on our behalf immediately.

Start now by creating a Spotify list of Christian worship songs that LIFT you up while lifting God up and praising Him.

Father, I’ve seen you move, you move the mountains! And I believe, I’ll see you do it again! 


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